Void Overlord: Ten Thousand Races Struggle For Hegemony

Chapter 80 Five Departments And One Academy

The next day, in the lobby of Overlord's Mansion.

Zhou Heng, Li Letian, Li Lei and other stewards and captains from various departments in the territory gathered here to wait for their Overlord.

"Everyone is here?" Ye Fei came to the hall.

"Everyone is here, Lord Overlord." Zhou Heng said respectfully.

"Everyone is here, let's take a seat! Let's talk about our work in the past two days." Ye Fei looked around at everyone.

"Director Tan, let's talk about the work of the medical center first!" Ye Fei nodded to Tan Hexuan. He had previously appointed him as the person in charge of the medical center. Later, he found that this person did a good job and had training value, so he officially appointed him as the medical center. The chief is responsible for the work of the territorial hospital.

Tan Hexuan stood up after hearing Lord Overlord's roll call and said: "Sir Overlord, colleagues, with the strong support of Lord Overlord, the medical center already has nearly 20 professional doctors, and after upgrading, its containment capacity has been greatly improved. Currently, it can Treating and treating 150 patients at the same time."

"All the work in the medical center is also being carried out in an orderly manner. The doctors are working hard to improve their medical skills. Through the nourishment of Spirit Spring water, all doctors have reached Rank Two. I believe that they can develop in the future under the leadership of Lord Overlord. It’s better.”

"Lord Overlord, this is my report!" After Tan Hexuan finished speaking, he was waiting for Ye Fei's comments.

"Well, you sit down first. Next, Captain Xiao!"


"Lord Overlord, the food supply in the territory is currently sufficient, and the material reserves can supply the daily consumption of nearly two thousand people in the territory for three months. Because of the efforts of Manager Li and Captain Wang Qing, this number is still increasing."

"Thanks to Overlord's upgrade, the Spirit Spring water in the territory is enough for everyone in the territory to drink. According to the drinking volume of normal people, the Spirit Spring water is enough to support the drinking of three thousand people."

"Other domestic water in the territory is guaranteed by three large springs and five wells. At the same time, Captain Wang Qing has also stocked some ordinary springs and wells in the warehouse due to his hard work, so there is no need to worry about the supply of domestic water."

"Currently, the only problem with the territory's food reserves is that there are few vegetable reserves, and the types of vegetables in the reserves are relatively single. There are no other problems."

"Lord Overlord, my report is complete!"

"Captain Xiao, you did a good job, sit down!"

"Lord Overlord, I will report on the work of the engineering team next!" Li Lei stood up and saluted Ye Fei and said.

"Okay, then tell me!"

"Lord Overlord, fellow colleagues, the engineering team is currently equipped with all kinds of equipment and skills with the support of Lord Overlord. With the help of Spirit Spring water, most of the workers have been promoted to Rank Two, and the remaining few Some people may not all be promoted in two days.”

"In addition, the number of earth mage professionals in the engineering team has reached 61. This number is still increasing. More engineering mages will serve in the future."

"Among the current engineering projects in the territory, the territory's military barracks have been repaired and the expansion project is coming to an end. The restoration and upgrading projects of the territory's roads have also been completed. All roads from the territory's interior to the four villages outside the city have been repaired."

"At the same time, the planning and design of the Territory's Cemetery of Heroes has been completed and will be reviewed by Overlord later. The design of the artillery training base has also begun."

"The restoration of other various buildings in the territory has also been completed. The city walls of the territory have not only been repaired but also upgraded and reinforced to a certain extent."

"At present, the territorial engineering team will go all out to complete the three projects of the two military camps and the cemetery of heroes as soon as possible. Lord Overlord, that's all the engineering team currently has."

Li Lei's report ended.

Ye Fei looked at the submitted design plan for the Cemetery of Heroes and said to Li Lei: "How much more can you give to this plan? Send a copy to everyone here to study and work together. This Cemetery of Heroes is of great significance and must be Be cautious.”

"Yes, Mr. Comprehension, I am not prepared. I will ask someone to take it out now and give a copy to everyone." Li Lei replied.

"Well, come next, Mr. Iron!"

Tie Xin stood up, his relatively large body giving people a sense of oppression.

"Lord Overlord, dear colleagues, the territory forging work in charge of the forging area is currently developing rapidly with the support of Lord Overlord. Currently, all masters have been promoted to Rank Two.

And all the people who did not have the blacksmith profession have now joined the job, and some have been promoted to Middle Level blacksmiths. There are also eleven High Level blacksmiths. Currently, there are only two master-level blacksmiths, Yu Xiaochuan and me. "

"Currently, the entire forging area is fully engaged in producing weapons and equipment for the territorial army, because the continuous improvement of forging capabilities will soon make up for the lack of equipment in the first battalion."

