Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 314 The link between the past and the future!

Wu Xiaode went through untold hardships and completed the 30th level of hidden trials before he obtained that crucial skill.

——Shadow follower.

It can bestow "Minggui" on followers.

The follower who can travel between life and death will become the "only person" and can truly escape from the shackles of the prison.

Then relying on the ability of "shake people across time and space" endowed by the law beast——

Wu Xiaode can move his companions to the last era!

This is how you can fight the gods after two days and thirteen hours.

Street coffee shop.

After listening to Wu Xiaode's plan, Satan put down his coffee cup, stared straight at him and said:

"So you are the one who awakened the ability to die."

"Yes, it's me." Wu Xiaode admitted.

Satan only pondered for two seconds, then calmed down, and said:

"Quite an interesting idea—but how many people can your 'shadow followers' bring back to the last era?"

Wu Xiaode was startled, then suddenly clapped his hands.


I now only have one shadow follower!

He looked at the Book of the Dead, and saw that the description of "Shadow Followers" had already appeared:

"Magic Fog Skill: Shadow Follower (Elementary)."

"In the silent fog, your power will be shared with your shadow followers, and every time you get a shadow follower, your silent fog will have an additional ability (current follower limit: 1)."

"—a hidden skill at the level of a death lord."

There are only two ways to improve this skill.

First, when you reach level 40 and go to the kingdom of death to complete the trial again, you will have corresponding skill rewards;

Second, pouring a lot of willingness into the wall of sighing can also evolve skills.

"It seems that we need to do a live broadcast, which will be faster."

Wu Xiaode said.

"Live broadcast?" Satan didn't understand.

"You like learning so much, haven't you studied live streaming?" Wu Xiaode said.

"Is it combat skills? Or buff skills?" Satan shrugged.

"It can help us - I think you'd better join our performing arts company." Wu Xiaode said.

Jingle Bell--

The phone rang suddenly.

Wu Xiaode picked it up and took a look, then quickly connected:

"Hello, Miss Lan?"

"……What did you say!"

He couldn't help standing up.

Seeing that he looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, Satan hurriedly stood up.

"Is there an enemy?" He asked awe-inspiringly.

Wu Xiaode didn't answer the conversation, but just looked at some pictures that appeared on the screen seriously.

"I'll be right there."

He hung up the phone in a hurry, snapped his fingers at Satan and said, "Go, the situation has changed."

The two walked out of the cafe.

"What change?" Satan asked.

"My sister... seems to have made a little technological innovation." Wu Xiaode said.

"Science and technology innovation? Give humans hundreds of years, and they will not be able to develop the technology to defeat those gods." Satan answered a little bored.

Wu Xiaode's expression was a little strange.

He shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's not as simple as you think, my sister Lan is not an ordinary scientist."

The two walked down the street in the direction of the Academy of Sciences.

At this time, there were still many pedestrians on the road, the shops on both sides of the street were open, cars were coming and going on the wide road, and the various signboards above the street were lit with colorful lights, creating a lively scene.

Wu Xiaode walked in front with his hands in his pockets; Satan took out his mobile phone and searched for the so-called "live broadcast", so he was a few steps behind him.

Everything was normal at first, and there were still some people dancing in the square in the open space on the side of the road.

The children chased and played with each other and laughed.

Wu Xiaode walked to the intersection, followed the direction he remembered, and took a step to the right——

He turned the corner.

For some reason, a chill rose from his spine, so that he immediately stopped vigilantly.

If everything is normal, you will see a more prosperous avenue when you turn the corner of the street. Because this road is close to the night market, the flow of people is greater, and there are vendors everywhere. It is also close to the residential area, so there are some people who come out for a walk.

A second ago, Wu Xiaode just saw a man and a woman leading a dog, talking and laughing, turning into this street corner.

There was also an old man who went in with him.

But when he turned around by himself, he found a narrow alley in front of him.

It was deep and dark inside, with no end in sight.


The endless stream of cars and crowds just now disappeared.

The dense stone bricks blocked the surrounding roads, so that the place was filled with indescribable silence.

