The giant's feet are on the ground, his head is above the sky, his right hand is open, and a big blue sun is slowly turning in his palm.

The vast and simple sound of Lun roared, and half of Palavin was illuminated by blue light.

"Not good." King Xingyao retreated and was already thousands of miles away. If it weren't for the space being blocked now, he would have escaped from the Trebia galaxy.

But being thousands of miles away doesn't lessen the attack, not even weakening it.

The stardust all over the sky returned to the cage, turning into a circular star membrane to wrap around the body.

But he could see that these incomparably bright stardust were constantly being eroded by divine power under the shining of the blue sun, and the outermost stardust had turned into blue crystals.

Not only Xingyao God King, but all existences under the light of the blue sun are being attacked by divine power at this time.

This divine power can change the existence form of matter from the regular level. At this time, the clouds in the sky become blue cloud-like crystals, the stones on the ground become blue crystals, and the rivers become liquid blue crystals.

Small animals, including flowers and plants, have been permanently changed into biological forms and become blue crystal sculptures.

In other places in Palaven, the turians and reapers who were in the midst of the war were also irradiated by the light of the gods, and countless battleship armies and reapers were sluggish at the same time.

In just a few short breaths, the battlefield that had been full of artillery fire suddenly fell silent, and the picture seemed to be frozen, everything was covered with a blue outer film, standing still.

The blow of the God King turned the most powerful race in the Milky Way Star Region, the Turian mother star Pale Culture, into a death star. This is the main target of Cang Landa on the Xingyao God King...

Of course, for the powerhouse of the God King, destroying hundreds of stars in one battle is just a joke.

"Shepard, look..." On the Palevin satellite at this time, Galas pointed at Palevin with a shocked expression on his face.

"What's going on here?" Shepard and everyone else stared at the main star Palevin dumbfounded.

Just now, after a series of battles, they have found Lord Viktors who is commanding the breakout.

The general didn't know at this time that the successor in line before him was almost dead and injured, and he had been confirmed as the new maharajah.

When Shepard persuaded Lord Viktors to retreat to Normandy, they were horrified to find that Palevin turned blue.

Yes, it turned blue, as if it had been painted with blue paint.

But how is this possible?

Because the satellite and Palevin are very close, they can see the area with dense fire on the main star even with only eyes when standing on the satellite, and they can know which battlefield is the most intense.

But now, it's just a few blinks of an eye.

The surface of the entire planet turned blue, and there was no longer a trace of bright fire, and the picture seemed to be still.

"Is this a special method of the Reapers?" Maharaja Viktors murmured, "If they can do this kind of attack, then there will be no more suspense in this war."

"Majesty." Shepard said sternly: "Whether it is the reaper or not, the fall of Palevin is inevitable now, and the top priority is to hold a war summit. Only by gathering everyone's strength can it be possible to deal with the reaper." , it is possible to help you regain Paleven."

"Maybe..." Stimulated by Palevin in front of him, Maharaja Viktors, who was still hesitating to fight immediately, also made up his mind at this time.

What is happening on Paleven now cannot be done by the Turians, only the Reapers can do it.

Although the original war was brutal, but now the silence of the cold blue is even more shocking. There is no doubt that a single-handed defeat is inevitable, and only by holding a war summit and gathering everyone can there be a possibility of victory.

Moreover, in this case, if they wanted to take back Palevin, Turians would also need the help of other military forces.

"Negotiating on behalf of the Turian Empire..." The Maharaja thought for a few seconds, and said to Shepard: "I have been a soldier all my life, I am not a diplomat, and I hate diplomacy, but as a Maharaja, it is time to take responsibility. "

"Trust me, we will win." Shepard looked at the Maharaja firmly and said.

When the Normandy left the Palevin satellite, the war of gods on the main star finally came to an end.

"Uh..." Xingyao Shenwang's divine body has collapsed in half, and the body composed of countless rules is incomplete. The gaps and cracks are surrounded by blue light, which prevents the operation of rules and the self-healing of the body.

"Xingyao, you and I have no enmity, it's just that you are willing to be Yinhe's lackey and want to harm me, so no wonder I'm rude." The Canglan God King looked coldly.

"Canglan, I admit that this time I fell, but I am a god king after all, so you don't have to kill them all. Why don't you let me go, and I will give you all the treasures I have accumulated in this life in exchange for my life. The Xingyao God King looked at the Canglan God King and said, "This contains an invitation letter from the Council of the Heavens. I don't think you will reject this treasure."

Originally, the Canglan God King had an expression on his face, but when he heard the words of the invitation letter from the All Heavens Council, his eyes flickered a few times.

DU dust stood by, and did not make any interference.

Now that he has traveled through several universes, he is no longer a frog in a well when he was in the Pokémon world, and he knows more clearly about the Council of Heavens.

Like he was only the main god at the beginning, and he joined the All Heavens Council when he had two planets. The fundamental reason is that he was a member of the system faction of Emperor Nao Dong, so he had this opportunity.

Ordinary main gods, such as Elsim, don't even know the existence of the Council of Heavens.

Among the many main gods he met in the Milky Way Starfield this time, only Urgas is a member of the Council of the Heavens, and it was because of a great opportunity he had before.

It is precisely because he joined the Council of the Heavens that he was able to cross planes with the personality of the main god, open up hell in the world of Ashan, and have the thought of rebelling against the God King of the Galaxy.

Ordinary main gods and even god kings are not eligible to directly enter the council of heavens.

But anyone who knows the existence of the All-Heaven Council has sharpened their heads and wants to enter, especially the star field ruled by a dictator like the Galaxy God King. It is the best choice for the Heaven Council to infiltrate into other planes.

But the Canglan God King just paused for two seconds, and then shot, a blue light completely shattered the Xingyao God King.

He has an aloof personality and strong strength. He rose from a small ordinary creature, broke through the confinement abruptly in the 50,000-year reincarnation, and grew into a god-king-level powerhouse, which attracted the attention of the entire galaxy star field.

The most important thing for him to reach the peak all the way is that without the benevolence of a woman, he will kill any enemy who dares to stop him.

The throne of God is almost as long as the heavens and the earth, and the invitation letter of the All Heavens Council can be obtained from other places, but the sooner the enemy is eliminated, the better.

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