Ye Fei silently watched the shattered sky of his territory, contemplating the future of his domain. At this moment, the body of the Devourer lying beside him began to undergo changes, rapidly decomposing and shrinking.


Ye Fei, who had snapped out of his thoughts, watched as the Devourer's body rapidly shrank and instinctively took two steps back.

"What's going on?"

Before he could understand what was happening, the Devourer's body had completely dissipated in the blink of an eye. The Void Crossbow, which had lost its target, also began to slowly retract, accompanied by a rumbling sound coming from the territory.

Upon hearing the commotion in his territory, Ye Fei quickly opened the territory panel to see what changes had occurred.

[Overlord: Ye Fei]

[Level: Rank One Perfection]

[Territory: (Absolute Beginning) Rank One, 549 square meters]

[Population Information: 2 people]

[Special Building: Spirit Spring: Rank One, Perfect Grade]

[Origin Points: 1]

[Note: 1. The current territory condenses 1 Origin Point per day. 2. Clan bonus: The effects generated by shared information accumulate continuously.]

[Talent: None]

"The territory area has increased by 150 square meters, and the Origin Points have also increased by 1." Ye Fei pondered as he looked at the increased data.

"The increase of 1 Origin Point is likely due to the clan bonus, but what about the increase in territory area?"

Ye Fei looked at the disappeared Devourer's body and felt that it must be related to this. After all, besides the vanished body, he hadn't done anything to the territory, so the territory area wouldn't increase for no reason.

"Huh? What's that?"

Ye Fei suddenly noticed a circular stone near the spot where the Devourer's body had disappeared. He hadn't noticed it earlier because its color wasn't prominent.

Ye Fei walked over and picked up the stone. It was the size of a marble and had no special color, but it was somewhat transparent.

[Essence of the Source: Rank One, Perfect Grade. Note: A unique product found inside void creatures, it is a crystallized core formed after devouring life and plundering source power. It is also their powerful source, with a wide range of uses.]

"If I kill this thing, will it drop any equipment? I thought I would come back empty-handed, but it turns out there are pleasant surprises."

First, the territory expanded by 150 square meters, and now he had obtained a seemingly powerful Essence of the Source. Ye Fei's mood improved a lot.

However, he didn't have time to study the uses of the Essence of the Source now. He had been seriously injured in the previous battle, and although he had promptly consumed a recovery potion to prevent his injuries from worsening, he hadn't fully recovered.

He turned to look at the busy Wang Qing, slowly walked to the side of the Spirit Spring, sat down on the ground, took a sip of the Spirit Spring water, and felt drowsy. He called out to Wang Qing, telling him to tidy up and rest. Without waiting for Wang Qing's reply, the exhausted Ye Fei fell into a deep sleep.

He didn't know how long had passed when Ye Fei felt like he had had a long dream. In the dream, he was invincible, capturing stars and moons. Just as he was about to display his might, he suddenly felt himself falling rapidly. After a tremor, Ye Fei opened his eyes and realized that he had been dreaming.

"This dream is a good omen, not bad."

Stretching lazily, Ye Fei stood up and looked at his territory.

Daylight had arrived, and the familiar small wooden house in his territory had disappeared. Various supplies were neatly arranged where the wooden house used to be.

It wasn't the mess he had imagined; Ye Fei knew it was Wang Qing's doing.

"This little brother of mine, he really puts my mind at ease." Ye Fei looked at Wang Qing, who was diligently fishing, and felt extremely satisfied.

"Big brother, you're awake? How are your injuries? Are you feeling better?" Wang Qing hurriedly greeted Ye Fei as he approached.

"Much better now. I told you to rest, but you didn't listen and finished everything." Ye Fei said.

"Big brother, I can only do these tasks. I can't help with anything else. Besides, I'm not tired. I've already rested and tidied everything up. I've even collected the damaged items to use for fishing. It's not a waste. Big brother said we should be frugal." Wang Qing explained to Ye Fei.

"You've worked hard. You've done a great job. If it weren't for your help, I might not have made it. Take these five Body Tempering Pills. Take them gradually during your rest time. They can enhance your strength. Also, take this archery skill book. After learning it, you can fight alongside me."

