Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 375: The End·Blood Curse

Wu Xiaode hesitated.

On the one hand, my own "ends" have already eaten more than thirty "ends", and I am only one step away from getting a qualitative improvement, so it is only natural for them to eat.

On the other hand, the battle of life and death is imminent, if they fall asleep, I will lose a reliable fighting power——

It's really confusing.

"Forget it," Wu Xiaode looked at the pleading faces of the two girls, thought about it, and said, "You guys take it and eat it, I will figure out a way when I have time."

The voice fell.

The two female angels raised their hands at the same time and cheered loudly:

"Brother Wu is the best!"

"No one will marry Brother Xiaowu in the future, so I will be the bride!"

"I'm coming too!"

Wu Xiaode's head was full of black lines, he didn't bother to talk to them, but threw the long sword directly into the Book of the Dead.

——From the side it looks like he put the sword in the storage space.

A line of small ice crystal characters suddenly jumped out:

"Your 'End' is devouring 'End Absolute Cut' and will fall into a deep sleep."

In the Book of the Dead, the two female angels yawned together.

"This time I promise... I will wake up after five minutes of sleep..."

After Angel No. 1 finished speaking, he fell back on the bed and lay down with his clothes on.

Angel No. 2 rubbed his eyes, stretched his waist and said:

"Me too, I must dream less this time, wake up earlier and help Brother Xiaowu fight..."

She was more particular than Angel No. 1, she began to take off her coat, and fell asleep under the blanket.

The Book of the Dead is closed.

Wu Xiaode stood on the spot and meditated silently.

My "end" has begun to evolve again, so the best strategy now is not to directly complete the life-and-death struggle with Abner.

Instead, it delays time and waits until one's "end" completes evolution.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard some small sounds.

The voice seemed to come from another world.

Wu Xiaode looked in a certain direction, and suddenly activated "See To", leaving the mortal world at once, and arriving in the nether world again.

But a skull suddenly appeared in the void, chewing a piece of hand bone in its mouth.

——This is one of the eleven wraiths just now.

It looked more gloomy, and occasionally even wisps of dark aura could be seen, with ready-made twilight constantly surrounding it.

"Brother, I'm here to tell you something." Wraith said.

"Please speak." Wu Xiaode said.

"There is a curse on my father, this is it, you look at it now, it will run away soon."

Wraith took out a dark purple bead and displayed it in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes.

The bead was constantly struggling in the hands of the wraith, as if it would fly away from it at any moment.

--What's this?

Wu Xiaode was startled, and looked at the Book of the Dead.

It's a pity that there are only four big characters "unknown item" on the book.

"Who knows what it does?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The two demon gods read together: "I haven't seen it before."

Ghost Queen Odvia said in a voice transmission in the void:

"I've seen something similar. This is a soul-cursed horcrux. It's very vicious, but I don't know the specific effect."

But Xiaogu said: "Is this important? It's not important."

"I feel that this matter is still very important——Xiaogu, can you find a way?" Wu Xiaode asked.

Xiaogu said in a helpless tone: "Then there's nothing I can do. I just accumulated a little strength recently, and I was going to evolve some attack skills, but now it seems that I have to upgrade the 'Frost Search' to a level."

next second.

Two lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"Your shadow follower: Bone Dragon has upgraded its skills."

"'Frost Search' has been upgraded to 'Bone Phone 1'."


"Xiaogu... what kind of skill is this?" Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

"Wait a minute." Xiaogu responded.

There was only an imperceptible "click" sound in the void.

Xiaogu muttered in frustration:

"I made a mistake. In fact, I should turn off the sound of the camera, otherwise it will be easy to be found out in the future when taking sneak shots--Okay, let this wraith go, and I will find out what this thing is."

Wu Xiaode: "..."

He said to Wraith, "Thank you, I already know about this."

The skeleton nodded at him, and was about to say something, but saw the dark purple bead break free from its grasp, plunge into the void, and disappear.

"Brother, be careful, it seems to have gone to the Yang world."

The skeleton grudge said.

"Well, I'm going back too, congratulations on getting your revenge." Wu Xiaode said.

"Brother, I'm actually feeling very uncomfortable right now. The feeling of revenge didn't make us relaxed, but instead made our strength even more weird and terrifying." The skeleton wraith said.

Wu Xiaode was startled.

This is not right.

If the resentment in Wraith Spirit's heart is resolved, he should be reincarnated.

"What the hell..." Wu Xiaode said softly.

Ten companions appeared behind Wraith Ling, looking at Wu Xiaode together.

Wraith opened his mouth and said:

"We are entangled with deeper resentment and unwillingness, and we are sinking into the abyss of death. Brother, if you can find the reason for everything, please come and save us."

