Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 392 The New Maharaja

"Captain Vakarian? I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming..." Seeing this Turian with a sniper rifle, General Corinthus' expression suddenly became serious.

"Continue to work, General." Geras said lightly.

"Yes." General Corinthus saluted.

"Nice to meet you, I thought you would be in Palev." Shepard laughed.

"If we lose this satellite, it is basically equivalent to losing Paleven." Galas said: "Among us, I know the Reaper army best, so I am now... as an advisor."

"Everyone, this is Galas Vakarian. He once helped me stop the collectors, and he is a brave warrior." Shepard introduced to his team members.

Galas, who used to be a member of the Citadel's security department and later served on Shepard's Normandy, hates evil like a vengeful. Before Shepard died and was resurrected by Cerberus, he used the name of "Archangel" to fight for righteousness, killing all the gangsters in the Omega space station, and even dispatched hundreds of troops to encircle him alone.

But even so, Galas still broke through the siege, and finally managed to return to Normandy-2 and worked with Shepard to blow up the Alpha Repeater, delaying the Reaper's invasion for a year.

"I already understand the situation, we know what to do." Galas said.

At this time, General Corinthus suddenly said: "There is news from the Palevin Command that the next Maharaja is General Arian Viktors."

"Victors? I know the name." Liara said.

"Do you know him, Gareth?" Shepard asked.

"I was still fighting alongside him this morning." Galas was obviously very excited about this candidate: "He has been a soldier all his life, he has achieved brilliant results, and is very popular in the army. But the people in the command do not like him because he always Play out of the ordinary."

"Oh?" As a hero, Shepard was very interested in Galas's evaluation.

"During the uprising in Tetros, his team and the Turian separatists discovered a Salarian spy network at the same time. Instead of taking action, he retreated directly and abandoned several important strongholds, which were later captured by the rebels. .” Historian Liara obviously has some knowledge of the general’s deeds.

"Then, the rebels launched an attack on the Salarians. Taking advantage of both of them being injured, Viktors reaped the benefits without a single soldier." Gellas said.

"Hahaha, this is a bold move, but in the military, this kind of strategy is not appreciated." As a soldier, Shepard naturally knows the risks of this kind of action. Charges such as delaying a fighter plane.

"Majesty Viktors, it should be very interesting." Galas nodded.

"Perhaps we need to break through the routine to save the earth and Palevin." Shepard, Liara and others looked at each other, feeling that things seemed to have turned around.

"What he did at all costs reminded me of a human 'ghost'." Galas patted Shepard on the shoulder.

In order to prevent the attack of the Reapers, Shepard blew up their outpost Alpha Repeater before, but this action also led to the destruction of the home planet of the Batarians, causing countless Batarians to die.

Of course, even if you don't do this, once the Reapers emerge from the Alpha Repeater, the Batarians will be the first to be eliminated.

And at that time, a large number of Batarians will be educated and transformed, and become puppets of the Reapers, standing on the opposite side of the entire galaxy star field.

Whatever the reason, however, blowing up the Alpha Repeater still carried Shepard with enormous infamy and responsibility.

Immediately after he returned to Earth, he was placed under house arrest by the Human Star Federation, which was actually a form of protection for him.

"Okay, let's go to pick up Lord Viktors." Shepard didn't want to talk about this matter, and immediately greeted Galas and the team, ready to go to the target location.

At this time, Jack, the pilot of the Normandy, suddenly sent an urgent message.

"What's wrong? We're on the battlefield." Shepard responded.

"There seems to be something wrong with Normandy. She didn't respond. She turned off the system and activated the weapon, but I couldn't find the source." Jack said eagerly.

"Let the Normandy stand by, we may have to evacuate." Shepard said to the teammates beside him.

Without Normandy, they would be stranded on this moon.

"Shepard, let me go back and have a look." Liara suggested.

She is not only a historian, but also an engineer and a superhuman.

"Go." Shepard thought for a few seconds, and said to Galas, "You said you were still fighting alongside Viktor in the morning?"

"Yes, but we are separated, he went to support the left wing that was breached, it will be uncertain where he will be." Gelas replied.

"We're trying to contact him," General Corinthus interjected.

During the discussion, the sirens blared, and the Reaper's corpse puppet army came again like a tide.

"Ready to meet the enemy." General Corinthus shouted.

Everyone loaded their bullets and immediately took their positions. In an instant, the entire base was covered by a hail of bullets.


On the main star of Palevon.

The earth exploded, and blue fountains shot up into the sky like erupting volcanic magma, turning into giant blue snakes with their mouths wide open, frantically tearing the stardust all over the body of King Xingyao.

Each bite can tear off as much as a mountain.

"The blue divine power is really extraordinary." Xingyao God King groaned inwardly.

The situation changed as soon as the guy who claimed to be the Eternal God appeared just now.

Not only was the sealed Cang Lan released by him, but he also killed the two main gods he was carrying in a blink of an eye.

Although there are only two main gods, they will die when they die, but this also makes him face two obviously stronger god kings alone.

And now only Cang Lan's attack makes him almost powerless to fight back.

God King Xingyao waved his hand, and the sky was densely packed with stardust, spreading out like fog.

These stardusts were refined by him by obliterating thousands of young metal planets, and were assimilated by his star power. Once released during battle, it will cover the sky and shine brightly, even the light reflected by stardust can kill people.

Wherever the stardust passed, mountains and rivers were obliterated into pieces, and when the stardust collided with the blue divine light, countless sparks exploded.

The Canglan God King snorted coldly. Xingyao's strength is far inferior to him, but the opponent is supported by the God King of the Galaxy, with countless powerful artifacts in his hands, fighting with his life, he really can't take him down in a short time.

But just now Xingyao sealed him as an immortal enemy, and today even countless stars will kill or suppress him completely.

With a thought, the divine power was stimulated to the extreme.

The Canglan God King's stature skyrocketed, becoming indomitable.

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