Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 269 You won't bring another woman on board, will you?

That night.

After drinking fish soup for a week, the crew of the Xuan Owl finally improved their food.

Hot pot with fish soup base…

That's also a hot pot, isn't it?

The crew knew that Mr. Vice Admiral was not only skilled, but also a good cook.

The simplest ingredients can be turned into magic in his hands.

Just like the way of eating called "hot pot", although it seems that the ingredients are thrown into a pot and boiled, but with the condiments taught by Mr. Vice Admiral, it can exude magical power.

And under his leadership, the whole Marine didn't know when there was a craze for spicy food.

When Bai Ze Rear Admiral was recruiting the crew, everyone was crowded.

Not only because the marines in the headquarters knew that he was going out to gild this trip, he would definitely take up an important position when he returned to the headquarters in a year or two. When the time comes, a person will gain knowledge and ascend to heaven.

Of course, part of it was because of Bai Ze's ability to teach combat skills.

But everyone knows that with Bai Ze Vice Admiral, you can eat all kinds of amazing food!

Who can't live with their own lust?

This was true when the Black Owl just left Marineford, hot pot, pork belly chicken, coconut chicken...and all kinds of food cooked by Mr. Vice Admiral himself.

But since the woman and two babies got on the boat, the hell known as "The Fish Doomsday" has emerged!

Therefore, the hot pot with fish soup base is matched with some deodorizing aniseed, supplemented with millet pepper, cucumber, corn, and then seasoned.

Finally made the hard-pressed crew feel alive again.

After "having fun with the people" and having a full meal, Bai Ze returned to his room.

Rouge was not suitable to appear in front of the marines, and at her strong request, Bai Ze reluctantly handed over his little daughter-in-law back to her mother.

When they parted, the little girl cried miserably, just like her dead father.

But when he opened the door of the room, he saw a slender figure sitting on the sofa and looking at him coldly.

Bai Ze felt bad in his heart and was about to open the door and escape.

With only a "whoosh" sound, a sharp Short Sword was inserted into the door against his face, still shaking and buzzing incessantly.

"Hehe...hehe." Feeling the strong murderous aura of the other party, Bai Ze laughed dryly and turned around slowly.

"Yo, Lord Vice Admiral don't bring children today." Hina said strangely.

"After all, it's someone else's child, so it wouldn't be suitable for me to hold it every day, right?" Bai Ze said quickly.

"Other people's children?" Hina raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah! I know it's been rumored recently that it's my child, but it's really not! It's one of my... an old friend! I just saw how cute the girl doll is, and I helped her with her mother after she was recovering from a serious illness. "Bai Ze immediately nodded frantically to explain.

"Do you care so much about other people's wives and children? You make a boatload of people drink fish soup with them every day?"

"I can't help it, my old friend died early, and before he died, he grabbed my hand and almost knelt down and begged me!"

"Why didn't I know you had such a rough-hearted friend?"

"Rough brains?" Bai Ze was taken aback.

"Dare to leave such a beautiful wife to you to take care of, I'm afraid it won't take long for those two children to change their names to your father, right? Hina glanced at him.

"Bullshit! Am I that kind of person!" Bai Ze slapped the table and said with awe.

"Aren't you?" Hina turned around, and what she meant was self-evident.

"..." Bai Ze was silent.

"Forget it. Originally, I didn't want to care about you, but you have been a little abnormal recently. The sailors dare not say it in front of you, and they don't know how to arrange your affair behind your back.

"...Okay, I see." Bai Ze smiled bitterly, that is his future daughter-in-law, so can't he take good care of her?

Before I crossed myself, wouldn't those wives and husbands who were confinement have to accompany them to eat confinement meals?

And although the fish soup has no taste, it is rich in nutrients!

Didn't you see the appearance of every day with red cheeks and red blood?

Hina stood up and opened Shikai's buttons.

・・・・・ Flowers・"What are you doing?!" Bai Ze panicked. "You slept with that little girl for a week and you can't compensate me properly?" Hina rolled his eyes at him. She had been drinking fish soup with the crew for so long, and her blood had already been surging. But Bai Ze held a baby every day, and several times she touched Bai Ze's door in the middle of the night. Seeing that the man was still teasing the baby, she could only go back with gritted teeth. She had been staring at Bai Ze the whole time during dinner, and when she saw the dog man reluctantly handed over the baby in his arms, she almost couldn't hold back her cheers. hours later. Looking at the half-dead Hina, Bai Ze patted her.

......0 Hina was taken aback and looked at Bai Ze in horror. Seeing this, Bai Ze rolled his eyes, "I'll tell you to move away, I'm going to pour a glass of water, by the way, to see how long it will take to get to East Blue." Hina then laboriously moved away. Bai Ze took a glass of water and immediately got up. With a wave of his hand, those wooden boards with ultra-small density and excellent sound insulation faded into the floor again. "Why are you going to East Blue?" Hina asked. From Marineford, the reason for the long detour to South Blue is now known. But why go to East Blue? "Find someone." Bai Ze brought the water glass to Hina's lips, Hina shook her head, she didn't even have the strength to drink water now. But after hearing his words, he frowned. "Looking for someone?" "Yes. 99 Bai Ze nodded. "Who?" "An old friend. "You're not going to bring another woman and child onto the boat, are you?! Hina gave him a suspicious look. Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, yes! Don't say it's true! Bell-mère, Nuoqigao, Nami... Isn't this a woman and two children! Bai Ze is not deaf or blind, and it is rumored that he is on the Xuan Owl. Also know a child. Grandma, wait until East Blue connects her mother and daughter three, who knows what absurd Eight Trigrams will be! Spoon.

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