Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 315: Killing field questioning! (Replenishment, please vote!)

"Based on the limit set by the world, your current soul power is: 2."

Wu Xiaode glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

The reason why it exceeds 1 point is because I have two points of eternal soul power.

— but I don’t know what this technique is.

He carried his suitcase and walked along the alley.

The whole world is silent.

Only a line of small ice crystal characters popped up from time to time on the Book of the Dead:

"Time disorder!"

Every few seconds, this line of small characters will pop up once.

after awhile.

The fine print disappeared.

A new line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"...preliminarily stable."

"Time has become two poles, namely the 'past era' and the 'present era'."

"Every minute that passes, the world jumps to one side or the other."

"Because you have traveled through two eras, only you know about this for the time being."

"All other existences have not passed through two eras, and they will never know about this unless they take action against you."

"The current world moment is: past era."

"time left:"


59 seconds left!

Wu Xiaode slowed down and continued walking.

The front suddenly opened up.

He found himself standing in a court-like place.

Surrounded by high walls, the walls are covered with densely packed windows, there are hundreds of them.

In every window, there is a vague figure sitting.

Straight ahead is a high platform.

On the high platform, floating a thick black book, its size is about the size of an adult.

Wu Xiaode squinted at the book, and two lines of small ice crystal characters appeared in the void:

"You saw the book: The Law of Destruction."

"This is a book of rules that governs all the rules and regulations of the Annihilation Council."

Books again.

Tiantiao is a book.

The Law of Destruction is also a book.

The two pages of the book of the dark seal drawn from the book of the dead are also quite useful.

Maybe something like a "book" has a different status in many worlds?

Wu Xiaode was daydreaming secretly, but he heard an old voice coming from inside a huge window pane on the wall directly above the high platform:

"Member of the World Annihilation Council: Wu Xiaode."

"Relying on the power of the book of the Law of Destruction, you are determined to have nowhere to escape, and you have been arrested and brought to justice."

"Would you plead guilty to the murder of Tile, a junior member of Parliament?"

Wu Xiaode glanced at the book floating in the air.

——It turned out that it was the power of this book that hit me!

It's really powerful, and it still works after two epochs.


How to deal with it?

He looked at the Book of the Dead floating in front of him again.

On the Book of the Undead, a small line of timing characters kept flashing:





Forty-nine seconds to go.

If I persist for forty-nine seconds——

"My lord, there is something wrong with your words, because the whole matter has a huge secret, and I think the information in it is worth letting your lords know."

Wu Xiaode said respectfully.

Suddenly, there was a burst of chattering voices all around.


"Cile is obviously dead, what else is there to hide?"

"Could it be a secret related to the world of heaven, earth and man? Interesting."

"I can't even believe it now. Ci Le will die in the hands of a newcomer. Is there any secret in it?"

"Let him talk."

"Let him talk."


"Say it!"

On the towering walls, the big figures in the various windows seemed to have reached an agreement, ordering in unison.

Wu Xiaode glanced at the Book of the Dead.

"Time remaining: 31 seconds."

In the huge window directly behind the interrogation platform, a huge black shadow made a deep voice:

"Say it."

Wu Xiaode bowed respectfully and said:

"In fact, I went to Dongsheng Country to seek revenge from those robots, and it has nothing to do with Lord Cile's itinerary."

"Who knew that as soon as I arrived in the capital, I saw Master Cile beating the City God."

23 seconds remaining.

— must be delayed until the end of a minute.

"The City God is a god in our world, responsible for managing the dead souls of Dongsheng Kingdom in the Nether World, but it is said to be the local leader."

"Master Cile, he has taken a fancy to a chick and wants to snatch her away and make her a slave."

"Chenghuang said no, because that chick is his godmother."

"Master Cile insists on that chick."

"The City God must not allow it."

"The two started fighting, and the fight made the sky dim, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the earth shook—"

Someone shouted on the wall: "Speak to the point! How did he die!"

Wu Xiaode said with a smile: "About how Lord Cile died, it is actually very clear."

