Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 270 A War Without Heroes

War is cruel.

Bell-mère felt that he had understood this for a long time.

But why is everything happening now different from what she, or all the Marines on the battlefield at this time, think?

The pirates grinned and fired countless bullets, hitting between the ruins and spattering countless fragments.

The three Marines who were hiding behind a low wall were shot and fell to the ground.

In just an instant, the bodies of the three of them became paint bags that spattered countless red liquids.

In the madness of the flames, countless soils were turned up.

In the continuous dull sound of terrifying artillery, the bodies of Marines and pirates were continuously injured, and blood and severed limbs flew.

Obviously in the weakest East Blue, but here, Bell-mère felt that he might die at any time.

In her original understanding, what was the war between "480" Marine and the pirates?

The role of ordinary soldiers and pirates is minimal, and they all rely on the masters of both sides to decide the outcome.

But there is clearly a group of pirates who don't even have a bounty, why are they like a group of tireless wild wolves, brutally and madly rushing into the encirclement of their place, showing their fangs, so they are not afraid of death People bite?

Tore Marine's encirclement apart in a split second?

The pirates in the distance reloaded the artillery again, accompanied by a heavy roar, it was obvious that the artillery was not accurate, and the artillery that was not very powerful did not hit the target.

But it hit a half-collapsed house, and the explosion caused the house to collapse in an instant, sputtering everywhere!

Three of the four Marines lurking in the back were crushed to death by the stones in an instant, and blood flowed out along the remains of the explosion and the cracks in the ruins.

Another Marine did not die immediately, whether it was lucky or unfortunate.

He scratched his face at the moment when the artillery was fired.

The machete in his right hand blocked the damage of the explosion for him.

But he still roared miserably, his face full of blood and muscle threads that turned out.

His eyes were already blind, blood was flowing on his face, he pulled out his machete and slashed aimlessly, not knowing if there were any enemies in front of him.

The next moment, several Marines rushed up and hacked him to death.

Such tragic battlefield scenes are happening everywhere in this coastal city of Oykot Kingdom.

Every Marine who died under the gun may have his own story.

But in moments like these, no one will have the opportunity to look back with them.

Because this is a battlefield.

This is war.

Today's fight was Bell-mère's first real battle since moving to East Blue.

At first, after knowing that the other party was just a group of pirates who didn't even have a bounty, he sneered, thinking that he had seen a lot of wind and waves before.

I've even seen battles that knocked an island down to a stone.

Isn't this kind of small scene easy to grasp?

But now, the whole city has been turned into ruins, listening to the familiar screams around her, watching the smashed and burning corpses of comrades-in-arms lying on the gravel, in the cliffs, she was stunned.

Yes, this is the weakest East Blue of the world.

Therefore, the Marines of East Blue do not have high military literacy, nor do they have a complete training system.

Bell-mère, who was originally an Ensign, has become a captain here.

But she forgot that most Marines were people too.

Husband, son, father.

Not those monsters that have transcended the category of human beings.

They'll get tired, they'll shiver, they'll be happy and sad, they'll cry and laugh and they'll be in pain, just like they are now... fearful.


But they are Marines after all.

Although in fear, in fear.

But since wearing two characters, how can you be knocked down by fear?

After being suppressed by the firepower of the pirates for half an hour, the Marine force from East Blue finally began to erupt.

They stood up from behind the ruins, wiped the ashes from their faces, endured the severe pain of the wounds, ignored the bullets and artillery that were rushing in their faces, and launched a counterattack with a roar.

However, along with the heavy rain fell the blood of countless Marines.


Six styles, shaving.

Since there is no hero, let me be that hero!

After being spattered on his face by the blood of his companions, Bell-mère came to his senses.

The Six Forms she learned from the old leader Namin Rear Admiral is enough to make her a hero in this low-level, but bloody to outrageous battlefield,

The military boots swept across the floating soil like a light tap on the surface of the water, but sent a heavy force into the ground, shaking out deep footprints and smoke.

In an instant, her voice and shadow shot 30 meters straight like lightning, and came to the front of those pirates!

And those Hazel were stunned for the first moment when they saw the red-haired woman rushing towards him.

But in the next second, he slashed with a long knife, but after all, it was still a point slower.

Because they didn't expect that there would really be heroes here.

Bell-mère doesn't know what Conqueror's are.

All she can do is to appear in the blind spot of the enemy's perspective at her own speed, and then swing the knife.

A pirate's head was chopped off, and the blood from the fracture gushed out like a fountain.

The pale Bell-mère slammed down the scabbard with his left hand, hitting the left eye of the other pirate, and a scream broke out, and the red-haired Marine pierced his heart.

Instantly kill both of them.

But that's not enough.

Another pirate took the opportunity to grab Bell-mère's leg, swinging a long knife and slashing at the root of her thigh.

But Bell-mère twisted in the air and broke free at the expense of his other calf being slashed.

At this time, a pirate in the distance had pulled the trigger.



A gunshot rang out, and the bullet grazed Bell-mère's cheek, leaving a trail of blood on her face.

Bell-mère, whose face was even paler, reached out and grabbed the pirate who had slashed at her earlier, and used his body to block a few more bullets for himself.

But the price was that her left hand was cut with blood, and she couldn't even hold the scabbard.

Even so, she still endured the severe pain and used her shave again, appearing like a puff of smoke behind the pirate who shot first, ending his life with another knife.

After landing on the ground, Bell-mère began to gasp heavily.

Not only because of the pain, but the two shaves just now almost drained all her physical strength.

But the next moment, she moved and laughed a lot.

Because she saw the dark muzzle and a grinning ugly face.

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