Although most of the rat Human Race army was active underground, many of them still showed traces on the ground. There were too many of them. It didn't take long for the Imperial Army and the Yulin Army who were investigating to observe the strange movements of the rat Human Race.

"A lot of rats, these bastards are moving towards the Mysterious Heaven Sect, they are heading towards us!"

"Report to Lord Overlord immediately!"

The Yulin Army, riding a Feiyu Lingma, followed the rat tide to observe.

"How much does this have to be?"

Wang Zhi looked at the endless rat tide. As a member of the Yulin Army, he had absolute confidence in the strength of Absolute Beginning. However, after seeing the black mass of rat men that were still emerging in a steady stream, he couldn't help but feel sad. trembling.


Suddenly, a teammate next to him pulled Wang Zhi, and then a long black thorn flew past the two of them.

"what is that?"

"Quick, increase the distance!"

The Yulin Army team reacted and immediately used the Feather Spirit Horse to increase the distance, and several more black spikes flew under them.

This time the team members saw clearly that the black thorns flew out from the rat tide. The entire rat tide was shrouded in a black mist. This black mist continuously formed black thorns to attack the team members.

"These rat men still have this kind of method, record it quickly and report back!"

"Cheer up, stop being dazed, don't get too close to the rats, just observe from a distance!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The changes in the rat tide made this Yulin army more vigilant, and they did not dare to get too close for reconnaissance.

Among the rats on the ground, a Rat Man Overlord looked fiercely at the sky.

"The lucky humans managed to escape the attack."

After the rat tide gathers, rat priests and rat warlocks will form various evil spirits and poisonous mist to increase the power of the rat tide. The rat overlords can further use the poisonous mist produced by the rat tide. Sting attack is one of them.

"Don't worry about those annoying guys. I guess they won't dare to get close anymore. Control your troops and speed up."

Another ratman Overlord saw the movement here and rushed over.

"Those guys kept following me. I really wanted to shoot them down and eat them all."

"Don't think about those useless things. We can get enough of them after we speed up to the destination and break through Human Race's base."

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

The rat tide came from all directions. After receiving the news, Ye Fei immediately summoned all the generals to deploy a battle plan.

Wang Zhan, Chen Tianyi, He Xinghong and other legion commanders gathered together, waiting for Ye Fei's instructions.

"Tell me first. The Rat Human Race is coming on a massive scale. How should we deal with it?"

Ye Fei did not give a direct order and let everyone discuss it first.

He Xinghong was the first to stand up and said: "Lord Overlord, although these rats are numerous in number, their strength is low. I think we can take the initiative to eliminate part of the rat tide before they encircle them, so that they cannot complete the encirclement."

"I agree with General He's suggestion, and our Thunder Army can provide long-range fire coverage. Overlord can leave this first battle to our Thunder Army."

Qi Chuan's words made several other generals frown, and they immediately asked for a fight.

"General Qi, the Thunder Army has great firepower and should conserve its strength for the next battle. This first battle was proposed by me and should be carried out by our Yulin Army. The Feiyu Lingju comes and goes like the wind, which is suitable for this battle. "

"I agree with what General He said. The Thunder Army should attack at the critical moment. However, I don't see the need for the Yulin Army to personally attack in this first battle. There is no need to use a bull's knife to kill a chicken. The Brahma method of our Red Flame Army is best suited to destroy these miscellaneous creatures. Soldier, Lord Overlord, I think the first battle should be fought by our Red Flame Army."

"The last general invites you to fight!"

"Lord Overlord, the last general invites you to fight!"

Except for Chen Tianyi, the commander of the Forbidden Army, who stood silently aside, the remaining generals were quarreling with each other. In the eyes of General Absolute Beginning, the rat tide outside was a gift of military merit. No matter what happened, they did not want to let go of the beginning of the first battle. Pass.

It is good for generals to dare to fight when the morale of the army is high, but Absolute Beginning is coming and the collective contempt for the rat tide makes Ye Fei a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, what do you think of the rat Human Race? Can you kill it at will?"

"The average strength of the Rat Human Race is not strong, but there are a lot of them. The exact number is unknown, and if the number of these rats is large enough, there will be big changes. The situation detected by the Yulin Army has shown that these rats are The change."

"Although we, Absolute Beginning, are powerful, we should not underestimate our opponents. The life of every soldier of Absolute Beginning is precious. Even if one Absolute Beginning soldier is killed in battle, no matter how many ratmen we kill, we cannot recover our losses."

"So this time we not only have to eliminate these rat people, but also reduce our losses as much as possible. In addition to the rat Human Race, our enemies also have the Unicorn Tribe. After wiping out the Unicorn Tribe, we will have other enemies in the future, so we can't do it at will. Consume our own strength.”

"The Rat Human Race and the One-Horn Clan are now in an alliance. Although this alliance is not very reliable, now that the Rat People are out and the One-Horn Clan is bound to take action."

"It is inevitable to take the initiative, but there is no simple test in this battle. Once the war starts, we must use all our strength to quickly defeat the rat Human Race, and then deal with the Unicorn Clan."

"The Void Overlord comes and goes freely in Qingchuan Realm. This time the two tribes gathered their strength and took the initiative. This is the best chance to eliminate their vitality. It is also the last chance. This time, they will be beaten painfully. I want to have a large-scale decisive battle like this one. It won’t be easy, and they won’t give us another chance like this.”

"So, we have to find a way to attract more effective forces from the two races, and then destroy each other with one blow."

"The first battle is the decisive battle, and the final battle will determine the outcome."


Wang Zhan and others fell into deep thought. They had previously thought about winning the war, but they had not thought much about what would happen next.

What Ye Fei wants is not only victory, but also the stability of the Qingchuan world in the future. If the rat Human Race and most of the unicorn tribe are not eliminated this time, once they are scattered everywhere, this victory will be meaningless.

"I understand, Lord Overlord!" Wang Zhan was the first to end his thinking. He understood Ye Fei's purpose.

"We should shrink our strength now and let the other side expose more strength."

Ye Fei nodded happily.

"Yes, that's it. We can't expose our strength to scare the opponent away. We must endure it for a while and let them run rampant for a while. When they are completely exposed, we will defeat them in a single battle."

"But don't show too much weakness, otherwise the power of the two tribes will not be attracted, and the pressure on other battlefields will be too great."

"In the early stage, we need to suppress the opponent, but not too strong. Let them continue to invest strength. After that..."

Ye Fei kept explaining his tactics to several people. With the improvement of his strength and the continuous investment of Origin Points in himself, Ye Fei's accumulation of various knowledge was extremely rich, and he reached the first-class level whether it was government affairs or marching and fighting.

He was never stingy when it came to improving himself. To ensure nothing went wrong, he even temporarily spent 100,000 Origin Points on himself to upgrade various military affairs and strategies.

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