Wu Xiaode waved his hand and gestured directly towards Satan.

Satan parked outside the corner.

He looked at Wu Xiaode with some doubts on his face.

——Just one step away, he followed Wu Xiaode into this dead and silent alley.

Wu Xiaode shook his head.

Satan stopped moving, and pulled out a long knife.

This street corner is a right angle, he can barely see Wu Xiaode from the position he is standing on, but he can't see what is on the street.

However, on the opposite avenue, there was an endless stream of cars driving into the street, and even more people coming and going walked in.

——Why didn't Wu Xiaode let himself in?

Satan thought for a moment, then stretched out the long knife to the corner of the street.

The sword reflects the street scene.

Bustling downtown.

"Don't look at your knife, look at my pupils." Wu Xiaode said without moving while looking ahead.

Satan glanced at his pupils.

——Wu Xiaode's pupils reflected a dark, deep, endless alley.

No one was there.

Satan was horrified.

"It's not right," he said immediately.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Our world now only has a 1-point upper limit of soul power, and the whole world is restricted to death by the three lawful beasts, gods, and prisons—who can make such a terrifying battle?"

Satan said solemnly.

Wu Xiaode's gaze became cold and full of killing intent.

"So... it might be my problem."

He whispered, suddenly remembered something, and glanced at his phone.

The phone has no signal.

——But fortunately, I stopped on the edge of this technique in time, and I was still able to communicate with Satan at this time.

"Satan, contact Xia Huilan right away, and tell me that I need that thing from her for support immediately." Wu Xiaode said without thinking.

Satan immediately called.

"Xia Huilan, I'm Satan. Xiao Wu needs something here... Yes, it's best to send it right away. I'll share the address with you."

He hung up the phone and called both the emperor and Zhao Zhibing.

During the whole process, Wu Xiaode stood in place without moving.

He looked at the Book of the Dead.

I saw lines of small ice crystal characters appearing on the page of the book:

"When you left the past era, you were hit by an unknown spell."

"When you leave the world of death, this technique can be activated again."

"However, after spanning two epochs, what changes will it produce?"

"—no one knows."

Wu Xiaode recalled it carefully.

If there was a chance for the World Exterminating Council to attack him, it would be the moment he just left the "Doomsday Cage" and appeared in the capital square of Dongsheng Kingdom, where he met the God of Nanxuan Fist head-on.

It was that moment.

What spell hit him, but he didn't know it.

——Unexpectedly, I was brought to the present era by myself!

In this era, everyone has only 1 point of soul power, even gods have only 1 point of soul power.

Unless I have a mental illness, I will take this technique head-on!

Several lines of big crimson characters suddenly jumped out of the Book of the Dead:

"Time disorder!"


"The time points of the two eras were connected by this technique, and time fell into chaos!"

"The current technique has been fully deployed!"

"You must enter this technique immediately, if you stay where you are, you will be torn apart by two forces of time and die!"

That's too late!

Wu Xiaode gritted his teeth and was about to move forward.

Suddenly there was a sound boom in the sky.

The next moment.

Summer Salamander flew down and threw a suitcase to him in the air.

Wu Xiaode caught it firmly.

Xia salamander landed on the ground, looked around vigilantly, and said sharply, "Where is the enemy?"

Wu Xiaode looked at her.

She was standing in the alley, but her whole body was translucent.

Satan was almost implicated just now.

——This technique hit me, if he had been by his side, maybe he would have come in.

At this moment, the technique has fully unfolded.

At this time, other than myself, no one else can enter this technique.

Wu Xiaode suddenly laughed.

"I don't have any enemies, I just want to use Sister Lan's research results to show off in front of others - you go tell Sister Lan, don't worry."

He glanced at Satan.

Satan curled his lips, and echoed, "Yes, I don't understand why you women are so sensitive."

Summer Salamander was confused.

"Huh? All right? Sister Lan thought it was such an urgent matter."

she muttered.

Wu Xiaode was already carrying his suitcase and was walking towards the alley.

"I'm going to see an old friend, be back soon."

He smiled and said something.

The next moment.

His figure passed straight through the summer salamander and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

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