Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 372 Mistress

Skadi saluted and said respectfully:

"Mistress, is this the only sentence? Then I'll go."

"Wait a minute, how is Ariane doing now? He had a fight with Cai Jing, and my spies said that several big demons seemed to have died at his hands." The mistress said.

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, and said: "He has been hit by the double power of a monster, and now he can't change back into a human form for the time being, other than that, everything is fine."

Skadi immediately repeated it.

"Can't change back to human form for the time being? Hmph, Dao power is too complicated and can change endlessly. As long as it doesn't hurt the body, mere changes are not worth mentioning." The mistress said.

Completely correct!

This is a correct view, but this view is extremely beneficial to Wu Xiaode now.

A maid hurried over and whispered something in the ear of the mistress.

The mistress showed a clear look, looked at Skadi and said:

"In the human emperor's secret realm, the last human city has been defended, and the monsters have retreated. It seems that Ariane has indeed won a complete victory in this battle."

Wu Xiaode looked at her, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.


Human Sovereign's Secret Realm can allow so many people to enter, even people from the World Annihilation Council are allowed to enter.

I was a little slandering this at first.

Looking at it now, there is actually a reason for the Human Emperor and other spirits to do this.

These selected people have been exploring the Human Emperor's Secret Realm for a long time, and they think they can grasp all the information about the Human Emperor's Secret Realm.

Isn't this the information that the Human Sovereign let them know?

Until this critical moment, although the news in the secret realm was true, it happened to mislead them.

The result is--

Take the initiative by yourself.

This is the Emperor's intention!

He wanted to help him achieve something, so he hinted at himself like this!

Wu Xiaode suddenly felt that he understood Ren Huang's thoughts.

"Yes, Master Arian is resting, so he sent me back first to check the direction of the wind." Wu Xiaode said.

"Wind direction? Hmph, he has already grasped the end of the 'Infinite Soul', and now he has the 'Human Sovereign Dao Power' in his hand, what wind direction do we need?"

The mistress thought and thought, and suddenly said: "Forget it, you go and tell him, let him come back by himself, I will give him a chance - go!"

"Yes, mistress."

Skadi leaves the garden.

She passed through the gates, walked through the corridor again, and returned to the square outside the palace.

"What should we do now?"

She asked Wu Xiaode who was hiding in the dark.

Wu Xiaode thought for a while and said, "I'll take it instead."

Lester stood beside him, releasing a wave of space.

Skadi was covered by the spatial fluctuations and entangled in the silent magic mist, and suddenly disappeared from the sight of many guards in the square.

——Actually, she was still standing there.

Waited about seven or eight minutes.

"Lester, create another space fluctuation." Wu Xiaode said.


A burst of space distortion.

The silent magic fog dissipated, and Wu Xiaode appeared on the square in the form of a dark blood tiger.

The guards watched him from afar.

Several guards hesitated for a moment, stepped forward, and said, "Your Excellency, I want to check your identity now."

The Dark Blood Tiger stared at the guards.

When they were checking Skadi's identity just now, they yelled "garbage", and then Skadi yelled at him on the spot.

Skadi, as a senator's attendant, didn't check his identity card.

The dark blood tiger showed killing intent on his face.

——In Qincheng's underground library, he was so arrogant that he even said something like "my good-for-nothing brother".

The dark blood tiger let out a dull tiger roar:

"You dare to check my identity? Go to hell!"

Several guards were sent flying, and the people scattered into skeletons in mid-air.

Darkness, Nether Cave, Sealing Hand!

The other guards made loud noises and kept retreating.

A white-haired old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses appeared quietly, standing in front of the dark blood tiger, and said:

"This is Dao Power—it seems that you have gained something in the Emperor's Secret Realm, Ariane."

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I dare to come back." Wu Xiaode said lazily.

"After you lost to your younger brother, in order to survive in the family, didn't you already accept the task of going to Human Emperor's Secret Realm to kill that Wu Xiaode?" the white-haired old man said.

"Yes, I did intend to kill people at first." Wu Xiaode agreed.

"Mission completed?" the white-haired old man asked.

"What do you guess?" Wu Xiaode grinned.

The white-haired old man frowned.

The other party gained a very rare power, and his attitude became uncertain.

"Ariane, I watched you grow up, you have always been a very sensible child... after I taught you a lesson."

As the white-haired old man said, his figure jumped, and he flew towards him immediately.

In the mist, the two demon gods, ghost queen and bone dragon all made gestures ready to attack at any time.

Wu Xiaode shook his head slightly, signaling to everyone to be calm.

He himself took a step forward and bumped into the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man stepped aside Wu Xiaode, and threw a punch without looking back.

This punch was ordinary, without any strength blessing, but it was unexpected and blocked all of Wu Xiaode's escape routes.


This guy is useless in the end, it really is a temptation.

If he had used some kind of doomsday, advent, or dao power just now, he would appear a little guilty.

