Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 313 Obtaining and Dodging!

The spirit who accepted the entrustment was very serious and unsmiling.

At the beginning, Wu Xiaode felt that the other party was so serious at first, and the answer was slowly revealed when the other party was about to leave at the end when he was completely integrated into the Book of the Dead.

"Wu Xiaode, you already have two endings, enough to serve as a member of the World Annihilation Council, but are you really going to destroy the world?"

Ling asked.

"Of course not," Wu Xiaode immediately denied, "If you have watched my previous battles, you will understand that I was entrusted to save the Dongsheng Kingdom. Who knew that so many things would happen."

"They will come looking for you, you have to be careful." Ling warned.

"Are you talking about the other members of the World Extermination Council?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Of course, you killed a junior member of parliament. If there is no way to cover up this matter, you will have to face the entire World Annihilation Council," Ling said.

"Once you are convicted, you will be executed, and everything on you will be divided among them."

Wu Xiaode spread his hands and said: "But - it was Cile who wanted to kill me first!"

"Remember, if there is no evidence, even if you are strangled, no one will be able to convict you - other councilors will only think that strangling is a clever method." Spiritually said.

Wu Xiaode immediately understood.

In this sentence, it is also feasible to replace the protagonist with Wu Xiaode himself.

"Thank you for your news." Wu Xiaode said sincerely.

"Goodbye, I hope you can escape this disaster-in fact, in order to compete for the 'end', they will do everything they can."

"They couldn't find mine."

"hope so."

The next moment.

Ling left Wu Xiaode's body and returned to the spirit world.

Two angels fell from mid-air.

"Many spells of space teleportation and confinement have begun to appear outside, master." Angel No. 1 said.

"The moment the 'Doomsday Cage' is released, those spells will catch you and teleport you to a certain place, Master." The second angel said.

Wu Xiaode's expression moved slightly.

Ling had already reminded him just now that he was pregnant with two types of endings, and his strength was so weak, once he was caught by the World Extermination Council, he would be like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

"Is there no way to escape?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"It's completely surrounded, I can't escape, master." The second angel shook his head.

"Master must quickly find a way. We are just newborn magic beings, how can we avoid so many confinement and teleportation techniques." Angel No. 1 chirped.

"Okay." Wu Xiaode sighed.

In fact, since the battle with Ji Le just now, I discovered one thing.

The opponent cannot copy his death technique.

That is to say——

The only way I can avoid these pursuits is——


There was a soft sound.

The wild sword pierced into the chest.

The two angels looked at Wu Xiaode in a daze, not knowing why.

"Does the master not want us?"

Angel No. 1 asked in a crying voice.

"We don't want to marry other people, Master, what will we do if you leave!" The second angel was already crying.

Wu Xiaode said unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense, you are all born in the Book of the Dead, so you naturally know that my ability is of the death department."

The two angels really laughed.

Angel No. 1 winked and said, "Master, are we going to cancel the 'Doomsday Cage'?"

"Cancel it when we leave." Wu Xiaode said.

He felt that he was almost on the verge of dying, so he immediately activated "Tianzhi Minggui".

The next moment.

The world changes.

The scene of the capital of Dongsheng Kingdom gradually appeared in Wu Xiaode's sight.

But a man full of fierce aura was already waiting here.

Nanxuan Fist God!

He is the first member of the World Annihilation Council that Wu Xiaode came into contact with!

"I've been waiting for a long time, why are you looking for me?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"You are suspected of killing an official member of the World Extermination Council, and you can't escape, so let's capture it without a fight." Nanxuan Quan said.

Wu Xiaode spat out a mouthful of blood, laughed and said: "That can't be helped, I'm going to die."

The next moment.

He disappeared directly in front of Nanxuan Fist God, and appeared on a dark and rugged mountain road.

A line of small ice crystal characters jumped out of the Book of the Dead:

"You activated Ming Gui."

"Minggui: Switch to the form of 'Minggui' in the dying state, randomly summon a certain level of death world to replace the current world, and command the laws of the death world to deprive all vitality."

Wu Xiaode took a glance, and while looking around, he used bronze hands to stitch together the appearance of Ulysses.

He patted the bronze statue.

Ulysses came back to life immediately, his hands were full of holy lights, and he cried out in pain:

"It's dying again—it costs a piece of gold to cure it! Can you save some money, master."

A warm and soft light fell on Wu Xiaode's wound.

Wu Xiaode gradually got out of the dying state.

He stood up from the ground and looked around.

