The adjutant quickly explained: "Your Excellency, Commander, the opponent's concealment methods are very high. The reconnaissance and exploration equipment on our flagship can only detect the opponent's position and general outline, but cannot detect the specific situation!"

"However, judging from its appearance, it is much larger than the information sent back before. It does not look like the Void Territory that has just been promoted to Rank Five."

Tukaling could see what the adjutant said at a glance. As long as he was not blind, he could estimate the area of ​​such a large shadow. The key was that he needed the other party's exact information rather than the dark outline in front of him.

"Can't even the reconnaissance equipment on the Soul-Swallowing Ship penetrate the opponent's shield?"

The Soul-Swallowing Ship is the battleship at Tukaring's feet, and it is also his own flagship. It has very powerful functions and is only one step away from the Rank Six battleship.

"Sorry, Commander, we cannot penetrate each other's concealment barrier."

The adjutant's words made Tukaling feel that this opponent was more difficult to deal with than he had previously expected.

Looking at the huge shadow, Tukaring did not order to advance rashly, but selected a few Rank Four battleships to attack.

"Let a few Rank Four battleships go explore the opponent's background first, and then we'll discuss the specific situation, right?"

Before meeting the opponent, Tukaling thought that this task would be easy to grasp and would not be difficult at all. However, just by confronting the opponent, he was given a powerful blow that forced him to pay attention.

The fleet that was originally advancing at a high speed slowed down, and three Rank Four warships sailed out of the fleet and flew towards the Absolute Beginning territory.

On the other side, in the Absolute Beginning territory, Zhou Heng, who had just finished handling the affairs of the household department, was preparing to take a break before handling the issues submitted by Xiao Anzhi from the logistics department regarding the planning and use of the territory's Spirit Spring.

"Xiao Anzhi has made rapid progress recently, and his efficiency in handling problems is getting faster and faster."

Zhou Heng was just thinking when the phone beside him suddenly rang.

"Wang Zhan?"

"What's the emergency?"

Zhou Heng basically does not participate in military affairs in peacetime, and each unit handles its own problems.

As soon as Zhou Heng answered the call, he received surprising news.

"Head of the Zhou Academy, the sentry sent news that an unidentified warship is heading towards the territory. It is most likely a warship of the Void Necrons. Please be prepared to deal with it."

"The battleship of the Void Necrons?"

"okay, I get it!"

Zhou Heng had personally experienced the battle with the Void Necromancer before. He had personally experienced the combat power of the Void Necromancer and knew that it was difficult to deal with them.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Heng immediately activated the emergency plan.

In the Yulin Army barracks, Wang Zhan rushed to the Overlord Mansion with several other army commanders after reporting to Zhou Heng.

Arriving at the Overlord Mansion, everyone discovered that Ye Fei had not finished her retreat.

"Minister Feng, there is an invasion of foreign enemies in the territory. Do you know when Overlord will end his training?"

Everyone in the territory knows the relationship between Fengling and Ye Fei, so Wang Zhan and others respect Fengling.

"I don't know if he will be able to finish his training at that time. How strong is the enemy this time? If he is not strong, there is no need to disturb his training." Fengling replied.

Wang Zhan and others discovered the enemy through visual inspection without any investigative methods. Previously, Ye Fei and Little Black did the territory detection personally, and only they could mobilize the Territory Talent.

"The specific strength is unclear, but if it is confirmed to be the Void Necrons, it will be difficult to handle. The opponent is most likely the reinforcements brought by the Void Necrons that Lord Overlord destroyed before. The strength of the Void Necrons cannot be underestimated."

"The other party dares to come. He must be strong!"

Wang Zhan's analysis was affirmed by several other generals.

Qi Chuan said: "It is very possible that the opponent's warship is flying directly towards us. The purpose is very clear, and the identity is basically confirmed to be the Void Necromancer."

Based on the appearance of the battleship, the identity of the enemy has been basically determined, but it is impossible to make a conclusion without a formal battle. This is also the characteristic of Wang Zhan's cautious character, so Qi Chuan directly affirmed that the opponent is the Void Undead.

"Fellow generals, Lord Overlord naturally understands the situation in the territory. If he needs to take action, he will naturally take action. Now that we have not left the border, we need you to deal with the next enemy."

"The enemy has not yet arrived and his strength is unknown, so he is urged to finish his training and come out to fight. I don't think Lord Overlord will be happy with it, and all the generals will be disgraced, right?"

"I think all the troops are now ready to face the enemy. Let's look at the other side's strength and strength before talking about it, right?"

Ye Fei showed no signs of coming out of seclusion, so Fengling had no choice but to temporarily let Wang Zhan and the others prepare for the enemy. As for waking Ye Fei, it was not necessary at the moment.

"Understood, let's go back and prepare now!"

Wang Zhan and others also had this idea in mind, but after all, they were only commanders of their respective troops. They were not qualified to order other troops how to act, nor could they make decisions on how to fight without authorization. They came to the Overlord Mansion to get authorization.

As Ye Fei's woman, Fengling's status also gave her the qualifications to make suggestions, so Wang Zhan and others followed the trend and began to prepare for the battle.

Three days later, the Void Necron warship met the Absolute Beginning territory. Rank Four's Void Necron warship took the lead in launching an attack. The warship sent out an attack light wave that focused on the Absolute Beginning territory barrier.

With the arrival of the attack, the attack wave was easily blocked by the Absolute Beginning defensive barrier, but a gap was opened in the hidden barrier, and part of the situation in the Absolute Beginning territory was captured by the Void Necrons.


Qichuan ordered an attack, and dozens of Rank Five rune cannons launched an attack. The three Rank Four Void Necron warships approaching the Absolute Beginning territory did not last long before they were blasted to pieces by the powerful firepower.

The wreckage of the spaceship was automatically captured by Void Crossbow and returned to the territory to be devoured. The remaining spoils were recovered by the Ling Yulin army, and the three void undead warships were wiped out without making any waves.

However, neither Wang Zhan nor Qi Chuan and others relaxed. Before the three Void Necromancer warships met Absolute Beginning, they also discovered the huge fleet following behind.

"The three pathfinders have been dealt with, how will the void undead react?"

"Looking at the size of the opponent, there should be more than forty Rank Four battleships and three Rank Five battleships, especially the middle one. It should be the opponent's flagship. It is much larger than the Rank Five battleship we destroyed before. , it should be very strong!”

Wang Zhan returned to the territory to discuss with Qichuan and others.

"The size of the fleet is not small, but it can be dealt with. The opponent only has three Rank Five battleships, and there are probably not many Rank Five strong ones. It is not difficult to destroy them. The key depends on whether the opponent is willing to attack."

"If the opponent refuses to get closer, fighting in the Endless Void will not be good for us."

"The Thunder Army, plus the two new Star Glory-class warships, only has four warships. They are incomparable to the opponent, so they can only defend and counterattack."

"Well, we can't fight in the Endless Void, otherwise our losses will be too great."

Wang Zhan and others discussed it and found out that they were not afraid of the Void Necrons at all. The power of Absolute Beginning was enough to destroy the opponent, but once the opponent couldn't shrink back, they would feel uncomfortable.

"The key depends on what those Void Necrons will do next?"

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