After two days of attacks, the void undead in Absolute Beginning continued to attack each other as if they had a tacit understanding. You attack one round and I attack the other.

"Lord Overlord, we have consumed nearly 40% of the rune cannonballs we have stored in the past two days. If this continues, the stock of rune cannonballs will be consumed in a few days."

Xiao Anzhi, who is in charge of logistics, reported the latest data to Ye Fei.

The cost of operating at full capacity is that the stored shells are consumed in large quantities. Fortunately, Ye Fei has always asked the foundry department to produce and store some shells, otherwise such long-term and large consumption may not be sustainable.

"Ask the foundry department to increase production. Some unimportant production tasks can be stopped first, and priority is given to ensuring current consumption."


Looking at the black barrier in the void, Ye Fei sighed helplessly.

The situation he least wanted to see happened. The stalemate for just two days had already begun to affect the normal development of the territory, and many tasks to ensure the battle could no longer be carried out normally.

During the two days of fighting, Ye Fei did not see any obvious changes in the opponent's barrier, as if the Absolute Beginning attack had never existed in the past two days.

The attack frequency of the Void Necrons' fleet has not decreased, and it still maintains a high frequency of long-range bombardment with Absolute Beginning.

Ye Fei previously wanted to consume the opponent's energy to weaken the barrier's protective strength, and then used the Five Elements of Destruction Divine Light to determine the outcome with one blow and shatter the opponent's barrier to severely damage the fleet of the Void Necrons.

Now Ye Fei is a little doubtful whether such consumption is worth it.

"Perhaps I thought wrong at first. The fleet of these Void Necrons has much more energy than expected, or there may be other energy supplements that can support long-term consumption."

While Ye Fei was frowning, Deathrattle and Tukaling in the Deathrattle were also looking at the Void Territory in front of them, helpless.

"General Deathrattle, the opponent's firepower has not weakened at all, and the territory barrier has not been broken. We will not be able to break the opponent's barrier in a short time."

Tukaring was also a little unbelievable. He had never expected that the human territory barrier would be so impregnable, and the opponent's counterattack was not weaker than their fleet or even stronger.

Now they are in a bit of a dilemma. If they fight, they don't know how long the stalemate will last. If they retreat, neither Tukaring nor Deathrattle are really willing to accept it.

Deathrattle touched the bone-white sword in his hand, and the pale soul fire in his eyes could not help beating.

"With the Death Raider as the core, it can continuously extract the energy of chaos and convert it into energy and share it with all battleships through links. We don't have to worry about our energy reserves. The link canopy can block the opponent's attacks, so we still have an advantage."

"Keep fighting. As long as they can't break through the sky, we can continue to fight. If it doesn't work for a few days, it will be a few months. If it doesn't work for a few months, it will be a few years. We have plenty of time and can slowly wear them out."

"As long as we keep dragging them in the swamp of war, they will not be able to develop and will become weaker and weaker. After all, it will only be a Rank Five Void Territory, far from becoming a complete world. They cannot afford to drag it down."

The Deathrattler has a Rank Six Chaos Power Core. Rank Six's Chaos Power Core can continuously convert the energy of chaos into energy, and can also charge other battleships through links. This is the Deathrattle's confidence.

As long as the Death Raider is there, they will be invincible, and he can completely afford it.

Tukaring also continued to fight in the same way. Innate Spirit Root was too important to him, but he also knew the current situation of the kingdom.

Now one-tenth of the Silent Kingdom's military strength has been gathered here. If it is spent here for a long time, I don't know if the kingdom can bear it.

"General Deathrattle, we are going to spend time here all the time. Where is the king?"

"Don't worry, the king has given me full command before I set off. The king has suppressed those who dare to provoke. We still have time!"

Speaking of this, Deathrattle drew out his sword and howled in death. He looked at the wailing undead on the sword indifferently and said:

"Those bastards who dare to provoke us deserve to die. If we don't bother them, they still dare to hunt our warships. We are really looking for death!"

Tukaring is also very tired of the bugs wandering around the kingdom. In addition to sneak attacks on lone warships out and about, those bugs also do things to threaten the areas ruled by the Silent Kingdom from time to time.

When he heard that His Highness the King of Silence only suppressed the opponent but did not annihilate it, he knew that the situation in the kingdom was actually not optimistic.

The insects wandering around the edge of the Silent Kingdom have some tricks. Although they are not very powerful, they are extremely difficult to catch. Even if the Silent King personally takes action, he cannot completely eliminate them, which also makes the Silent Kingdom extremely annoying.

Before Tukaring came, he often fought against those guys.

"Those bugs are different from the void bug swarm. They are too cunning. If I can break through this Void Territory this time, I will be promoted to Rank Six, and General Deathrattle will refine the Innate Spirit Root into Spiritual Treasure. It will be much easier for the kingdom to deal with these bugs. "

In the past few days of attacks, their biggest gain was that Deathrattle discovered a second Innate Spirit Root in the Absolute Beginning territory. This was also an important reason why they decided to stay and continue the attack.

"In that case, let's keep fighting. We must get the Innate Spirit Root!"

Hundreds of Void Necron warships continued to attack.

Qingchuan Realm, within the ruins of the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

Prince Peak led the Blue Star Alliance Legion to guard here. Now, except for a few areas in the Mysterious Heaven Sect ruins that are guarded by the Absolute Beginning troops and are not open to the public, most of the areas are under the responsibility of the Blue Star Alliance Legion.

These areas have all become public areas and are managed by Prince Peak.

"Deputy leader, a team operating near Heavenly Sword Peak lost contact not long ago, and the rescue team that rushed to check the situation also disappeared just now. The leader of the Fire Liufeng Army requested the alliance to send troops for support."

Wang Zifeng's strength has been improved to Rank Four. This is what he gained after embracing Ye Fei's thigh. The improvement in strength and the continuous management of alliance affairs have made Wang Zifeng mature quickly. Compared with a few months ago, Wang Zifeng is now a mature person. dramatic change.


"The Jiwu Legion happens to be near Heavenly Sword Peak. I will ask the commander of the Wujun Legion to provide support."

After getting in touch with Wu Xiangwen and arranging the rescue, Wang Zifeng looked at the location of Heavenly Sword Peak on the map in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The map is imitated based on the map left in the Mysterious Heaven Sect provided by Ye Fei. With the Blue Star Overlords' on-site inspection and correction, the accuracy is very high.

"Two teams have disappeared in a row, and dozens of Overlords have disappeared. Do the Rat Human Race and the Unicorn Tribe still have such strength?"

After several large-scale cleanups, the strength of the two clans in Jianzhou was basically extinct. The Overlords of the two clans no longer teleported here to die. Wang Zifeng did not believe that the two clans still had such strength.

An Overlord team in the alliance has at least a dozen Blue Star Overlords, and its affiliated troops are basically a regiment of ten thousand people. The disappearance of two teams of this size in a row gave Wang Zifeng a headache.

"What on earth is it?"

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