Ye Fei looked at the team of Void Orcs getting closer and closer to him, and decided to take action to test what these Void Orcs were capable of!

The five Void Orcs did not sense the danger lurking ahead, and continued to explore forward unscrupulously. The night did not bring them inconvenience and instead became their home field.

Suddenly, a white light appeared in their field of vision. The leading orc was instantly swept by the white light, and then the corpses were separated. The remaining four orcs immediately put into attack formation after noticing the enemy attack, and instead of retreating, they advanced towards Ye Fei. .

"How brave!" Looking at the advancing Void Orc, Ye Fei used the Absolute Beginning Sword to meet him.

After killing the first target just now, Ye Fei also tested the opponent's strengths. These black-skinned orcs were stronger than the green-skinned orcs that Ye Fei had encountered. Not only were they unaffected in the dark, but they also had a very high sense of combat.

Ye Fei relied on the assistance of his spiritual consciousness not only to not be affected by the night, but to attack more sharply. The Royal Envoy Absolute Beginning Sword killed two more black-skinned orcs in the blink of an eye.

When the Absolute Beginning Sword was slashing at Rank Three, the only one in the orc team, there was a clang, and the invincible Absolute Beginning Sword was actually blocked.

"Huh? It took a while."

Ye Fei was a little surprised when he saw the Rank Three black-skinned orc who blocked his attack.

Although the opponent is also Rank Three, there are not many opponents at the same level who can block the Absolute Beginning Sword. When Ye Fei had not reached the middle stage of Rank Three and the Absolute Beginning Sword had not been upgraded to the rare level, he basically couldn't stand it when he encountered the Rank Three Zerg. It's one sword.

Now he and the Absolute Beginning Sword have both improved a lot, especially since his own strength has greatly increased after breaking through to the middle stage of Rank Three. The fact that the opponent can block his flying sword shows that the average combat power of this race far exceeds that of the Zerg.

Ye Fei was multitasking, turning his Absolute Beginning sword to deal with the remaining soldier first, then he rushed forward and started a hand-to-hand fight with the Rank Three black-skinned orc.

The Five Emperors Fist is fierce and domineering. Although Ye Fei is just a beginner, after being tempered by the Body Tempering Spring and elixirs, Ye Fei's body is almost close to the limit of Rank Three. The powerful body combined with the Five Emperors Fist suppresses and beats the black-skinned orc on the opposite side.

At this time, the Absolute Beginning Sword pierced the body of the last soldier and returned to the battlefield on Ye Fei's side. Ye Fei estimated that the orc in front of him was at least mid-Rank Three. His ability to persist until now was partly due to his Five Emperors Fist. The level indeed needs to be improved. On the other hand, it is enough to prove the power of this Void Orc race.

The orc on the opposite side already wanted to retreat when he saw the powerful flying sword coming back. Unfortunately, it was a little too late to retreat now. Ye Fei cooperated with the Absolute Beginning Sword to knock the orc back with one punch, and the Absolute Beginning Sword followed closely. , the orc who had not yet adjusted was pierced through the chest.

The five-man orc team was completely wiped out. Ye Fei quickly took out the source of energy essence from the orc corpse and left here.

The five Void Orcs contributed four Rank Two Source Power Essence and one Rank Three Source Power Essence, which was already a considerable gain.

"As long as I keep a distance from the ruins of the spaceship and stay away from the main battlefield, hunting these orc teams on the periphery will be a big gain for me, but I still have to pay attention to the strong Rank Four opponents."

After Ye Fei moved to another mountain peak, he observed for a while and found that there were no pursuers, so he took out all the energy essence he had just harvested and fed it to the Absolute Beginning Sword.

The battle just now made Ye Fei discover that these Void Orcs have a very high level of combat awareness. Facing a Rank Three orc with the Absolute Beginning Sword, there is a high chance that it will be blocked and unable to make a single hit.

If the Absolute Beginning Sword is promoted to Rank Three Excellent or even Perfect Grade, even if the opponent can predict Ye Fei's attack, it will not be able to block the sharp Absolute Beginning Sword, unless the opponent has a magical weapon of the same level.

In fact, with the sharpness of the Absolute Beginning Sword, the orc's ability to block the first blow just now was entirely due to his strong fighting consciousness. However, the weapon in his hand is incomparable to the Absolute Beginning Sword. If Ye Fei comes in a few more times, he will definitely be able to defeat it. It won.

But this is not what Ye Fei wants. What he needs is to kill with one blow and resolve the battle in an instant. This time he caught the opponent off guard. He must be prepared when hunting these orcs later. Once Ye Fei cannot quickly resolve the battle, It is very likely that he will be held back by the orcs who are reinforcing him, and then he will be in great danger.

