The arrow shot out and pierced directly into Devourer's body. The injured beast let out a loud cry and immediately stood up, slamming its claw heavily onto the wooden house. The house, repeatedly struck, couldn't bear the weight and broke open, leaving a large hole.

A massive head emerged from the hole, its body not fully inside yet, when another arrow swiftly shot out.

Following that, a loud shout, and a person wielding a sword charged forward.


Ye Fei casually discarded the broken crossbow and didn't even bother to see if the second arrow hit its mark. He directly raised his sword and charged forward.

With a powerful and heavy strike, he chopped down on the enemy's head. Ye Fei felt as if he had struck a large steel ingot, the recoil causing his hands to go numb, almost losing his grip on the longsword.

"Damn, it's so damn tough."


A loud noise rang in his ears, and Ye Fei felt a gust of wind coming from the side. He quickly dodged, but was still a step too slow, getting grazed by the Void Tiger's claw and being sent flying.



"Fortunately, my agility has improved. If that claw had hit solidly, I would've been waiting for death." Ye Fei endured the pain and quickly got up, looking towards the opponent.

Devourer was roaring madly, with more than half of an arrow shaft embedded in its back, another arrow deeply lodged in its left eye, and a blood mark carved into its forehead, slowly oozing blood.

The pain made it furious, and it swung its claws wildly, attacking everything around it.

"Roar... Roar..."

"Damn, if both arrows had hit its eyes, it would've been blind."

Taking advantage of the moment when Devourer went crazy, Ye Fei quickly drank a bottle of healing potion and then slowly backed out of the wooden house.

The house was too small, making it impossible to hide. Plus, Wang Qing was in the small room inside. If he was discovered, he would undoubtedly die. Since the wall had already been broken, Ye Fei didn't need to directly confront the Void Tiger inside.

As Ye Fei held the light stone and exited the wooden house, the rampaging Devourer gradually calmed down. Its entire black body slowly lowered, its mouth making a rumbling sound, and then it gathered strength and charged towards Ye Fei who was running outside.

In its eyes, there was only Ye Fei. It wanted to tear apart this human who had caused it pain, devour him, and complete its own evolution.

Ye Fei felt the change behind him, a chilling killing intent approaching him. Then, a black figure rushed towards him at extreme speed.

"Damn, don't I get any chance?"

Ye Fei cursed and glanced at the Void Crossbow not far away.

When he had just left the wooden house, he suddenly thought that he could use the Void Crossbow to try and shoot down the black tiger. Although it was difficult to hit the Devourer in the void, the bastard in front of him was now in his own territory, so he should be able to hit him.

He had wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect the black tiger to chase after him so quickly.

"The territory is still too small, there's no room to maneuver at all," Ye Fei thought.

"Hey, big monster, come and eat me. I'm fat, ugly, and a big black monster. Hey..."

At this moment, a shout came from behind the man and the beast.

When Devourer appeared, Ye Fei had already made Wang Qing hide in the small room behind him. He knew that Wang Qing would be doomed if he was touched, and Wang Qing didn't have any skills. As long as Wang Qing could hide well, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Wang Qing had been cowering in the room since the beginning, trembling at the sound of the roars. He couldn't imagine how terrifying the monster outside was.

Not long after, he heard the sound of the wooden house breaking, followed by the sound of his Overlord being slammed against the wall, the wall in front of him.

That impact made the wooden house shake violently. It was hard to imagine how many blows his big brother had endured, how many injuries he had suffered.

Thinking of this, he stood up. He wanted to go out and help his big brother, to kill the monster with that killing intent.

"I can't hide here. My big brother can't have any problems. He can't die. We still have to eat roast chicken together. He can't die~ He can't die~"

Wang Qing muttered softly.

As he stood up, ready to go out and fight the monster, Wang Qing suddenly heard the monster outside leave.

"Is my big brother dead? Did the monster eat him? No, no..."

With these thoughts, Wang Qing quickly opened the door and rushed out. He couldn't believe that his big brother would be eaten by a monster.

When Wang Qing opened the door, he saw a chaotic wooden house. There was a large hole in the outer wall of the house, and blood stained the wooden wall next to him, which was shocking. However, he didn't find the body of his big brother.

"I knew my big brother would be fine. I knew it."

Since Wang Qing didn't find the monster or his big brother, he cautiously walked outside. After taking a few steps, he saw his good big brother running not far away, with a black monster swinging its huge claws behind him, about to catch up to him.

Wang Qing anxiously shouted out.

"Hey! Big monster, come eat me! I'm fat, ugly, and a big black monster. Hey..."

The running Devourer was attracted by the sudden shout, hesitated for a moment, and then noticed an irrelevant target behind it. It quickly pounced towards the target in front of it.

However, Ye Fei seized that moment and dodged the fatal attack, swiftly reaching the Void Crossbow.

He aimed the Void Crossbow behind him, facing the target that was flying towards him, and he didn't need to aim anymore.

"You bastard, die for me~"


A black figure flew out and crashed heavily into the wooden house, completely shattering it. The figure was pinned to the ground by the wreckage of the house.

Wang Qing saw that the black monster had already pounced on Ye Fei, and he was about to despair. But suddenly, the black monster flew backwards and came straight towards him. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been killed by the impact.

Looking at the shattered wooden house and the monster pinned to the ground, Wang Qing was momentarily stunned.

"Cough~ cough..."

Ye Fei coughed up some blood and quickly drank the last bottle of healing potion. Although he had shot the Void Crossbow first and hit the opponent, he still got hit by the claw at the last moment.

"Fortunately, I have this armor, otherwise I would have been torn apart by those sharp claws." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled.

The armor successfully blocked the slashing claws, and he only endured the impact of the tremendous force, without being cut to pieces.

"I made it through. I need to go and see if that guy is really dead."

Ye Fei held his sword and limped towards the Devourer pinned to the ground.

"Big brother, are you okay?" Seeing Ye Fei approaching, Wang Qing immediately snapped out of his daze and hurriedly asked.

"Just a minor issue. Help me up and let's go see that guy."

Ye Fei and Wang Qing walked over and looked at the Devourer pinned to the ground. It was still alive, writhing its limbs and emitting low growls from its mouth.

Ye Fei directly approached the still-living Devourer, raised his sword, and ruthlessly stabbed it in the neck, repeatedly thrusting.

"You destroyed my barrier, destroyed my wooden house, and still wanted to destroy me, die..."

Ye Fei vented his anger fiercely, until the target under his feet completely stopped moving.

"Finally dead. I almost didn't make it." Ye Fei's legs went weak, and he sat down on the ground.

Wang Qing quickly came over to help Ye Fei up.

"Don't, don't move. Let me sit for a while."

"You hold the light stone and clean up the wreckage of the wooden house. See if there's anything useful left, pick them out and organize them."

Ye Fei interrupted Wang Qing's support and asked him to clean up the ruins of the wooden house, hoping to salvage some losses.

Ye Fei's heart was bleeding, even more than his own injuries. He had lost all the Origin Points he had worked hard to accumulate, his new wooden house was gone, and at least half of the supplies inside were probably unusable, completely smashed.

Most importantly, the territory barrier was completely shattered, and he didn't know if it could be restored. If not, he would be in big trouble.


Ye Fei looked up and silently stared at the pitch-black sky of his territory...

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