Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 387 The Revelation of the Goddess

Liara T. Suni is the daughter of an Asari matriarch and a doctor of history.

She just turned a hundred years old this year, and in terms of the super-long lifespan of the Asari, she was in her vigorous youth.

For a long time, Dr. Suni has been obsessed with the extinct Prothean civilization, researching it from various aspects such as its biological traits, historical legacy, evolutionary direction, and extinction reasons.

She had served on Shepard's Normandy for several years before that.

After defeating the renegade agent Saren, Shepard was attacked and killed by the Reapers, and it was she who gave Shepard's body to Cerberus.

Later, with the help of the revived Shepard, she became the leader of the shadow broker, the most powerful intelligence agency in the Galaxy Star Field, providing Shepard with information from all aspects.

Before coming to Mars, Cerberus had sent troops to destroy her intelligence base on the planet Hargraz.

This time at the Mars Archives, Cerberus was also competing with her for the information left by Prothean.

"I'm sorry for what happened on Earth. When I heard that Earth was invaded by the Reapers, I was so worried." Liara made no secret of her feelings.

She and Shepard are not ordinary teammates. The relationship between life and death and mutual support has allowed them to develop a love that transcends species.

"Yes, leaving at this time is a difficult decision." Shepard said softly.

"But why did you come here?" Liara asked.

"Admiral Hackett asked me to come, saying that you know what's going on." Shepard said.

"Hackett, that's true." Liara nodded.

"Thank goodness, finally someone can solve the mystery." Victor shook his head.

From the time they left the earth battlefield to the battle with Cerberus just now, most of them didn't know why they came here.

"Maybe, I found a weapon map set by Prothean, which is enough to destroy the Reapers." Liara replied.

"Here? On Mars?" Everyone present had seen the terror of the Reapers with their own eyes, and they were amazed that there were weapons capable of destroying the Reapers here.

Then Liara explained that by comparing and studying all the materials that could be found in the Milky Way Star Field, she finally determined that during the process of Prothean's demise, she placed the unfinished weapon design in several places, one of which was Mars Data Archives.

After Shepard returned to Earth for investigation about Cerberus, Admirals Hackett and Anderson gave her permission to access the information in the Mars Archives.

This made her a big discovery.

And Cerberus also saw the value of the weapon design drawings, and had already sent troops to capture here, trying to steal these materials.

"It's not too late, let's go to the archives immediately." Shepard learned that Cerberus had captured the core of the base, and immediately led the whole team to set off.

After a fierce battle, Shepard's team and Liara's team killed two heavily armed Cerberus teams, and rushed all the way to the archives at the core of the base.

At this point the power to the archive was turned off, and it was filled with the bodies of researchers.

Through monitoring, everyone found that after Cerberus arrived, he controlled the base with special equipment, directly drained the air in the base, paralyzed all the defense facilities inside, and the fighters quickly suffocated to death.

Then, an undercover female doctor dispatched by Cerberus in advance attacked and killed the staff, and stole relevant information with an encrypted universal tool.

And this female doctor is still in the base.

"It's Dr. Eve." Liara recognized the female doctor's identity: "So she is from Cerberus."

"Chase." Shepard gave an order, and the combat team immediately followed the monitoring to hunt down Dr. Eve.

Both Shepard and Ashley are the most elite fighters of the Star Alliance, and Liara is a powerful Asari supernatural being. It is not difficult to find someone with clues.

But the real problem is that they all underestimated the strength of Dr. Eve.

Although Dr. Eve is a good woman, she is not an ordinary woman. She has a very high combat quality and can shoot every shot. If the team didn't have energy shields, they might suffer heavy injuries.

Even so, after chasing them all the way, Eve still escaped to the top of the base.

At this time, the lightning storm was getting closer and closer, the wind was howling outside the base, and a large number of signals were interrupted.

Eve jumped straight onto a Cerberus transport ship.

"Bastard." Shepard was not in a hurry to catch up, and couldn't help but cursed.

Just as the Cerberus transport ship was about to leave, a space cannon shot down from the air, blasting the Cerberus transport ship to pieces.

"It's the Asari battleship." Liara instantly recognized that it was the Sercia Avalon 2 battleship, which was the strongest frigate in the Asari military.

Cerberus' transport ship was shattered, and all the personnel inside died, but Dr. Eve was not bloody like other soldiers, but shed human skin in the burning flames and turned into a metal robot.

"I see. No wonder Dr. Eve is so powerful. She is a robot." Ashley suddenly said.

"Bring the information and take her back." Shepard ordered immediately.

The Asari are allies of humans, and although Shepard is not sure why they are here, it will be very helpful for his next work.

Assembling the power of the Milky Way to fight against the Reapers, the Asari are an inescapable part.

The person who came was a matriarch of the capital of the Republic of Asari, Sessia.

In response to Shepard's questioning of her purpose for coming, the matriarch claims to have been inspired by the goddess Elsim...

"..." Shepard glanced at Liara and didn't ask any more questions.

Liara frowned, knowing that Shepard was not satisfied with the answer.

Because she didn't believe it herself.

Although she often said the goddess bless, perfect goddess and so on.

But she is still a scientist at heart. If she insists, she thinks that the only way to teach is more reliable.

But she also knew that there were many religious people in Circia, including the entire colonial area of ​​Asari, so she didn't ask.

Then, the Normandy and the Asari battleship shuttled to the Citadel through the mass repeater.

"Ashali will fully assist in the construction of the furnace, of course, besides Ashali, there are other races under my command as well." Watching the two warships leave, Elsim said to Du Chen beside him .

Elsim has been operating in the galaxy for tens of thousands of years, and besides the highest-developed Asari, there are naturally many other intelligent creatures under his command.

DU Chen nodded: "Very well, the faster the reaper loses, the more gods will see the powerlessness of the Galaxy God King."

The reincarnation of harvesting every 50,000 years makes it difficult for many gods to develop. No one has the ability to resist before, but once there is a spark, it will immediately present a prairie fire.

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