Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 271 The Trend Of Rat Human Race


"By the way, one more thing. All Overlords who join the Blue Star Alliance to cooperate can use the trial tower on Xuanying Peak. They can use their Origin Points to activate the trial tower for trials."

"You should also take some time to lead your subordinates to complete a trial. It will be of great benefit to your strength."

Ye Fei moved one of the trial towers of the Mysterious Heaven Sect back to the territory, and he left the remaining one at Xuanying Peak, preparing to open it to the Overlords of the Blue Star Alliance. It can also be regarded as a benefit of joining the Blue Star Alliance.

"Trial Tower?"

"You will know when you go there. Things at Camp No. 1 are very important, and your personal strength is equally important. You must pay attention to the fact that the development of the territory cannot be relaxed."

After the instructions, Ye Fei left. He still had a lot of things to deal with now.

The news of the opening of the integrated troops and the trial tower spread quickly. Most people in the integrated troops were a little bit reluctant. After all, these subordinates were the foundation for their livelihood, and they felt a little uneasy when they were all taking orders from others.

However, as Ye Fei thought, reality did not allow small groups to move. After several small groups were severely damaged by the rat Human Race, everyone became active in the United Legion.

The opening of the trial tower made the Blue Star Overlords even more happy. Those with sufficient Origin Points led their subordinates to conduct trials one after another. Those with few Origin Points had to complete the trial themselves first, and everyone's strength was improved.

Ye Fei had already arrived at Zu Peak. As soon as he arrived, he first handed over the High Level law crystals he collected to Qingyun.

"I didn't expect that your strength would improve so quickly. It's really surprising. In such a short period of time, you could rival Rank Six Enlightenment Realm. It's unbelievable."

Looking at the young man in front of her, Qingyun was surprised by Ye Fei's improvement in strength. Even when the Qingchuan world was at its most glorious, she had never heard of anyone who could break through from Rank Three to Rank Five in less than a year, and with great combat power. Comparable to Rank Six.

"The strength of your consciousness is rare among Rank Six. Void Overlord cannot be treated with common sense."

"Are you here this time for the aliens outside?"

She also had a rough idea of ​​Ye Fei's purpose.

"Yes, senior, the next battle is coming. I want to ask you about your condition so that I can be prepared. If your condition is good, I can attack freely. If your condition is not good, I will be in Mysterious Heaven Sect. Leave a certain amount of defense power behind."

Ye Fei's idea is very simple. If Qingyun can beat him, he will take the initiative to attack. If Qingyun cannot beat him, he will defend and counterattack.

"I will accept these law crystals of yours. You don't have to worry about me being near the Mysterious Heaven Sect. Even if the Rank Six enlightened orc comes last time, I will let him never come back."

Ye Fei was overjoyed when he heard this.

"With the words of senior, junior will feel relieved."

He didn't expect Qingyun to be in such good condition, nor was it in vain for the high-level law crystallization he had contributed for so long. Now he was more stable against the Unicorn Tribe and the Rat Human Race.

"Senior, please have a good rest and I won't disturb you, junior."

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Ye Fei left happily. Before leaving, he also took a look at the Profound Heaven monument under the Zu Peak.

On the other side, the Forbidden Army and the Yulin Army were attacking everywhere, scouting the nearby enemies, and soon attracted the attention of the Unicorn Tribe and the Rat Human Race.

Each scout rat stared at the target flying in the sky in every corner, and then passed the information back.

Beneath the Earth, the Rat Human Race Overlords quickly got first-hand information.

"A Spirit Beast warhorse with wings?"

"It seems that the human army has been improved again. It's so fast!"

Quinn was irritated after seeing the information. The strength of his opponents always exceeded his expectations.

"Those human Overlords also have a tendency to gather quickly, and the soldiers below said that humans have also begun to appear in small-scale troops. It seems that humans have also opened the teleportation array."

One ear is constantly analyzing the information in his hand.

"Hmph, I just thought of letting go of the teleportation array now. It's too late. Our army has already finished gathering."

"I think we should take the initiative to attack. Human Race's strength has improved very quickly after releasing the teleportation array. Now is the time to attack. It will be difficult to fight later.

That Absolute Beginning's strength is also growing very fast. I'm afraid that if I give him some time, it will become more and more difficult to deal with. "

Quinn's statement was echoed by the nearby Skaven Overlord.

"Our army is boundless and not afraid of those humans at all. It is right to attack now."


"Eating all humans and unicorns at once, the children below are already so hungry that they are about to rebel."

"Now that we attack, all the Human Race's firepower will be focused on us, allowing the One-Horn Clan to take advantage in vain."

One Ear immediately objected. His idea had always been to let the One-Horn Clan go in front and the others behind. The original plan went smoothly, after all, they could hide underground, but the One-Horn Clan couldn't.

As a result, it didn't work anymore. As time went by, the explosive growth of the force of the rat Human Race Overlords made the entire group become arrogant. The original plan was no longer favored by the rat Human Race Overlords. The rat tide attacked The desire becomes stronger and stronger.

"Your Excellency, it is not a question of whether we are willing or not, but the number of slaves down there is really too many. I think even if we don't launch a full-scale attack, it is okay to let the cannon fodder test and consume them."

"If we wait any longer, things will get worse."

The logistical problems caused by the unlimited growth of the rat swarm have already emerged. If the number is not consumed, the rat tide itself may become chaotic. This is also one of the reasons why the rat Overlords want to attack.

"It's not that easy to test. Once the attack is launched, there is no possibility of stopping."


One ear let out a long sigh.

"Forget it, there is no choice but to launch an attack now, but send a message to the Unicorn Tribe, don't let them idle, and ask some soldiers to take Human Race to the Unicorn Tribe, if you want to hide in the back... No."

"I understand, I'll do it right away!"

The Skaven Overlords who had united their minds quickly took action. Countless rat tides began to pour into each Human Race stronghold. Among them, the largest and most powerful Skaven army rushed towards the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

After the Unicorn Tribe received the news of Operation Human Race, Garen and other Unicorn Tribe leaders immediately organized manpower to be ready to follow up.

"The Rat Human Race can take the initiative. God has blessed our race. The final winner this time must be us."

"Let the warriors prepare for the war between these rats and the Human Race. We will wait for the opportunity."

"I really didn't expect that these rat men couldn't bear it so quickly. It seems that they have also noticed the changes in the Human Race. I originally wanted to let them take action first, but now I can save it."

"After all, they are a species with no brains, so let's let them compete with the Human Race first!"

Several leaders of the Unicorn Clan were in a good mood.


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