Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 205 Master Luo, I want to learn to avoid!

After the men in black retreated, the breakout was finally a success.

Bai Ze didn't leave, and asked Shuk to bring over the chair that had been on the deck.

It looked like he was in a cell with Roger before reaching Logue town.

Through the phone bug, he learned from Akainu that in this battle, 7 warships were unable to sail, and Marine's casualties exceeded 300.

This batch of Marines will be concentrated on two warships that are unable to sail, but will not be silent for a short time.

After the fleet leaves this sea area, it will ask for support from the neighboring bases.

Luckily, only the ghost spider was slightly injured while covering the ship for repairs.

However, the encircling black ships and the surviving enemies all destroyed the ships themselves and committed suicide after the fleet successfully raided.

Not a single living "four three three" mouth was left.

At the end of the call, Akainu also proposed why the other party knew the direction of the fleet, the deployment of combat power, and the ship where Roger was.

Bai Ze sighed and didn't speak.

He knew that although Akainu seemed to be asking questions, it was obvious from his angry tone that he had guessed the truth.

The fleet continued to sail.

This time, the warships where Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji were located were directly surrounding the Xuan Owl.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it.

Soon, one night, the fleet will arrive at Logue town.

But everyone became more nervous, and no one dared to relax.

The entire fleet is ready to fight at any time.

Several Vice Admirals took turns taking small boats to patrol the vicinity of the Black Owl with Observation Haki, so as to prevent the enemy from launching sneak attacks from the water.

If the other party still not give up.

Then tonight is the last chance.

In the cell, Bai Ze and Roger ate together the meals brought by Shuke.

And Roger drank Bai Ze's blessing and drank again after many days.

A big bowl of wine drank, and a little flush appeared on his pale face.

"Boy Bai Ze, your sword and swordsmanship are very good." Roger said after a long absence.

"I know. Bai Ze shamelessly agreed.

Roger was choked by him, and then laughed: "But when you meet a real swordsman master, overly complicated swordsmanship will sometimes become a drag on you.

Bai Ze looked up at him and said nothing.

He wasn't arrogant enough to refute Roger's point about swords and swordsmanship.

The saber "Ace" used by Roger is one of the most powerful swords, and he is a master of swordsmanship.

"My God, do you want to learn?" Roger asked with a smile.

"I think." Bai Ze nodded without hesitation.

God Avoidance is a move that can avoid the opponent's weapon and directly attack the body.

If you encounter the man in black who can absorb sword energy through weapons in the future, you can use this move to directly hit the opponent by surprise.

And he also knew that the reason why Roger proposed to teach him this trick was because he knew that he would definitely fight against the man in black again.

"What about the conditions?" He wasn't naive enough to learn this trick without paying any price.

"It's very smart." Roger showed his signature smile, "Consider, if my child is a girl, I will marry you when she grows up. 39

No, you just want to be my husband?!

Bai Ze rolled his eyes, "But I told you, you gave birth to a boy!

"Although I don't know how you know what will happen in the future, I always believe that there are infinite possibilities in the future." Roger said solemnly.

Bai Ze gritted his teeth: "Okay, if it's a girl, then I'll marry her! But I'll remind you again, you're giving birth to a boy named 'Ace'!"

"Oh? It's really called Ace?!" Roger's face smiled, "I'll just say that this name is not bad! I've been thinking about not using my saber to name him for the past few days. Okay, then Just call this!

"It's alright, alright, stop talking to me. 33 Bai Ze waved his hand.

"Hahahaha, it's actually very simple to avoid it." Roger stood up, walked to Bai Ze's side and pulled out the white-robed Burning Sky.

"It's a really good knife..." He sighed and waved it twice, and the sound of wind suddenly echoed in the cell.

Bai Ze looked at this scene with some surprise, even now he couldn't use this knife as easily as he did, and Roger was already terminally ill, yet Baiyi Fentian was so obedient.

When I saw Roger for the first time, I secretly felt his vitality through Lily Tulip.

Out of oil.

It can only be said that a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse.

"Conqueror's Haki is entangled, can you do this? 35 As Roger's voice fell, the white-robed Burning Sky's blade turned black again.

There are countless black lightnings crackling around.

"En." Bai Ze nodded.

Although his Conqueror's are only intermediate, they can already be wrapped.

"The most basic effect of Conqueror's Haki is to stun the enemy through aura. So my evasion is to 'press' the opponent's weapon by wrapping around Conqueror's. Do you understand?" After speaking, Roger slashed towards Bai Ze come over.

Although the back of the knife was used, Bai Ze still used Armament Haki with all his strength to wrap his hands around him, trying to block the knife.

But at the moment when his arm and the back of the knife were about to collide, he found that his armament began to flinch!

Even with his own arm, there was an uncontrolled drooping motion.

Then, the back of the knife touched Bai Ze's chest lightly, but the black lightning and terrifying airflow that exploded in an instant still showed the power of this knife!

Bai Ze's entire body was blasted against the wall with 4.7.

After saying "It's okay, no support is needed" in the phone bug.

Bai Ze got up from the corner.

His body was unscathed, but the wall behind him was cracked.

What a horrible knife.

The horror is not the power, but the fact that the weapon can have a "deterrent" effect on other weapons!

Armament Haki, who can even "scare", actively avoids it!

Really worthy of the name "God Avoidance"!

If Roger at his peak makes this move

Who can stop? Who dares to stop?

At this time, Roger's face became extremely pale again, and his entire body began to shake slightly.

Bai Ze hurried over to support him, and said seriously, "Master Luo, I want to learn this trick."

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