Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 373 Father

The secret fragrance floats in the ears.

Wu Xiaode looked at the translucent portrait in his hand, and knew that if the real Ariane was here, he should be able to make many kinds of reactions, and he should not reveal his secrets.

But what is the most appropriate response?

If you want to cover up everything and keep yourself from showing your feet, the most appropriate response is——

His hands tightened slightly.

Crush this portrait, activate the power of "Diamond Tears", and go directly to the arena to finish the life-and-death battle with Abner!

But a little unwilling.

After finally coming here, I only got the chance to pretend to be myself.

I need more information!

Thinking of this, he said:

"This time, it is not difficult to defeat Abner, but in the family..."

Sure enough, the mistress took up the conversation and continued:

"In the family, you don't have to worry about it. The last time your father wanted to kill you was exposed, and I have already ordered you to go into confinement."

"As for the Patriarch, he listens to me in these matters, so we are ready for everything."


Why did Arian's father want to kill him?

Wu Xiaode carefully smacked Arian's behavior style, simply snorted coldly, and turned around.

——It doesn't matter who you are, being targeted by your father and younger brother is always an unpleasant thing.

Seeing his appearance, the mistress giggled.

She plucked a gorgeous flower with her hand, sniffed it lightly, and said slowly:

"An incompetent son just took up so many resources—if you had died earlier and given everything to Abner, he might have grown up long ago."

"Your father always thought so."

"So it's understandable that he always wanted to kill you."

Wu Xiaode blurted out: "Let me see him."


The mistress frowned, and looked at Wu Xiaode with a suspicious expression.

Wu Xiaode was thinking about another thing at this time.

"Let me go, there are some things that should be settled." He said.

"For example?" the mistress asked tentatively.

"He doesn't care to see my brilliance, so don't let him see it. He should go to the netherworld to wait for Abner and witness Abner's death with his own eyes." Wu Xiaode said.

The mistress relaxed her brows, tilted her head slightly, and looked at Wu Xiaode with a new look.

" really grew up."

She put down the flowers and beckoned behind her.

A maid came quickly.

"Take Master Ariane to see his father."

"Yes, please follow me, young master." The maid saluted slightly.

Wu Xiaode followed the maid and walked towards the path behind the garden.

The mistress looked at his back and whispered:

"Your father's strength should not be underestimated. Since you want to kill him, you must be prepared to be killed by him."

Wu Xiaode paused for a moment and said without looking back: "I will prove your vision, not his."

There was a blush on the face of the mistress.

The struggle for power and power is so exciting and intoxicating. I only need to imagine the scene of father and son fighting each other, and my whole body is already trembling with excitement.

——This is the atmosphere of the big family!

"Go quickly, bring your father's head to me, and I will give you a reward." She gently covered her chest and said.

Wu Xiaode did not respond.

He disappeared along the path of blooming flowers with the maid.


The road comes to an end.

There is a quiet courtyard here.

The maid stopped in her tracks and said, "Master, as soon as you enter, I will use the authority of the mistress to completely seal this place with an enchantment."

"I will open the seal when there is only one person who holds the end in the yard."

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"No more." Wu Xiaode said.

"Please." The maid moved to the side of the road and bowed slightly to him.

The courtyard door opened.

Wu Xiaode walked into the courtyard, and the door closed silently behind him.


Surrounded by rockery, the stream is clear.

The water in the pool is full of lotus flowers, which are swaying in the wind.

A man in black full-body armor stood in front of the pool, silently watching the birds flying around on the rockery.

"How did you come?"

The man didn't look back and asked.

"To see you." Wu Xiaode said.

"You don't need to come and see me—since you have lost to your brother, you should serve him wholeheartedly, but now it seems that you haven't done it," the man said.

"I heard that when I lost to him last time, you wanted to kill me." Wu Xiaode said.

"That's right."

The man turned his head and glanced at Wu Xiaode.

——He was full of murderous intent, and his expression was full of the gloomy feeling brought about by non-stop scheming, he just glanced at Wu Xiaode and then looked away.

"I often think, if I killed you when you were a child, then the resources in my hands would not need to be divided into two, but all of them could be pooled and used by Abner."

"In that way, his talent is estimated to be revealed a few years earlier."