Wu Xiaode pressed his fist like an afterimage, and said:

"As far as you are concerned, being able to punch such a punch in your lifetime has reached the limit of your cognition."


The white-haired old man's fist burst into blood mist, he dodged to hide, but was chased by Wu Xiaode, kicked several times in a row, and flew tens of meters with one punch.

The white-haired old man rolled for a while, stood up, and looked at his bloody fist.

"The young master seems to have learned some clawing skills of a three-legged cat. It seems that I will use real kung fu in the next move." He said.

"Real kung fu? Old guy, when did you become so ignorant and arrogant?"

Wu Xiaode raised his hand.

The drooping eyes of the white-haired old man suddenly opened, revealing bursts of light.

——It was only at this moment that he realized that one of Wu Xiaode's hands was behind his back, and the other hand was wrapped in a bandage, with only one finger exposed.

a finger.

In the confrontation just now, he only used one finger in the whole process!

What kind of martial arts attainments is this!

But Arian was originally not good at martial arts fighting.

Human Sovereign True Martial...

Only this is possible.

"Hahaha," a melodious female voice sounded, "Okay, Rovsky, you are already old, go and serve the old Patriarch, lovely Ariane, come to me and tell me about the Emperor's Secret Realm thing."

The white-haired old man adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, and bowed gracefully in the direction of the palace:

"Yes, mistress."

He glanced at Wu Xiaode, his face suddenly became amiable, he squinted his eyes and said with a smile:

"Master Ariane, you can now carry the family's backbone, this old servant is very excited!"

Wu Xiaode grinned, but didn't speak.

——It’s better not to say more than to say more mistakes.

God knows if this old guy belongs to the head of the family, or Abner, or is on the side of the mistress.

The old man saluted him, and disappeared in a flash.

Wu Xiaode took a step forward, walked up the steps, and walked towards the garden in a familiar way.

As soon as I entered the garden, I saw the mistress.

But this time, she was no longer aloof, but turned around directly, looking at Wu Xiaode eagerly.

Her eyes are covered with a layer of veil, although she is beautiful, people can't see through her eyes; the outline of her face is a bit sharp, but it is decorated softly by the shiny jewelry and long wavy hair, so that people can't feel her beauty. edge.

She has a voluptuous and plump figure, wearing a luxurious long skirt with slits on the side, showing a section of black silk inside, but when you look into her eyes, you can feel the majesty of a superior person.

Wu Xiaode looked at her, feeling a little troubled.

——How did Ariane get along with her before?

In this private situation, how to address each other?

How to talk about things?

What is your speaking style like?

Who is used to gaining the upper hand and taking the initiative to speak?

Are you flattering her eagerly? Or keep your distance and be respectful?

In an instant, countless thoughts emerged in Wu Xiaode's mind.

The next moment.

He made a choice.


He pointed to the void between the two of them.

The mistress was startled, and looked in the direction he was pointing.

A bronze arm quietly appeared in the void, braving a gloomy flame.

The mistress's eyes jumped, and she strode up, gently stroking the bronze arm.

Her expression gradually softened, and she said softly:

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, wind, thunder, light, and dark sound—this is darkness, which represents death and the end."

Wu Xiaode heaved a sigh of relief.

This way of talking avoids the two people's usual way of getting along, so as not to make the other party feel awkward.

"That's right, I used it to defeat Caijing, won the trust of the Emperor, and obtained his inheritance."

Wu Xiaode said.

The mistress looked at him with complicated eyes, and said softly: "I told you to admit defeat and save your life, but you refused to listen, and insisted on going to the Human Emperor's Secret Realm to fight. I was restless and thought you were dead."

"It's very dangerous, but I came back alive." Wu Xiaode said.

"In this way, our plan has been further advanced. Although you did not defeat your brother, you have obtained the access authority to the Emperor's Secret Realm, which is the 'door' to other secret realms." The mistress said.


Wu Xiaode didn't know about it, and didn't answer the conversation, but just pretended to be listening, to show that he was waiting for the mistress's next words.

Be quiet.

The mistress gently stroked the bronze hand, silent for a few breaths, then stretched out her hand and grabbed something from the void.

"Go ahead, kill your younger brother and win the position of Patriarch—this is the last chance I can give you."

She handed that thing to Wu Xiaode.

——It was a translucent portrait made of glass.

When Wu Xiaode took over the glass figure, lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"You have obtained the Relic of Disguise: Diamond Tears."

"Using this item will turn you into some other being and directly replace his destiny, going where he should be."

The mistress suddenly came over and whispered in Wu Xiaode's ear:

"This thing has been set up to look like 'Wu Xiaode'. Abner is fighting with him, and the flow of time there is different from ours."

"Go ahead, pretend to be 'Wu Xiaode' and kill your brother."

"If you can really do it."

"I will support you as the new heir of the family, and in the not too distant future—"

She blew a mouthful of fragrant and warm breath into Wu Xiaode's ear.

"I'm yours too."

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