Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 374 Fight!

"Descent? It's just a very rudimentary descent, and it can't stop me from shooting with all my strength."

The long sword straightened.

Jumping long and short lines gradually appeared on the sword body, making noisy noises.

This is the manifestation of the final "absolute cutting".

——It became stronger than before.

If this is the state, I am afraid that it will become unrealistic to block it.

The man said:

"This move will cut off your head."

He is ready to go, his condition has been adjusted to the best, and his murderous aura has completely disappeared into the long sword.

The light of the sword is cold.

"Wait a minute." Wu Xiaode waved his hand.

"You want to say your last words? No need, your skull will be reunited with your other brothers, and you will witness the glory of the family together as undead."

The man said in a cold voice, and rushed forward——

he came!

Wu Xiaode's eyes suddenly widened.

The opponent's level is much higher than his own, and he completely beats himself in terms of speed, strength and reaction.

Even if he has the true biography of the emperor, but the level is too low, many things cannot be used.

Can't be reckless!


Wu Xiaode's eyes fell to the ground, looking at the string of skulls.

There are two kinds of roots of dark power——

"See you" launched!

"Your eyes can penetrate all world barriers, take you there and see where all the ghosts belong."

In an instant, the long sword passed through Wu Xiaode's body.

However, he disappeared from where he was.

The world suddenly split into two.

One is the Yang world, and the other is the Netherworld.


Wu Xiaode landed gently, and found that there was an endless sea of ​​darkness all around.

In the void, one after another, the faces of teenagers quietly emerged.

One, two, three... eleven.

A total of eleven teenagers.

They looked at Wu Xiaode silently, their eyes were all blank.

Wu Xiaode stood in the sea water and waved his hand.

A majestic wall loomed behind him.

Another heavy force of the power of darkness was produced——


"With the 'Wish Wall' as a medium, you can gather the power of multiple undead, heroic spirits, and gods together, and turn it into your exclusive dark power for your use."

Wu Xiaode looked at the eleven children in front of him.

"Come on, tell us your wishes."

The children flew down on the wishing wall, put their hands on the wall, and said a word together.

The moment they say it, I hope that lines of small ice crystal characters will appear on the wall:

"It's a spirit filled with the power of extreme resentment."

"Once you promise them, you must fulfill their wishes, or you will be cursed by them."

Wu Xiaode looked at the eleven resentful spirits, and said softly, "I promise you."

In an instant, all eleven resentful spirits turned into skeletons and let out a mournful cry that shook the bottom of the sea.

They directly used their own hand bones to write a line of bloody small characters on the wish wall:

"All our power is given to you."

Below this line of fine print, the Book of the Dead reads again:

"With the 'multiple' powers, these powers have been transformed into your exclusive dark powers."

"This power is stored in the wall of sighs."

"You have collected two copies of Dao Power of this level. The former is the red-dressed skeleton of the Emperor's World, and the current one is the second."

"When you gather three copies of this level of power, your 'Sealing Hand' will usher in an upgrade."

——It turns out that the evolution of the power of darkness depends on the wishes of the wraiths!

Wu Xiaode came to a realization, his body flashed, and he left the nether world.

He reappeared in Yangshi——

Right across from the man with the sword.

"Dao Li?"

The man with the sword asked suspiciously.

"That's right, I went to the Nether World just now, guess what power I awakened?" Wu Xiaode grinned.

The man holding the sword felt the breath quietly, and suddenly put the long sword back into the sheath.

"Ariane, I didn't expect you to practice a kind of elementary descent, and also learned Taoism."

The killing intent on his body dissipated, and his tone became gentle and loving:

"Coupled with the end you already mastered, in this way, you are the only one in the entire entropy family who has mastered the three powers."

"You are enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with Abner."

Wu Xiaode looked at him quietly.

——What an incomprehensible family.

too twisted.

Eleven dark skulls suddenly appeared behind him.

"Give... him... to us..."

The skulls made timid boyish voices.

Of course, this scene comes from the voluntary wall, and only Wu Xiaode can see it if he has made an agreement with the resentful spirits.