It disappears after speaking.

Doubts abounded in Wu Xiaode's heart, he pondered for a long time before asking:

"Little bone, did you find anything?"

"Of course, I sent you the Book of the Dead, you can read it directly from the book!" Xiaogu's voice sounded.

The Book of the Dead opened a blank page, and saw a photo gradually emerge on it.

——It was the dark purple bead that was photographed by Xiao Gu just now.

Beside the photo, there are lines of small words exuding a cold atmosphere, which can be seen from Xiaogu's Frost Search:

"Illusion of the End: Curse of Bloodline Resonance."

"It comes from an extremely advanced end, controlling the will of those with a common bloodline in the form of a curse, making them gradually adopt a pre-set idea as their belief until death."

"This curse will continue to be passed down in a certain bloodline, and it will never end."

Even though Wu Xiaode was used to seeing all kinds of bizarre things, at this moment he also felt a chill rising from his feet and spreading down his back, making people shudder uncontrollably.

I never thought that the end could directly control people.

However, this kind of thing is an internal secret of the Entropy family, and the blood of Ariane probably doesn't know it at all.

They just made all sacrifices and contributions for the whole family in a daze.

——Still trying to become the strongest branch of the family.

Wu Xiaode sighed, canceled the "See you", and went back directly to Yangjian.

The entire courtyard is long gone.

The wind blows.

The blood-stained black armor was neatly stacked on the ground.

This is the battle armor of that man. He was manipulated all his life, and finally died in the hands of his "son".

The surrounding light and shadow barriers quietly disappeared.

Standing under the lush bamboo forest, the maid saluted Wu Xiaode and said:

"Master Ariane, the Patriarch is coming here, and the mistress has already stopped him."

"Please also immediately pretend to be Wu Xiaode and go to the world of 'Heaven, Earth and Man' to kill Master Abner. In this way, you will be the master of your lineage, and even the master can't do anything to you."

"Is this the opinion of the mistress?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes, you did a very good job, which proved your talent. That's why the mistress came forward to stop the Patriarch. Please cherish the time and finish the life-and-death battle as soon as possible."

The maid said respectfully.

Wu Xiaode pondered for a while.

That curse left the netherworld.

where did it go

Ariane seems to have only one bloodline left.

— Abner.

That's right, he's the only one left.

The curse should have gone to him.

Kill him, and the curse must be broken.

The one who released the curse must have noticed one thing——

After Abner's death, the curse cannot be transferred to "Erian".

The real Elian is dead, and he is not of their blood, so he cannot inherit the curse.

In this way, his identity will be revealed immediately.

That is to say——

Abner can't die just yet!

He must be like a meat shield, attracting everyone's attention, and even the curse should be firmly attached to him.

In this way, my identity will not be exposed!

Wu Xiaode lowered his head and continued to think.

If it is just to kill Abner and try his best, it is possible.

But if he was to survive—

At least wait until his "end" wakes up.


It's clear what to do next!

"Okay, I get it, Abner will definitely die, but I suddenly received a response from the Holy Spirit Human Emperor, and I have to go back to the Human Emperor's secret realm."

As Wu Xiaode said, he took out the Human Emperor's Token from his bosom.

The maid looked at him, then at the Emperor's Token in his hand, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

——The flow of time in Human Sovereign's Secret Realm is almost static compared to other worlds.

Ariane got the true biography of the Emperor.

So now the entire Human Emperor Secret Realm belongs to him, and it is absolutely understandable for him to go back to obtain stronger power.

"Master, please kill Abner, this is the request of the mistress."

said the maid.

Wu Xiaode grinned, and said: "Don't worry, I'll go see what the Emperor has to teach me—and then kill Abner."

He activated the Emperor's Token.


In a flash of void, he disappeared.

The maid stood there for a while.

Her expression remained respectful throughout, as if she was waiting for something.

not for a while.

The fragrance of flowers blows in the wind.

Along the long path, a slim and plump figure came gracefully.


"Well, he went to the Emperor's Secret Realm?"


"That's right. It's growing quite well. It's a mature fruit. I really love this feeling. I really want to take him down as soon as possible."

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded from the void:

"Joan, don't play too much. Be careful not to be eaten up by the young people today. I won't be soft when the time comes."

The mistress smiled and saluted towards the void: "Patriarch, don't worry, everything about him will be in my hands."

"The Emperor's Secret Realm and the truth are passed on to me, and the rest are yours."

"Yes, Patriarch."

The mistress named Joan responded tenderly, but there was a deep look in her eyes.

After a moment.

This deepness disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.


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