"But your top priority is still fishing. Don't rush with the combat training. Take your time when you have the chance."

Ye Fei gave Wang Qing the Body Tempering Pills, the archery skill book, and the bow he obtained earlier.

Upon hearing this, Wang Qing's eyes welled up with tears. He wanted to fight alongside his big brother and no longer wanted to hide in the background like a coward. "Alright, big brother. I won't let you down. I will fish seriously, and I'll study and train at night."

Ye Fei encouraged Wang Qing a few more words before going to the side of the Spirit Spring to contemplate yesterday's gains.

"The essence of the source has a wide range of uses. What exactly can it do?"

Ye Fei took out the essence and noticed a slight reaction from the Spirit Spring nearby.

"Could it be possible to upgrade a Special Building like the Spirit Spring?" Ye Fei couldn't help but wonder.

He knew that the Spirit Spring could be upgraded with Origin Points. Unfortunately, his Spirit Spring was already Rank One Perfect Grade. To upgrade to Rank Two, he would need 100 Origin Points, which he currently didn't have. Even if he did, he didn't want to use them to upgrade the Spirit Spring, as there were too many other places that required Origin Points.

"If the Spirit Spring can be upgraded, what else can it do? Upgrading the Spirit Spring alone seems a bit pointless for now. The current Spirit Spring is sufficient for his use."

Ye Fei thought about it and tried to see the value of the essence by recycling it in the mall.

"100 Origin Points? Is it that expensive? Knowing the mall's style, this essence could be worth 200 Origin Points."

Canceling the recycling, Ye Fei carefully examined the essence in front of him and tried to communicate with Little Black to see the effect.

In the consciousness space, Little Black showed some reaction after Ye Fei's guidance.

"There's a reaction, but what should I do? Should I just eat it directly?"

Ye Fei wondered if he had to eat it to digest it, but he was afraid of eating himself to death.

Suddenly, in the consciousness space, Little Black stood up and raised its head. The essence in Ye Fei's hand turned into a stream of light and entered his head directly.

"What the f*ck." Ye Fei quickly touched his head as he watched the essence enter his brain.

"What the hell is happening?" Ye Fei quickly checked Little Black in the consciousness space and found that it had swallowed the essence.

"Can it be done like this?" Ye Fei felt his knowledge increase again.

After swallowing the essence, Little Black curled up and stopped moving. Ye Fei knew that it was digesting the essence, so he stopped paying attention and let it digest slowly.

Ye Fei checked his Origin Points and saw that they had increased from 1 to 12. The clan's fortune was still strong, and the territory area had increased to 557. This series of positive changes boosted Ye Fei's confidence, and he emerged from the gloom of yesterday's attack.

He took out the Spirit Field card he obtained yesterday and chose to use it in a position near the Spirit Spring. Three Rank One Superior Spirit Field cards could be converted into a Rank One Superior Spirit Field of 300 square meters. If it weren't for Ye Fei's rapidly expanding territory, he wouldn't have been able to use all three Spirit Field cards.

The Spirit Field of 300 square meters slowly appeared as the Spirit Field cards dissipated. The Spirit Field emitted a faint spiritual energy, complementing the nearby Spirit Spring. The Spirit Gathering Grass beside it was also covered by the Spirit Field, making it grow even more vigorously.

Ye Fei looked at the newly appeared Spirit Field and spent two Origin Points in the mall to buy two farmers. He planned to let the two new farmers take care of planting in the Spirit Field and use the Void Crossbow to capture the land, reducing Wang Qing's burden. The two newcomers could also take turns using the luminous stones for illumination while fishing at night, so they wouldn't have to worry about accidents in the dark.

"It's a pity that I can't see outside the territory at night. Otherwise, the Void Crossbow could be used continuously." Ye Fei thought to himself, feeling a bit regretful that he couldn't maximize efficiency.

He brought the two newcomers from beside the Void Gate to the edge of the Spirit Field and handed them the seeds he had prepared earlier.

The two newcomers were named Liu Ming and Li Lei.

"Wang Qing, come over here. Let me introduce you to the new recruits."

Ye Fei called Wang Qing, who was focused on fishing, over.

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