Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, while the Origin Points are consumed rapidly, the Heart of the Earth is also rapidly promoted.

After consuming five million Origin Points, Earth Heart was promoted to Rank Five Perfect Grade. The originally large Earth Crystal grew several times in size and gently floated in front of Ye Fei.

At the moment when the promotion was completed, a powerful law of the earth spurted out from the heart of the earth.

"What a pure and powerful law of the earth!"

Ye Fei didn't have much understanding of the laws of the earth. The laws of the earth gushed out from the heart of the earth brought him a new understanding, and his perception and imprint of the laws of the earth were also rapidly improving.

Ye Fei fell into the state of enlightenment. Little Black in the consciousness space was also immersed in the understanding of the laws of the earth. People who practiced and related to the laws of the earth in the Absolute Beginning territory also felt this opportunity and seized the opportunity to enter the state of enlightenment. .

The heart of the earth is continuously releasing the laws of the earth. Ye Fei, who is standing nearest, has completely forgotten about the others who have fallen into a deep state of enlightenment.

Time passed and night fell, Ye Fei was still immersed in enlightenment. Feng Ling returned to the Overlord Mansion and found Ye Fei in enlightenment.

Without disturbing Ye Fei, Fengling informed Zhou Heng and other Absolute Beginning executives about Ye Fei's current status and then continued to do her own thing. She is now Rank Five Late Stage, and her alchemy level has also been upgraded to Rank Five. , there are many things to deal with every day.

"It's not easy to follow your footsteps!"

Looking at Ye Fei who was immersed in practice, Fengling also started her own practice.

Time passed day by day, and soon June passed and July came, and the day came to July 10th.

Twenty days have passed, and Ye Fei has never been in seclusion for such a long time before.

If he hadn't been in the Overlord Mansion and Fengling could see that Ye Fei was practicing without any problems, Zhou Heng and others in the territory would have started to worry about whether there was something wrong with their Overlord.

The entire Absolute Beginning territory continued to develop rapidly during these twenty days.

The previously detected Void Overlord had been eliminated by the forbidden army led by Chen Tianyi. The whole process did not encounter many obstacles. Chen Tianyi, who had perfect Rank Five, could kill the opponent by himself, not to mention that he also brought a hundred forbidden troops.

According to the previously established target plan, various projects in the Absolute Beginning territory are under construction at a rapid pace.

At this time, in the Government Affairs Council, Li Lei was reporting to Zhou Heng on the construction of the new city.

"Head of the Academy, the construction of the new city on the East China Sea side has been completed. The expansion projects of Absolute Beginning City and Lingwu City and the construction of the new city in the south of the Harvest Plain have begun. It is expected that the expansion projects of the two cities will be completed within half a month. Construction can be completed within a month.”

Absolute Beginning City was already a large city with a population of more than 300,000. After several rounds of expansion, it soon reached saturation and needed further expansion. The same is true for Lingwu City.

Although the population of Lingwu City is not as large as that of Absolute Beginning City, it still has a population of nearly 200,000 and needs a new round of expansion.

Because there is no need for combat power and you only need to learn some basic earth magic skills to find a job. Engineering mages can earn a lot of money every month. The team of engineering mages of the Ministry of Industry led by Li Lei has developed rapidly, and the construction capabilities of the Ministry of Engineering are also constantly improving. .

"Minister Li, the Donghai New City Construction Department planned by Overlord before has been completed well. However, although the city is built, it does not mean that it is over. The construction of the new city will not be considered complete until the subsequent residents have moved in and the city is operating normally."

"Recently, 50,000 people have moved into the new city, and the following people are still moving in. I need our Ministry of Industry to send some people to keep an eye on it. If there are any problems in the new city, they can be solved quickly."

Li Lei naturally understands the question raised by Zhou Heng.

"Don't worry, head of the hospital. I have sent an engineering team from the Ministry of Industry to the new city. Any construction problems in the new city can be solved at any time."

"That's good!"

"As for the expansion projects of Absolute Beginning and Lingwu, it will all be implemented according to the plan we worked out together before. I am very confident in Minister Li's ability, and the same goes for the construction of the new city south of the Harvest Plain."

"After Lord Overlord went into seclusion, the territory expanded faster. I believe it won't be long before new cities will need to be built. The Ministry of Industry must be prepared."

Everyone can feel the rapid expansion of the territory, and Zhou Heng, as the head of the Government Affairs Council, feels it the most. The larger the territory, the more difficult it is to manage and plan various affairs, and his tasks are becoming more and more heavy.

"Don't worry, Chief, the engineering mages from the Ministry of Industry will never let Lord Overlord down. We are getting more and more experienced in the construction of new cities. The construction speed will be faster and faster and will not hinder the territory. "

Li Lei, who is already a Rank Five engineering mage, is already familiar with various engineering constructions. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Industry have added that he now has more than ten Rank Five engineering mage, and his construction ability is extremely strong, which is also the source of his confidence.

"Ah That's good!"

"This is the territory's road traffic construction plan planned by the Government Administration Council. Take a look at what needs to be optimized. The territory has become larger, and road traffic has become more important. In addition to the roads built before, more roads need to be added to maintain various types of territory. Movement of personnel and supplies.”

Ye Fei attaches great importance to roads and has done a good job in road construction in Absolute Beginning from the beginning. This is also a traditional project in Absolute Beginning now.

"Let me take a look, there should be no problem. If there are any changes needed when I go back, I will contact you directly."

Li Lei took over the plan and talked while looking at it.

"Yes, there are also this new rural construction plan and the construction plans of ten towns. You can take them back and study them. The construction and upgrading plans of these villages and towns will also begin."

"Okay, I understand!"

Li Lei left with several sets of plans, and Zhou Heng continued to start other work.

As soon as Li Lei left, Xie Yao from the Household Department walked into his office.

In Endless Void, the fleet of the Silent Kingdom led by Tukaring completed a jump and emerged from the space rift.

"Adjutant, how far are we from our target?"

As soon as he completed the jump, Tukaring couldn't wait to ask. This voyage was actually not long, but his thirst for the Innate Spirit Root made him feel like his days were like years.

"Your Majesty Commander, we are close to the target and we expect to arrive at the target within five days."

"Very good, let the other Rank Four battleships expand their search range nearby to capture valuable targets to replenish energy. The battle will begin soon and we need sufficient energy."

"Yes, Commander!"

Two days later…

"Your Excellency Commander, our search and exploration system has captured traces of the target!"

The adjutant rushed to Tukaring to report the latest news.

"Very good, transmit it here!"

After waiting for two days, Tukaring suddenly regained his energy and looked at the detected intelligence attentively.

A huge black shadow appeared in front of Tukaring's eyes, and he looked at the adjutant next to him in confusion.

"what happened?"

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