Wu Xiaode laughed and said, "Why didn't you kill me back then?"

The man sighed, and said sincerely: "This is my strategic mistake. I thought that both of you are talented enough to motivate each other, and eventually become members of the World Extinction Council."

"I'm already a member of parliament." Wu Xiaode said.

The man looked at him with a hint of sarcasm in his expression, and said softly:

"You rely on that woman to get to the position, you can't support such a position with your own strength, Ariane."

"Is that so?" Wu Xiaode answered.

"Of course, you lost to your younger brother in the duel, which is the best proof." The man said.

The killing intent on his body was so intense that he simply took out a string of skeleton necklaces from his arms and held them flat in front of him.

His hand slides over a skull on the necklace.

——This skull is so small and silent.

"I have had thirteen children, and the youngest is Asuo. When he was ten years old, I realized that his talent was really amazing. Unfortunately, he resented his family and longed for freedom. I could only let him die."

A small skull slipped from the palm of his hand.

"The oldest one is this—"

A red skull was displayed in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes.

"Amy, a very mischievous child. He has a talent for evil spells. Unfortunately, he was too deeply bewitched by evil spirits. I didn't teach him well. In short, he has no future, so I killed him."

The red skull slipped through his hand again.

"Eleven of them have been killed, and the dawn finally ushered in—"

The man gently hung the skull necklace on the rockery.

Eleven skulls, the wind passed through them, making a slight whimper.

A warm smile appeared on the man's face.

"...bringing up children is really hard work, but hard work means harvest."

"Finally I got a genius."

"He is your brother—Abner."

"Ariane, your disobedience to my brother will only tear my family apart. If you die, your brother will no longer have internal obstacles."

"So you can die in peace."

"This is your last beneficial contribution to the family. From now on, our family will become the strongest branch of the Entromo family."

After the man finished speaking, he slowly drew the long sword from his waist.

Wu Xiaode shook his head and said:

"Have you ever thought about why the mistress fell in love with me instead of Abner?"

The man snorted, and said with disdain: "It's not because of your sweet words—"

Wu Xiaode waved his hand to signal him not to continue: "Have you ever thought about why women don't have the desire for power? Maybe she has a better vision than you."

"Twenty years is enough for me to see all your talents clearly, Elian, you have no more potential." The man said.

"Really?" Wu Xiaode said.

The man suddenly disappeared from the spot.


With a soft sound, the skull necklace fell to the ground.

The sound of the wind became harsh.

There was a continuous sound of cutting in the courtyard.

for a moment.

The entire courtyard was razed to the ground.

Infinite blue sharp blades penetrated the entire void, cutting back and forth non-stop.

The man withdrew his sword, shook his head and said, "You have retreated, I have killed you twenty-one times just now."

Wu Xiaode's voice sounded from among the densely packed blue sharp blades:

"But... so what?"


Dark flames spread in all directions.

Wu Xiaode was suspended a few centimeters above the ground, behind him was a crown of black fire.

——The Dark Lord is coming!

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The opponent launched the end: absolute cutting."

"Its ability is to use the power of all techniques to disconnect all existence."

"Its power lies between laws."

"Your demon king is immune to all magical attacks under all laws."

"Halve the damage!"

A line of blood appeared on Wu Xiaode's body.

He looked down at the shallow wound on his chest, showing deep thought.

Even though he wears the general armor of suppressing demons, coupled with the power of the demon king's descending, the opponent can still hurt himself.

Terrible swordplay!


"Your strength...should not be this far." Wu Xiaode pondered.

"That's how my swordsmanship is. You've seen it for so many years, but you still don't understand a little bit?" the man said mockingly.

Wu Xiaode shook his head and said: "No, your moves are quite fierce, each sword is made through thousands of tempers, it does not match the 'Ending Moment' you are using now - where is your original Ending Moment?"

The man showed surprise for the first time.

"You can actually see it? Elian, you really have grown up, but it's too late to say anything—my strongest end is given to Abner, so that he can kill the newcomer Wu Xiaode and save him in one fell swoop." Parliament, make a great contribution to the sky."

He became excited, raised his sword again, and said in a low voice:

"As for me, I will kill you right here, and remove the last thorn for Abner."

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