"The City God used a particularly awesome trick to make people enshrine Lord Cile, which instantly turned Lord Cile into an evil god in this world."

"Master Cile is at a loss, he only cares about that little girl, who is also the godmother of the City God."

"I have to say that Lord Cile's taste is pretty good—"

"Get to the point!" Someone shouted again.

"Okay, let's talk about the main point. Master Cile was killed by Tiantiao because he didn't notice it for a while."

Wu Xiaode sighed and said:

"Because he became an evil god, he immediately triggered Tian Tiao, and couldn't hold on after a few consecutive blows. He was blasted until there was not even a scum left. I was there and saw with my own eyes that even his ashes were thrown away."

The audience was silent.

Suddenly someone said: "Fake."

"It must be fake." Someone answered.

"How is it possible? I also think it's fake."

"That's right."

"It must be fake."

On the fence, there was a lot of discussion from those windows.

The old voice sounded again:

"Needless to say, there is the Book of the Law of Extermination here, and it will check everything."

"If you tell half a lie, you die."



time up.

A new line of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"Every minute that passes, the world jumps to one side or the other."

"The current world time is: the current era."

"time left:"


Wu Xiaode stared closely at the huge book floating on the high platform.

In our era, the three gods and beasts, the gods, the prison, and the prisoners of the prison play games together, and the final world setting is:

"The current soul power of all existence is 1, and the upper limit of soul power will be 50 after seven days."

That is to say——

This book also only has 1 point of soul power.

Just 1 point of soul power, what else can it do to itself?

Wu Xiaode gripped the suitcase tightly.

On the fence, the shadows behind all the windows also held their breath.

Everyone is witnessing this moment.

——Is this kid lying!

Under the eyes of everyone, the black book was floating in the air, as if it was about to open——

But it closes again.

Wu Xiaode saw it clearly, he knew in his heart that it had no soul power, and he couldn't even turn it over.

Taking advantage of this moment, he said like a cannonball:

"Hey, when I saw Lord Cile being struck by lightning, I naturally planned to save him."

"Who knew that Master Cile was quite virtuous when he was about to die. He waved his hand at me and said that he ended up like this because he liked other people's godmother too much. All the blame is on his own, so I don't want to take revenge—"

"Book of the Law of Destruction, if what I say is wrong, hit me."

The black book only has 1 point of soul power, and the pages of the book can't be turned.

"I said it again, Lord Cile, you will die when you die, what about the 'end' on your body?"

"Master Cile said, I don't need to worry about this kind of thing, he has already arranged for a good friend, and the 'end' will go directly to that friend—"

"Book of the Law of Destruction, if what I say is wrong, hit me."

Black Book does not move.

"After speaking, Master Cile was about to die, but before he died, he said that he had sensed the birth of 'the end', so he came here in a hurry."

"I asked him, what about the 'end' that was born?"

"Master Cile sighed and said, the 'end' is in the hands of the City God, but it's a pity that the City God will go to the underworld as soon as he dies, and he can't be caught."

"Then Lord Cile died—"

"Book of the Law of Destruction, if what I say is wrong, hit me."

Black Book does not move.

Wu Xiaode shrugged, and said to the windows on the entire wall:

"The situation is like this, big brothers, you have also seen that everything I said is true, if there is any falsehood, let me be knocked to death here by the book of the law of destroying the world!"

The black book remained motionless.

--time up.

A few lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly flashed on the Book of the Dead:

"Every minute that passes, the world jumps to one side or the other."

"The current world moment is: past era."

"time left:"


The black book suddenly opened——

Wu Xiaode also roared loudly:

"I killed that city god! I sent him back to the underworld! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. If there is any mistake, you will hit me!"

Black Book froze.

At this time, many bigwigs felt that something was wrong.

The old voice sounded again: "Did the City God really kill him?"

A golden light emerged from the black book.

——This means that what Wu Xiaode said is true.

He really killed Chenghuang.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

It's not easy to handle this time, this kid not only did nothing wrong, but also made great contributions.

How can this kill him?

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