The Death Raider opened fire first, and then hundreds of red, black and other attacks of different colors were launched from the fleet group and flew straight towards the Absolute Beginning territory.

At the same moment, Absolute Beginning's attack also reached the Void Necron fleet.

In the Absolute Beginning territory, Ye Fei realized that there might be trouble this time when he saw the approaching void undead fleet and the gradually forming black barrier.

As soon as the void undead entered the attack range, he immediately ordered the attack without probing. As soon as Ye Fei came up, he asked Wang Zhan to attack with all his strength.

Two shining balls of light flew out from the Absolute Beginning territory and rushed towards the fleet of the Void Necrons. They were then stopped by a black barrier. Dozens of Rank Five rune shells followed and hit the black barrier. superior.

Sparkling light flowers bloomed in the Endless Void, illuminating a void.

The Void Necromancer's attack also hit Absolute Beginning's territory barrier in an instant.

The pale white energy beam hit the barrier heavily, and large ripples suddenly appeared on the barrier.

The attack strength of the Rank Six battleship Deathrattler was not weak at all, but it did not break the territory barrier of Absolute Beginning after all.

The hundreds of attacks that followed also only brought ripples, and the Absolute Beginning territory barrier remained motionless.

Ye Fei used his detection talent to the extreme to observe the movements of the void undead and the invisible black barrier.

As for the attack of the void undead, he is not worried. The barrier of the Absolute Beginning territory is no longer what it used to be like the Absolute Beginning territory.

The strength of the territory barrier is closely related to the overall development level and laws of the territory. The Absolute Beginning territory has an extremely profound foundation, and both the laws and other aspects of the territory are far superior to ordinary Rank Five territories.

In addition, Absolute Beginning also has two Innate Spirit Roots, two acquired treasures, and several rare items to suppress the territory.

In addition, various crystals, gems and other treasures that usually enhance the territory and territory barriers are constantly integrated into the territory, and the barriers of the Absolute Beginning territory are impregnable.

The fact is just as Ye Fei thought, the attack of the void undead did not shake the territorial barrier of Absolute Beginning.

But this did not relax Ye Fei's mood. Instead, he frowned.

"They were all blocked!"

The attack from the Void Necrons did not cause any damage to Absolute Beginning, and the first wave of attacks from the Absolute Beginning territory on the other side also did not cause any damage to the Void Necrons fleet.

Both sides surprised each other in their first encounter.

On the Deathrattler, Deathrattle fell into silence as he watched the Absolute Beginning territory, which had been shattered due to the attack, revealing its true appearance.

"General Deathrattle, it seems that this human's territorial barrier is extremely strong. It seems that it is not easy to break the opponent's barrier."

Tukaling broke the silence and spoke first. Although he had fought against Absolute Beginning before, it was only in the Endless Void. This was the first time he actually attacked the territory barrier.

"It's definitely not easy to have Innate Spirit Root's Void Territory, but although his territory barrier is strong, our canopy is not weak, and they can't break through our defense."

Deathrattle said lightly.

"Continue the attack!"

The fleet of the Void Necrons began to launch attacks continuously. As the distance between the two sides narrowed, more Rank Four attack methods were used in the attack. Countless attacks were launched between the two sides, illuminating the nearby Endless Void.

The Void Necron fleet group has two hundred battleships, especially the Rank Six Death Raider, which has extremely powerful firepower.

In addition to the rune cannons in the Absolute Beginning territory, there are also various defense towers arranged on the five major cities. After the distance is shortened, the Rank Four defense towers can already attack the fleet of the Void Necrons.

The twenty Void Crossbows also fired at full fire, and the crossbow arrows shot at the target and were bounced off the sky again and again.

"That black curtain should be the new method of the Void Necrons. No wonder they dare to attack. It turns out they rely on this."

After observing for a while, Ye Fei found that the attack of Absolute Beginning did not pose much threat to the black screen barrier of the Void Necrons. Even the attacks of two Rank Six rune cannons were blocked by the opponent, and it seemed that the pressure was still there. Not big.

"The attacks of the Void Necrons also put very little pressure on the territory barrier. As long as they attack with such intensity, they will be fine no matter how long they fight."

"But this stalemate is too detrimental to the development of the territory!"

The Absolute Beginning territory barrier can be maintained, but Ye Fei doesn't want to waste it like this. It's not in his interest. He still has a trump card in his hand.

That is Territory Talent's Five Elements Destruction Divine Light. After possessing the Five Elements Spirit Orb, the power of the Five Elements Destruction Divine Light has increased significantly, but now he is not sure whether he can break the Shattering Void's black barrier after using the Five Elements Destruction Divine Light.

If you can't completely destroy the opponent's barrier with one blow, then activating this trump card will not only fail to achieve success, but will only frighten the enemy.

The Void Necrons have a field advantage and can attack, retreat or defend. If they can't be hit hard at once, Ye Fei doesn't know if he will have another chance to annihilate them.

Various attacks came and went on the battlefield, and Rank Five warriors from both sides also began to launch their own long-range attacks to join the attack sequence.

Rank Four is the core of melee combat. Wang Zhan did not let them participate in the bombardment session, allowing them to recharge their batteries and prepare for melee combat.

The same is true for the Void Necrons. A large number of Rank Four Void Necrons are ready to land and fight at any time.

The citizens in the Absolute Beginning territory can look up and see attacks of various colors falling on their heads in the dark Endless Void outside the territory.

At the same time, various attacks rose from the Absolute Beginning territory and rushed into the dark void, and the rumbling sound of cannons was heard endlessly.

This situation lasted for a day, and neither party could do anything.

One day later, most of Absolute Beginning's forces in Qingchuan Realm withdrew to their territory, and the Thunder Army outside also returned to Absolute Beginning. As soon as they returned, they joined the battle without repair.

Ten Xingyao-class warships and one Moon-class warship were floating in the sky of Absolute Beginning, and the rune cannons on the warships were constantly bombarding.

Qi Chuan looked at the dark red attack light waves emitted by the Rank Five God-Destroying Cannon, and had a clearer understanding of the various abilities of the God-Destroying Cannon.

Rank Five God-Destroying Cannon blueprint Ye Fei has given it to Tiexin for a while, and the foundry department just recently came up with a finished product and delivered it to the Thunder Army.

The Thunder Army did not encounter a strong opponent in the actual sweep of the Qingchuan Realm, and the true power of the God-Destroying Cannon was not fully demonstrated. Only now is it showing its true appearance. Compared with the Rank Five Rune Cannon, its power is even better.

Qichuan planned to ask Tiexin to forge a few more pieces of equipment onto the Thunder Army's only Rank Five warship as soon as the battle was over.

Looking up, Qi Chuan put aside the matter of the God-Destroying Cannon and looked at his opponents in the Endless Void.

The power of the God-Destroying Cannon is pretty good, but in order to break through the enemy's barrier, Qichuan would probably have to have more than a dozen Rank Six God-Destroying Cannons, and the Rank Five ones were a bit behind.

"It's really hard!"

Qichuan, who had been back for a long time, had to admit that his opponent this time was really difficult.

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