Many figures suddenly appeared in the sky not far away, and Wu Xiangwen was immediately attracted.

"White horse and silver armor, that's the Yulin Army!"

"Why did the Habayashi Army suddenly start to gather? Is there a battle in Absolute Beginning?"

Several others also noticed something unusual in the sky at this time and looked up.


Several members of the Jiwu team looked at Wu Xiangwen.

"It has nothing to do with us, just wait and see what happens!"

Absolute Beginning Overlord's Mansion, Ye Fei looks towards the Endless Void outside the territory.

Just when the detection talent warning was detected, Little Black suddenly flew out of the conscious space and surrounded Ye Fei.

"It's the Void Necromancer. It looks like the other party's reinforcements have arrived!"

The Void Necron fleet thought that it was far enough away to surpass the detection of Absolute Beginning. In fact, with the blessing of detection talent, Ye Fei was conducting all-round surveillance on the Void Necron fleet that had been following the territory. He would detect any disturbance. can be discovered immediately.

This time he discovered that a large number of Void Necron warships rushed to the territory to join the previous Void Necromancer fleet. There was also a Rank Six warship among them, which meant that at least one Rank Six Void Necromancer came here.

"The number is really quite a lot!"

Through the detection talent Ye Fei has detected the size of the void undead fleet.

One Rank Six, eleven Rank Fives, and nearly two hundred Rank Fours were densely arrayed behind the Absolute Beginning territory.

"Instruction is given that all troops in Qingchuan Territory will return to the territory immediately. All troops will enter the first level of combat readiness from now on, and the territory will enter a wartime state."

Following Ye Fei's order, the atmosphere in the Absolute Beginning territory changed. The old people who had experienced the war were not nervous at all and quickly began to cooperate with the orders of the Government Council.

The citizens who had just joined Absolute Beginning were a little flustered and at a loss, but they soon took action under the guidance of a large number of grassroots managers.

The Yulin Army and the Red Flame Army quickly completed their assembly, and the Thunder Army, which was conducting actual combat training in Qingchuan Realm, also quickly returned.

Wu Xiangwen and other Blue Star Overlords who came to visit Absolute Beginning were also asked to leave the territory and the visit ended.

Seeing Absolute Beginning's big move, they didn't dare to say anything and followed the advice and returned to Qingchuan Realm.

Before leaving, Wu Xiangwen sent a message to Ye Fei, asking if he needed help. Ye Fei saw it and simply replied that he didn't.

The Blue Star Alliance has a large number of millions of alliance troops. It can indeed produce unexpected effects at some point, but it is really not needed now.

Ye Fei has been salivating over the Void Necrons for a long time. After all, these Void Necrons are very valuable. A Rank Five battleship can allow Ye Fei to gain nearly 100 million Origin Points. These hundreds of Void Necron battleships are worth a lot of money. In Ye Fei's eyes, they are just Origin Points piggy banks.

"If I can win this battle, I will have endless Origin Points to spend, which are billions!"

After understanding the opponent's intelligence, Ye Fei personally came to the Military Academy to take charge.

Absolute Beginning has its own plan for dealing with foreign enemies, and other matters in the territory are handled by the Government Council. He only needs to lead his troops to annihilate the invading enemies with peace of mind, and there will be no problem.

In the Military Academy, the leader of the Academy, Wang Zhan, sat next to Ye Fei and listened to the opponent's intelligence with a serious look on his face.

"Lord Overlord, if the opponent only has this kind of strength, it cannot threaten Absolute Beginning. If they dare to attack my Absolute Beginning, I believe we can defeat them."

Wang Zhan is not arrogant. Absolute Beginning's current strength cannot be the same as it was a few months ago. Void Necromancer's strength is not weak and it definitely has no chance of winning in Endless Void Absolute Beginning.

But if the opponent dares to attack, he is sure to deal with all these void undead, even if the opponent has a Rank Six battleship.

"The territory currently has two Rank Six rune cannons, fifty Rank Five rune cannons, hundreds of Rank Four rune cannons, and twenty Rank Five Perfect Grade Void Crossbows. The long-range firepower is no better than these voids. The undead are weak, even stronger.”

"In addition, the territory also has a strong protective barrier. We may not be opponents in the Endless Void, but in or near the territory, these void undead are still a little behind."

Wang Zhan's words were also highly agreed by several other ministers of the Military Affairs Academy present. He Xinghong and Xiao Yushan looked at each other and nodded.

Absolute Beginning The military leaders are very confident in this battle. Several attempts to attack the Void Necrons in the past have made them very angry. The opponent is as timid as a rat and refuses to fight them head-on. They often run back to the depths of the void to let them go. They were disappointed, Ye Fei couldn't do anything about it.

Now that the Void Necrons have received reinforcements, there is actually a tendency to attack. Absolute Beginning The top military officials are extremely excited, as if they will be able to annihilate the Void Necrons fleet in a short time.

Ye Fei also trusts the territory's defense strength, but he doesn't think that Absolute Beginning is still invincible.

"Wang Zhan, are you so confident? And you, do you think you will win even before the fight starts?"

"Have you forgotten that you failed a few times before?"

Ye Fei gave a touch of cold water to the overheated crowd.

"The Void Necrons are not fools. The previous battles have proved it. Now that they dare to take the initiative to attack, they must have something to rely on."

"Does it mean that the territory is invincible if the territory is strong and the barrier is strong? Even if it goes as expected, how many people will have to die if we want to annihilate these void undead? Won't we suffer losses?"

"I see that you have been fighting too many battles recently to clean up the remnants of the two clans in Qingchuan Realm. I don't know what your last name is!"

Ye Fei's unceremonious tone instantly chilled the scene.

"Lord Overlord, I..."

Wang Zhan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Fei before he could say anything.

"Okay, the Void Necrons move very quickly, and I don't have time to talk nonsense. Remember, when a lion fights a rabbit, you have to use all your strength, not to mention that our opponent is not weak at all."

"Every soldier who dies fighting for the territory is a huge loss for us. I don't want any meaningless casualties due to your mistakes."

"Stop saying unnecessary words, and use actual actions on the battlefield to prove to me whether you are worthy of this pride!"

"Yes, Lord Overlord!" He Xinghong was the first to stand up and express his inner fighting spirit.

He now wants to fight the void undead for three hundred rounds to show Ye Fei that he and the Yulin Army are definitely worthy of this pride.

The fighting spirit was rekindled in the conference room.

Ye Fei sensed that the void undead began to approach quickly, and led everyone directly into the fighting position.

Outside the Absolute Beginning territory, Deathrattle, after reuniting with Tukaring, led this huge void undead fleet to approach the Absolute Beginning territory.

At the same time, the huge fleet group with the Death Raider as the core is quickly linking together, with jet-black light pillars connecting the battleships to each other.

Then a huge black barrier slowly appeared and enveloped the entire void undead fleet group.


Following the Deathrattle's command, a pale white attack was sent from the Deathrattler battleship and rushed towards the Absolute Beginning territory.

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