Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 388 Galaxy God King

The center of the Milky Way.

Surrounded by nebula, a boundless and vast continent stretches across space.

This world is not a planet, but a flat continent.

This continent is incredibly large, wider than many superstars and blue giants.

And in this continental world of T5 level, all citizens are worshiping a magnificent and vast figure.

These pious faces include all races in the Milky Way, including Asari, Turians, Earth humans and other famous races in the galaxy today, and even Leviathan, Prothean and other extinct races. racial creature.

But no matter what appearance or race, they are all singing melodious carols in the same language at this time.

The singing voice is vast, echoing in the air to form a rain of energy flowers visible to the naked eye, in various poses and with different expressions, surrounding the stalwart figure, it is even more sacred and immeasurable.

"As expected of the Milky Way Continent, the people here are enlightened." In a glorious shrine high in the sky of this continent, a main god looked at the scene below and said in admiration.

"Of course, this is the domain of the God King of the Galaxy." Another main god interjected, "It's their honor to live here, otherwise they would have been extinct long ago."

"This is also thanks to the kindness of the Galaxy God King."

"That is."

A sound of flattery echoed in the hall, blowing hype.

"Hmph, this is all in exchange for life, what kind of kindness is not kind." A cold snort suddenly sounded, especially piercing amidst the singing.

These words seemed to pour a basin of cold water on the flames, and everyone stopped their voices immediately.

"King Canglan God, what you said is wrong." A main god with a half-human and half-beast appearance said to the figure who just made a cold snort: "If it weren't for the blessing of the Galaxy God King, these ant-like creatures would have been killed by the Galaxy God King." Once the sun shines, it will vaporize, how can it be possible to live so comfortably in this rich world?"

"That is, although they have sacrificed part of their lives, they can live here so well that people from many planets can't ask for it." The main god of another energy body said.

"Hehe, if it wasn't for those scraps of iron that ruined their world, would it be necessary for them to sell their lives here?" Canglan God King sneered.

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding gods fell silent.

This galactic continent is the domain of the galactic god king, and it has gathered almost all the civilizations and technologies that have been born in the galactic star field.

Whether or not they became extinct in their original birthplace, they have been passed down here.

And all the races destroyed by the Reapers for tens of millions of years can also find survivors here.

However, because most of these life species are at a low level and cannot withstand the irradiation of the Milky Way sun, they seek the shelter of the ruler by sacrificing their lives.

Of course, with the level of technology here, it is completely possible to protect all creatures, but unfortunately, the ruler did not do so.

"Hahaha, Cang Lan, you seem to have a problem with the rules here."

At this time, a voice echoed out of thin air, and a group of divine lights as bright as the Milky Way Sun emerged from the center of the palace hall.

This divine light then evolved into an octopus-like god with countless tentacles of light.

It is the Galaxy God King body.

His main body image is the appearance of an octopus with a glowing body and countless tentacles.

However, as a god king, he can manifest his image in endless ways.

For example, in the eyes of the Asari, His image is that of an extremely beautiful Asari. In the eyes of the Krogan, He looks strong and brave, with a towering back.

In short, in the eyes of any creature, he is the most perfect image in his mind.

Only in the eyes of a god-level being can one see his true face.

Of course, if he didn't hide it.

"Opinions? This is your God's Domain, how can I have any opinions." The Canglan God King was not interested in saying anything.

Anyway, this kind of thing has been going on for tens of millions of years, so it's useless.

Seeing that the Canglan God King was not going to continue, the Galaxy God King snorted coldly in his heart, and said to the surrounding gods: "I have called everyone here today because I have an important matter to communicate with you."

"Now, my galaxy star field is prosperous and prosperous, especially the Milky Way Continent, where species are flourishing and technology is prosperous. This king feels that it is time for us to have more and more in-depth exchanges with other star fields."

As soon as the Galaxy God King finished speaking, the surroundings immediately started whispering.

At least all of them were at the main god level, not even a true god. Of course, no one could understand the meaning of the Galaxy God King.

As a god, to have more and deeper exchanges with other galaxies means to expand the authority outward.

Even the Canglan God King couldn't help but look over upon hearing this.

It seems that the Galaxy God King is no longer satisfied with being a God King in a star field...

"What the God King said is true, but the communication across star fields is usually in the form of racial civilization, but on our side..." a main god thought for a while and said.

Both the main god and the king of gods present knew very well that because of the existence of the reaper, the galaxy star field is now completely dominated by the family of the god king of the galaxy.

Even if the other god kings add up, they are not as strong as the Galaxy God King alone.

According to the default rules among the gods, if you want to expand your authority, you should use your subordinates to come over and have a touch.

The civilization forces cultivated on weekdays are the pawns and soldiers for the expansion of the gods.

However, because of the relationship of the Reapers, there is no strong race in the Milky Way Starfield.

Today's generation of civilized forces, such as Asari, human beings, etc., can't compare with the Proxian last time.

It is too difficult for them to expand outside the territory.

What's more, all the gods present knew that a new round of harvest had already begun.

Without them, who will communicate with foreign forces?

You can't let the reaper go, it's no different from starting a war.

"You don't have to worry about this. After so many years of exploration, this king has already thought up a perfect plan for everyone." The Galaxy God King said with a smile: "As long as you listen to me, we will win the Andromeda constellation together in a short time."


When the gods heard it, they even chose the target...

But what does "we are together" mean? You have harvested all the civilizations we created, okay?

Could it be that we, the gods, go together?

As if seeing what the gods were thinking, the Galaxy God King laughed loudly: "The Reaper is a wonderful thing. Although I created it, it also brought me a lot of ideas."

"Those ordinary organic creatures can be harvested, but what about non-organic creatures?" The Galaxy God King looked around: "You say, can the gods harvest?"

Harvest the gods?

The gods present looked at each other in dismay when they heard the words, they were startled, and then felt terrified.

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