Watching the Absolute Beginning Sword swallowing the essence of its source power, one Rank Three essence elevated the Absolute Beginning Sword to the Excellent level, and the remaining Rank Twos were not enough for it to continue its promotion.

"Excellent level, I don't know if I can stop it this time."

Ye Fei picked up the upgraded Absolute Beginning sword, drank some Spirit Spring water to restore his spiritual power, and then began to lurk towards the orc team's exploration area.

He wanted to get enough benefits before the orcs paid attention to his threat. It would not be easy for the orcs to easily hunt him after they discovered his threat.

Ye Fei used the assistance of his spiritual consciousness to move forward quickly in the dark night, and soon found the second orc team.

The Absolute Beginning Sword flew out, harvesting life quickly. Ye Fei swung his fist and still found the leader of the orc team. The fierce attack made the void orc retreat continuously. The Absolute Beginning Sword ended the battle and took down the team leader with a sudden attack. Head.

Ye Fei skillfully took out the essence of the source of power and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

After coming to a remote corner and feeding the Rank Three essence to the Absolute Beginning sword, Ye Fei looked at the remaining four Rank Two essences in his hand and put them away. After the experiment just now, Rank Three's Absolute Beginning sword swallowed the Rank Two essence and improved. It’s not big, so I’ll save it for later upgrades.

After the Absolute Beginning Sword devoured the essence, it did not rise to Rank Three Perfect Grade. Ye Fei estimated that another Rank Three essence would be enough. Without further ado, he immediately set out to hunt again.

Soon, he locked onto another Void Orc team, and after successfully wiping out the team once again, Ye Fei cleaned the battlefield and prepared to evacuate, when he suddenly felt a strong crisis coming from a distance.


Ye Fei collected the essence of his original power and retreated quickly. At the same time, he took out an acceleration spell from the storage ring and used it for himself. He outputted his spiritual power desperately and increased his speed to the fastest speed.

After crossing one mountain after another, the threat behind him gradually diminished and finally disappeared. Ye Fei was not careless and continued to climb two more mountains before stopping.

"We were just hunting the third team and they were discovered. These orcs are really difficult to deal with!"

Ye Fei took out the teleportation token and prepared to return to Absolute Beginning. Tonight's battle was about to end. Now that the opponent had begun to notice him, it would be a bit risky to ambush the orc team.

After using the teleportation token, after a short delay, Ye Fei disappeared into the Qingchuan world and returned to Absolute Beginning.

Returning to the familiar trading market, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

After this battle, Ye Fei found that his body skills were still too Low Level, and he needed an escape technique to quickly evacuate from the battlefield. He spent 150 Origin Points in the mall to purchase a Jue Shadow Escape Technique. Ye Fei was not disturbed. When others returned to the Overlord Mansion silently, he saw that everything was normal in the territory on the way, and he was quite satisfied with the work of Zhou Heng and others.

After taking out the harvested Rank Three essence and feeding it to the Absolute Beginning Sword, and successfully promoted to Rank Three Perfect Grade, Ye Fei began to edit and organize the experience of exploring Qingchuan Realm.

I met the Void Orcs and watched the battle between Rank Five. Although the distance was far away, I still got a preliminary feeling of the strength of Rank Five. There were also wights. Although Ye Fei did not fight against the wights, he could fight with them. The Void Orcs did not lose in a head-on fight, which also shows how powerful the ghoul he encountered was.

And Ye Fei also discovered that ghouls are organized, and higher-level ghouls can lead lower-level ghouls to engage in group operations. This is not good news for the Blue Star Overlords who go to explore the Qingchuan realm.

After Ye Fei concluded, he opened a new post "Experiences of Exploring Qingchuan World" and sent it to Blue Star Channel.

He also understood the general situation of the Qingchuan Realm. At present, the area near where he came was basically covered by the forces of the Void Orcs. If it were not for the power of the corpse ghosts, his subsequent exploration would be restricted by these Void Orcs, and the risk would become greater.

Now he hopes that the ghouls and the void orcs can fight inextricably, and the two sides can reach a stalemate, and not decide the outcome too early, so that he can continue to fish in troubled waters later.

According to the current form, he can only slowly wait for opportunities.

"I still have more than 4,000 Origin Points in my hand. I am not in a hurry to go to Qingchuan Realm tomorrow. Let's see how well Xu Qingshan has done with the formation, and then lay out the Jiuyao Seven-Star Formation first."

Ye Fei thought that after practicing in the training room, he was getting closer to the Rank Three Late Stage, and he would be able to break through to the Rank Three Late Stage in a short time.

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