Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 323 How many bowls of noodles did you eat?

Seeing the murloc draw his sword, Marine Soldier's mind instantly flashed a number of countermeasures.

Directly hacking to death is definitely not acceptable, what angle should the sword be taken from, whether to let it lose its combat effectiveness, and so on.

But what he didn't expect was that the knife was actually stuck on the murloc's shoulder.

As the murlocs screamed like killing pigs, two murlocs rushed out of the cabin. They were shocked to see their companions injured, but they didn't dare to move when they saw the human marines who surrounded their ships.

At this time, people on the boats behind this boat stuck their heads out to watch.

Seeing his own clansmen tumbling back and forth on the deck, with a knife stuck on his shoulder, and a very ferocious-looking Marine in front of him.

it is more than words.

When contacting Marine's "various evil deeds" in recent days, they all showed angry expressions.

At the moment when the atmosphere froze, someone shouted, "Marine is hitting people! Marine is hitting people! Protect the clansmen! Don't let them do anything wrong!"

Hearing this sentence, Marine Soldier realized that something was wrong, turned his head and shouted to his colleague: "Go and call Sir Susie!

Then, as he expected, the murlocs on the rest of the boats surrounded them with weapons, and even surrounded the few Marines.

At this moment, the other two murlocs on the boat dragged the injured man behind him.

"Clansmen! These Marines coveted 550 for the goods on our ship, and they let me go if I gave him a favor. If I didn't agree, he would just stab me with a knife! You have to decide for me!" The murloc covered his shoulders cried tearfully.

Where is the nervousness and fear from before?

The fish men were even more angry when they heard this, and some people in the crowd shouted: "Humans have no good things! Let them get out! The fish men island does not welcome human beings!"

"Yes! We don't welcome humans!"

"Go away!

"leave here!

At this moment, the wounded murloc showed a mocking smile to the Marine soldiers.

As a soldier of G5, how can he bear this kind of anger, but thinking about the instructions of the officers, he can only grit his teeth.

But at this time, only heard the "bang" of a gunshot.

A bullet rubbed the murloc's scalp and hit the wall of the cabin.

Not only almost scared the murloc to wet his pants, but also suppressed the shouts of other murlocs.

Marine turned his head suddenly, "Who fired the shot! 99

The Marines behind them were also stunned. Although they were carrying guns, they didn't even load bullets.

"Good guy! They're trying to kill people!

"Protect the people! Don't let them get hurt!

"Murloc HELP Murloc!"

The murlocs, who were still surrounding Marines, were agitated, and swung directly at Marine with the weapons in their hands.

But the Marines can dodge their attacks with just a slight movement of their feet.

But as this incident intensified, more and more murlocs rushed over, and even blocked the entire city gate.

At this time, the fish people separated a passage, and let a catfish fish man with crutches come over.

The murloc who had already bandaged his wounds saw the visitor and jumped in front of him and cried, "Minister Zuo! You have to decide for me!

The left minister frowned.

The matter at the gate of the city had already reached Dragon Palace City, and His Majesty the Sea God let him handle the matter.

Before leaving, His Majesty the Seagod urged thousands of times not to intensify conflicts.

To be honest, although Minister Zuo respects the royal family of the Ryugu Kingdom, he does not believe in the opinion of Princess Otohime.

Murlocs want to live in the sun with humans?


And he didn't understand why His Majesty and the Princess would value this group of human Marines so much.

If it had been placed before, they would have been driven away long ago.

Don't you see that they have all revealed their true nature!

But the scene after reaching the city gate still shocked him.

He really did not expect that this incident would be so big.

At least there are thousands of murlocs and mermen stuck in here.

It's just that many of them are from Fishman Street.

Fishman Street is so far from the city gate, how did they get here so quickly?

No matter what, let's take a look at what's going on.

Hearing the cry of the murloc, and looking at the wound that was still oozing blood under the bandage he was wearing, it seemed that everything was clear.

(bieh) The left minister walked to the Marine with a sullen face and put a cane in his hand.

"What did you do?"

Seeing a man who appeared to be led by a murloc, the Marine managed to hold back his anger and was ready to explain.

But when he heard the other party's tone, the fire rushed up again: "I didn't say it 10,000 times, I didn't do it, do you murlocs have no ears?"

At this point, there was another burst of anger.

The left minister knocked on his cane with a bang, which made the fish people quiet down.

"You said you didn't do it, is there any evidence?

"You said I did it, do you have any proof? Marine was mad at him.

"I see! You did it! 35

"Yes! You see his blood on you!

The other two murlocs on the boat said immediately.

Marine was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he seemed to be caught in the opposite trap, and because he stood too close just now, he was actually splattered with a few drops of blood by the murloc.

He laughed angrily: "You said it was me who did it? Then my colleagues can also prove it for me!

Hearing this, the Marines who were squeezed around the hull immediately shouted: "Yes! They say Lao Xia is Lao Xia? It was obviously that murloc who stabbed himself!

"That is, obviously there is a ghost in my heart that dare not let us check, and in turn slander us! 35

"What happened?"

A cold female voice came, and the Marines closed their mouths.

Susie frowned and shaved to the deck.

When the old Xia saw that the backbone was coming, he immediately ran to her side and told the whole thing again.

After listening, Susie's expression did not change.

"The Minister of the Left, right?"

"That's right, it's the old man, who are you? Minister Zuo asked.

"G5 Branch Commodore Susie."

"Oh~ Susie Commodore, your subordinates' asking for bribes won't hurt the civilians of our Ryugu Kingdom. How do you think about this? 35 The minister of the left twitched his beard and asked.

"You fucking fart! Lao Tzu asked for NM's bribe!" Lao Xia's face was flushed, and he wanted to scold, but Susie glared at him and had to shrink back.

"Minister Zuo, I have a question."

"you say.""

"According to the agreement reached between the White Owl Vice Admiral and your Majesty the King, we have the right to inspect the ships entering The fish men island. Why did the civilian you mentioned refuse to inspect? Is it because there is a problem with the goods they are going to deliver? ?" Susie said.

"This..." Minister Zuo looked at the murloc.

I saw the murloc burst into tears again, "Minister Zuo! It's not that I won't check it for them! They want money and goods! 39

"Put NM's fart, it's obvious that you have a ghost in your heart and dare not let Lao Tzu investigate!" Lao Xia couldn't help but scolded again.

But the murloc suddenly changed the conversation: "Minister Zuo, in front of you, let these Marines check! If there is no problem, then you must call the shots for me! Otherwise, we murlocs will really be unable to lift their heads for the rest of their lives. "

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