Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 206 Arrived at Logue town

Strangely, nothing happened until the fleet docked at the port of Logue town.

So much so that Bai Ze had a sense of unreality when he stepped on the ground again.

At this point, the first stage of their mission is over.

Next, Roger will be handed over to the garrison Marine in Logue town, and will be executed in public tomorrow.

Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Bai Ze will have other missions at that time.

Said to be garrisoned Marine, in fact, it has long been replaced by elite officers who arrived early from Naval Headquarters.

When handing over Roger, Bai Ze also saw an acquaintance.

Blake, who was slashed by himself in training camp, and then even robbed of his assistant coaching position.

At this time, he only served as the guard of the receiving unit as the Rear Admiral of the headquarters.

At this point, it can be imagined how high the marine specification of Logue Town is.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current battle strength of Logue town has surpassed that of Marineford, which has only a few big bosses left behind.

Coupled with the people who escorted the fleet, even if the Rocks Pirate is reborn, they have to avoid the edge for a while. 18

At the handover ceremony, those who received the troops frowned as they looked at the damaged fleets.

As Roger, whose hands were shackled, slowly stepped off the Black Owl, the atmosphere of the emptied port almost condensed into Ultimate.

The people receiving the troops looked at the Pirate King with curiosity and speculation in their eyes, but most of them were fear.

At this time, they felt an unreal feeling of Ultimate, just like Bai Ze who watched Roger walk out of Impel down.

After the handover ceremony was over, Bai Ze took a deep look at Roger's back.

And Roger also noticed his gaze, turned his head, gave him that iconic smile, and stepped into the special carriage.

"It's time to relax." Smoker let out a long sigh of relief after the receiving troops left.

Hearing this, everyone on the Xuan Owl also showed a look of relief.

During this half-month sea voyage, everyone was nervous.

Now that I suddenly relax, I feel a sense of loss.

"When tomorrow's execution is over, will we also be remembered as history?" Hulk walked up to Bai Ze and joked.

"Let's be more nervous, don't leave Qingshi's name and become a stink Ten Thousand Years, forever engraved on Marine's pillar of shame." Luman rolled his eyes at him.

Bai Ze did not speak.

That layer of haze in his heart never dissipated.

He turned his head to look at Akainu, who was also heavy-faced.

winked at him.

After a while.

The two appeared in the cell of the Xuan Owl.

Looking at the big hole that was broken open by Bai Ze's sword and had not been repaired, Akainu said, "Let's talk about it."5

"Didn't you already guess it?" Bai Ze glanced at him.

The cell was quiet.

After a while, Akainu suddenly kicked and kicked the door of the cell and flew out.

"Fuck! F*ck! Are those old guys really out of their minds!

Seeing him swearing regardless of his image, Bai Ze was a little lost.

At this time Akainu's image finally came alive in his mind.

It turns out that he is not a ruthless killing machine, and he has such intense emotions.

He shook his head and said, "Obviously, they are afraid. 39

"Afraid?!" Akainu sneered, "They'll be afraid too? If they're afraid, let Roger down in Impel! Why should he be sent to Logue town for public execution many times in one fell swoop to show the prestige of the World government."5

"Excuse me, what makes you so angry?" Bai Ze asked.

Akainu was taken aback by his question, then frowned and asked: "What do you mean. 35

"Isn't it a matter of course for soldiers to obey orders, Sakazuki." Bai Ze gave him a meaningful look.

"It also depends on whether the other party is worthy of obedience?" Akainu glanced at him, "Let's go, I'll take you to a place."5


"You'll know when it arrives."

After a while, the two people in casual clothes appeared in front of a bar in Logue town.

Said to be casual clothes, but it was actually the suits that the two of them wore in their cloaks on weekdays.

Before stepping into this bar, Bai Ze thought it was Marine's secret agency.

But what I didn't expect is that this is the most ordinary bar.

Looking in from the window, there were very few guests.

Behind the counter is a middle-aged woman, and the only waiter should be her daughter judging from her eyebrows.

As the bell hung on the door rang, the mother and daughter showed joyful expressions when they saw the person coming.

"Mr. Sakazuki, are you on a business trip to Logue town again?" The waitress girl trotted over and looked at Akainu with a beaming face.

"On a business trip?" Bai Ze's brows furrowed.

"Cough cough." Akainu coughed lightly, and instead said with a tenderness that made Bai Ze's hair horrified: "Yes. This is my colleague, Bai Ze."

"Well... Mr. Bai Ze, hello." The girl immediately greeted Bai Ze with a slight bow.

"Hello." Bai Ze just smiled and waved to her.

"Please take a seat. Mr. Sakazuki, are you still the same?" The girl led the two of them to a two-person table and sat down, looking at Sakazuki with a smile.

"No, I can't drink today, bring me a glass of water." Sakazuki shook his head, then pointed to Bai Ze, "He's the same as me.

And Bai Ze, who was looking at the drinks behind the counter, choked and rolled his eyes at him.

"Okay." And even if the two of them didn't order any wine, the girl happily jumped to get the water.

At this time, the lady boss who was still standing behind the counter nodded to them both.

Only then did Bai Ze notice that the left face of the proprietress, who can be said to be still charming, is also beautiful and bright, but her right face, right neck, and the exposed right hand of 433 are covered by a hideous and hideous scar. Living!

It's a burn.

"It was hurt by me." Akainu noticed his gaze and said softly.

"Not long after I joined Marine, I was ambushed when I was on a mission nearby. I was seriously injured and fell into the sea. It was this mother and daughter who saved me. The little girl was only 3 years old at that time." He showed a look of memory. : "When I woke up, I found myself reaching out to an unfamiliar environment, and subconsciously launched an attack..."

Speaking of which, there was some guilt in his tone.

"But even so, she endured the pain and helped me escape the search of those pirates.

"Then why don't you promise yourself?" Bai Ze made a joke, which made him feel a little better.

Sure enough, Akainu glared at him, then shook his head: "My identity, and my ambition, may die on which battlefield at any time, so I don't want to cause them any more harm. After that, every time I When you go to East Blue, you come to see them, and it's enough to know they're doing well.

Bai Ze looked at the iron-blooded Vice Admiral in surprise, and after a while he said with a smile, "Yeah, it's enough to know that someone is waiting for me."

At this moment, the small bell on the door rang again, and two young people walked in.

One of them had a strange red nose on his face, while the other had short red hair under his straw hat.


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