"I felt from the very beginning that you overlooked one thing."

Wu Xiaode sighed and said in an indifferent tone.

"What? My dear child." The man looked at him with a smile.

"You have wasted too many resources on cultivating Abner. If all these resources were given to me, I would have raised the 'Arrival' to a higher level, and my Dao power has also advanced to a more profound level."

The man was stunned.

Wu Xiaode continued: "My 'end' has always been like this rubbish, isn't it because you gave the best to Abner?"

"That's because I misread you, and I didn't expect you to make it this far." The man explained.

"Yeah, it's your fault—"

Wu Xiaode's expression became more and more cold, he opened his fists on the spot and said:

"You made so many mistakes and delayed the time for our lineage to become stronger. Why do you still have the face to stand in front of me?"

The man opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

"Sinner of the family, you should apologise with death, and I will restore all glory on the corpses of you and Abner."

Wu Xiaode said.

The man was even more speechless.


Magic can be defeated.

You are twisted, I am twisted more than you.

So what are you going to do now?

Wu Xiaode looked at the other party, observing his every subtle expression, waiting for his decision.

One breath.

Two breaths.

The man suddenly drew his long sword again.

"This is my problem, so come on, if you can kill me, it will prove that I am indeed wrong, and everything I have is left to you."

"But if you lose—"

He said, "It's still your fault."

"Very good." Wu Xiaode said.

——Until this moment, the world is still quiet.

Those who hid in the dark and spied on this duel field where fathers and sons fought each other would not have expected what happened next.

Even the man with the sword thought that the two sides would experience a back and forth contest.

No one can predict what Wu Xiaode will do.

this kind of thing.

Only those who have fought him know.

The second hand jumps forward by one click.

The silence is broken—

Suddenly densely packed bone claws appeared in the void, and a gray flame emanated from each bone claw.

Bone Dragon!

At the same time, behind the man, slender and small bronze hands emerged, filling all his escape routes.

Ghost Queen Odvia!

Both shadow attendants borrowed Wu Xiaode's "Sealing Hand" to completely seal all his directions.


The whole world was shocked.

The man stood in the impenetrable attack and swung the long sword in his hand with all his strength.

The End·Absolute Cut!

With his swordsmanship attainments, he barely resisted the double Nether Cave-Sealing Hand.

However, Wu Xiaode started at this time.

Infinite bronze fists fell from the sky, hitting the man with various punches.


There was a sound of metal clashing.

The long sword in the man's hand was knocked out.

"Can you break my sword move?"

The man shuddered and roared in complete disbelief:

"What kind of punch is this? Who made such a brilliant punch?"

He only had time to say a word.

The fists hit him like a gust of wind and rain, knocking him into the air, chasing after him, punch after punch, until he was turned into a skeleton.

But the skeleton laughed out loud.

"The family no longer needs me, it was indeed my fault before."

"Erian, my last 'absolute cut' is for you!"

The long sword fell and stuck on the ground in front of Wu Xiaode.

"You think too much, I won't revitalize your family, I only do it for myself." Wu Xiaode said lightly.

"Blood does not lie! You are my child, whether you have killed the entire family or achieved some unprecedented feat, you represent our family!" the skeleton roared.

Wu Xiaode was too lazy to talk to him.

This is not a safe place, there is no need to tell him what your identity is.

"He's yours now," he said, turning his back.

Eleven black skeletons emerged from behind him, clustered around his ears, and said softly:

"Thank you, brother."

After saying this, they swarmed up and rushed towards the fallen skeleton.

The skeleton could see these wraiths now.

"Wait! You are—"

It cried out in horror.

The next moment.

The world of ghosts unfolds.

Eleven wraiths grabbed it and dragged it in.

Everything disappears.

Wu Xiaode stretched out his hand to hold the sword.

The Book of the Dead suddenly unfolded until it reached the last page.

"Brother Wu, you know that we are only one bite away before we can reach a new level."

"Brother Xiaowu is the best, he will definitely give it to us, right?"

The two angels showed sweet smiles and prayed in front of him.

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