Under the dark sky, as far as the eye can see, there are rugged and steep black mountains.

On the ridges of the high mountains, the dead lined up one after another, with no end in sight.

— and don't know where they're going.

Wu Xiaode was not in the mood to care about the world of death, so he casually released countless bronze hands, splicing them into a bronze statue of a Cyclops, clapped them, and said in a low voice:


"Don't worry, master." The bronze giant hummed.

Seeing that Wu Xiaode's safety was guaranteed, the two angels glanced at each other, put away their giant swords, and flew back to the Book of the Dead.

They returned to the icon, posing together in a sweet pose, making a cute and pitiful look at Wu Xiaode.

"Master, I want to..."

"Yes, mighty and powerful master, can you give us that 'crushing hand', please."

The two angels said in unison.

Wu Xiaode got a headache from their quarrel, he opened his eyes and looked at the sighing wall.

I saw lines of small ice crystal characters quickly appearing:

"With the help of the spirit, you have subdued the 'crushing hand'."

"Now you have three options:"

"1. Use this terminal normally;"

"2. Put this end on the sigh wall and transform it into your style;"

"3. Feed the existing end with this end: the ordinary king, so that it can be further improved."

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

Option 1 is definitely not considered.

Now to choose 2 or 3.

In fact, during the battle just now, I discovered——

Ordinary heavenly kings are quite special endings, even Cile can't attack him.

However, it also has many limitations.

The "Doomsday Cage" that it finally appeared must take up to four minutes to obliterate the enemy.

The "banished immortal" can only allow the promoted power to exist for one second.

Do you hold two endings, or make one of them stronger?

Wu Xiaode hesitated.

He suddenly remembered one more thing.

Ci Le possesses the "crushing hand", but he can only act as a junior member of parliament, spending a huge price to grab his end.

in other words--

He is not strong enough.

Indeed, facing his "ordinary king", he was completely helpless.

That being the case...

Then continue to upgrade "Ordinary King".

This is the foundation for him to settle down in the World Annihilation Council!

Thinking of this, he smiled at the two angels on the sighing wall, and said:

"Okay, I'll eat it for you."

A line of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared:

"You chose 3, Book of the Dead does this immediately."

The two angels immediately burst into cheers and embraced each other.

On the dark wall, countless golden light spots gradually rushed to the icon, which made the entire icon emit a dazzling brilliant light.

The two female angels cheered for a while, then began to yawn and rub their eyes.

"Are you going to evolve?"

"See you later, master!"

After the two women finished speaking, they closed their eyes, embraced each other, and fell into a deep sleep.

The entire icon turned into a square that continuously radiated golden light.

Lines of small ice crystal characters began to emerge:

"You chose to use this 'end' to enhance the existing end: Ordinary Heavenly King."

"This promotion will last for twelve hours."

"During this time frame, you will not be able to use this 'end'."

"In addition, once you are caught by other existences with 'end', you are very likely to lose your 'end'."

"Please choose a safe place to spend this dangerous time."


Wu Xiaode thought for a while, drew out the Huangjian, and said in a low voice:

"Shall we go back for a while?"

A clear cry erupted from the Huangjian, as if agreeing with his words.

——Yes, at this moment, those people in the World Annihilation Council will definitely search for themselves frantically, in an attempt to obtain two "ends".

Then go back to the future!

Wu Xiaode drew out his wild sword and shouted in a low voice: "Let's go!"

Huang Jian immediately released a stream of light to envelop Wu Xiaode, leading him to disappear from the current position.


Same as last time.

Wu Xiaode appeared in the deepest part of the devil's underground palace.

——The secret path engraved with runes.

Wu Xiaode walked out of the secret passage slowly, but saw a person standing outside the exit of the secret passage.


Curiosity and fanaticism intertwined on his face.

"Can you really go back to the past era?"

he asks.

"Ah, yes, it's a pity that I can't take you there now-what time is it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"It's almost dawn, we still have two days and thirteen hours." Satan said.

The two walked up a steep staircase and opened a door at the end.

Outside is a busy street.

human world.

"Two days and thirteen hours later, the upper limit of the world's soul power will become 50 points, and all the gods on that island will appear and kill each of us," Satan said.

"Honestly speaking, isn't it a bit too sloppy for them to play like this?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Of course—but the battle is never fair—the world setting has become favorable to them, and we have no way to change it." Satan sighed.

Wu Xiaode patted his shoulder, lowered his voice and said:

"Listen, I just finished an experiment."


"Yes, I found a more foolish way."

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