"One problem currently is that the strength of the territorial troops increases too quickly. Soon the average strength of the first battalion will reach Rank Three, and Rank Three equipment can only be forged by blacksmiths above High Level."

"Currently, the output of the eleven High Level blacksmiths plus me and Master Yu is not high. If this happens, the equipment for Rank Three in the territory will be out of stock for a period of time in the future. Lord Overlord, my report is complete."

Ye Fei listened to Tie Xin's report and thought about the number of blacksmiths he would lead. Life support professions such as blacksmiths and chefs are not like other professions where you are promoted once your strength is reached. It is very likely that you will only be a High Level blacksmith when your strength reaches Rank Four.

The territory currently has a large number of blacksmiths, but the territory is developing too fast, especially the strength of the troops, which is so fast that the replacement of equipment is not as fast as the breakthrough of the strength of the soldiers, which also leads to a lack of production capacity. superior.

"I understand your problem and I will solve it for you in a moment. Fengling, please tell me about the situation of agricultural production."

Fengling stood up and walked to the middle of the hall to report: "Lord Overlord, colleagues, all the farmland in the territory has been leveled and the ordinary farmland has begun to be sown. The Spirit Field currently only has the 200 square meters recently contributed by Captain Wang Qing. The other The entire Spirit Field was destroyed in the Zerg war."

"Farmers in the territory have also begun to be promoted to Rank Two on a large scale. In the training of special professional spiritual cultivators, many people have successfully started to become Rank One spiritual cultivators. It is expected that in the next half month, there will be a huge explosion of people who have started. Status, but it’s easy to get started but it’s a little difficult to continue to advance. Nothing else, my report is over.”

"Manager Li!"

"Lord Overlord, colleagues, the Void Trading Market is currently running well without any problems. I will work hard to earn more wealth for the territory. That's all I have, Lord Overlord."

Li Letian didn't say anything more. Ye Fei nodded and looked at Zhou Heng.

"Lord Overlord, colleagues, the daily affairs of the territory are currently on track. The construction of the four villages in the southeast, northwest and northwest has been initially completed, and the subsequent land reclamation work is proceeding in an orderly manner."

"The reserves of other types of materials are also relatively sufficient. This is all the result of Captain Wang Qing and Manager Li."

"Lord Overlord, all the managers and captains have made detailed reports, so I won't say more. That's all for now."

Ye Fei looked at Wang Zhan and Wang Qing who had not spoken yet and said: "I know the situation in the army, so I won't say more here. Ah Qing, the achievements of your fishing team are obvious to all. In the future, things about the army and fishing team can be Report directly to me individually.”

"Okay, everyone, you have all heard the basic situation of the territory. Now I will make some work arrangements."

"First of all, for the vegetable reserve in the territory, and for the restoration of production of ordinary farmland in the territory later, Fengling will arrange to grow vegetables. As for food, after the expansion of the Spirit Field, a golden rice will be unified, and the food will still be mainly spiritual rice."

"The problem of insufficient production capacity of Rank Three equipment in the territory can be alleviated. Let the troops be equipped with Rank Two equipment first, and let the Low Level blacksmiths practice their skills to improve as soon as possible. In addition, I will add more manpower to you as appropriate. "

"In addition, from today onwards, the engineering team will be changed to the Ministry of Industry. Li Lei, you will be the minister. The team will be divided into at least three engineering teams. Please give me a list of the names of the three captains."

"Yes, Lord Overlord."

"In terms of agriculture, there is the Ministry of Agriculture, which is in charge of agricultural production. Fengling is the minister. In terms of forging, there is the Forging Department. Tiexin is the minister. In terms of food security, there is the Logistics Department. Xiao Anzhi is the minister. There is also the Department of Commerce, which is in charge of the void trading market and For future commercial activities in the territory, Li Letian will be your minister."

"The Government Affairs Council will be established. You, Zhou Heng, will be the head of the Government Affairs Council. The above-mentioned departments and hospitals will be managed by the Government Affairs Council. From now on, the head of the Government Affairs Council will be in charge of the daily affairs of the various ministries in the territory. If you have any problems, you can report them to him and submit them to me for review."

"The army and fishing team remain unchanged. As I said just now, they will report directly to me."

"Everyone, do you understand what I just said?"

"Understood, Lord Overlord!"

"Very good, now let's take a look at the planning and design plan of the Cemetery of Heroes."

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