Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 324 Why are you yelling so loudly?

"Minister Zuo, in front of you, let these Marines check! If there is no problem, then you must call the shots for me! Otherwise, we murlocs will really be unable to lift their heads for the rest of their lives."

As soon as these words came out, Susie and Number 9, who had just arrived, exchanged glances, and both saw the solemn meaning in each other's eyes.

As a "water ghost", No. 9 instantly understood what this murloc wanted.

This is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy!

If Marine went to search as he said, it would be fine if he found something, but if there was nothing, it would not only confirm that the old man named Lao Xia was really doing something wrong, but also put Marine and The fish, who were about to be unable to hold back, to be taken seriously. The contradiction between men island is bursting.

The other party is betting against Marine.

And looking at the other party's aura and attitude, nine out of ten there is really nothing in the cargo hold.

But if you don't search, it will also make Marine face disgraced.

For a while, Susie and No. 9 really didn't dare to make an order rashly.

"Don't you want to search? Search! Search in front of Minister Zuo and so many compatriots! I want to see what's inside!" Seeing Marine's silence, the murloc became even more arrogant.

Seeing hesitant expressions on the faces of her own boss and colleagues, the Marine named Lao Xia hugged her colleague, stepped forward, and said to Susie, "Commodore, I'll go search. If there's nothing, I'm Lao Xia. Taking off this skin on the spot won't hurt the brothers!" 5

"Nonsense." Susie glared at him, "Until the truth of the matter comes out, please be honest with me. Even if you really violate military discipline, you have to wait for Vice Admiral to deal with it. Go back to me.

Old Xia Yi gritted his teeth and refused to leave in front of Susie.

No. 9 sighed, "Go back, this matter is not as simple as not searching."

"You search! If you can't find anything, get us out of The fish men island!"

"It turns out that Marine is also a bully!"

"It's a shame to throw it home. If I were their chief, I would be pissed to death."

From time to time, there were voices fanning the flames among the onlookers.

Makes Marines' faces even more ugly.

Minister Zuo also showed a sneer, "If your ministry does not dare to search, does that mean that there is a ghost in your heart? You Marines injured our civilians for no reason, dare to ask Susie Commodore how to deal with it?"

A cold light flashed in Susie's eyes, and she was about to speak.

"Go search, why are you still stunned after everyone has asked you to search?" A voice suddenly came.

Hearing this clear voice, all Marine's hanging hearts were relieved.

And Minister Zuo's arrogant and proud face suddenly turned into a pig's liver color.

On the deck, a young man in a white shirt appeared at some point.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth and a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Who are you?" The murloc frowned and asked aloud.

At this time, including Susie and No. 9, everyone put their feet together and gave an extremely standard military salute to the young man.

Shouting: "Bai Ze Vice Admiral! 99

The fish people at the scene, except for Minister Zuo, were all stunned.

This young human is the Marine Vice Admiral, Bai Xiao Bai Ze, who is talked about every day by the Marine Corps, who is absolutely superior in force regardless of his character.

To be honest, I don't blame them for not recognizing them.

After all, apart from several princes and ministers of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, as well as some murloc soldiers such as Jinbei, almost no one has seen Bai Ze.

The subordinates are doing their duty and fighting bravely to kill the enemy, and he is playing in-depth briefing.

"Yeah." Bai Ze nodded, motioned his subordinates to put their hands down, and then pointed at the Marine: "Your name is Lao Xia, right?"

Lao Xia was stunned for a moment, and then he gave a military salute with an excited expression, his chest was even higher than before.

"Report Vice Admiral! I'm Old Xia!"

"Okay, take your brother and go and search this boat carefully. Don't let go of a corner." Bai Ze said with a sip of coffee.


Lao Xia cast a glance at the two colleagues he knew well, and the two immediately understood, rolled up their sleeves and walked over to join him on the boat.

They don't care about any conspiracy or conspiracy.

"Wait a minute!" Minister Zuo bravely stopped in front of them.

He noticed that the momentum of these Marines was obviously more than doubled at this time, and even the eyes looking at him were full of murderous intent.

・・・・Seeking flowers.........

It was like a pack of wolves that suddenly found the head wolf.

"Why?" Lao Xia said impatiently.

He has long been unhappy with this old catfish, and now that Vice Admiral is here, how can he give him face again.

"Mr. Vice Admiral, what if nothing is found?" He looked at Bai Ze.

Bai Ze didn't look at him, "If you can't find it, you can't find it. If you can't find it, it means that you The fish men island has a good person who obeys the law. Isn't it a good thing for you?"

"Then your subordinates hurt my clan..." Minister Zuo was choked by him and could only attack in a different direction.

"Did you see it?" Bai Ze then glanced at him.


"I..." Minister Zuo shivered angrily, but he didn't dare to attack at all.

"We saw it!" said the other two murlocs on the boat.

"Yes! It's me who was hurt by your subordinates!" The murloc who was still lying on the ground also shouted loudly.

He could clearly feel that the atmosphere on the ship had changed since the appearance of this human Vice Admiral.

And faintly he had a bad premonition.

Bai Ze touched his chin, "Search first."


"No way!" The two murlocs rushed up again, "What about hurting people!

"Boom! Boom!

Hearing only two muffled noises, the two murlocs flew out of the boat and slammed into the city gate, clutching their chests and spurting blood.

"You!" Minister Zuo's pupils shrank sharply, and he stretched out a finger tremblingly to point to Bai Ze.

"It's always been said that someone was hurt and someone was hurt, and they were asked to show evidence but they couldn't show it, but now it's better, it's really hurt. I'm beating, how is it?" Bai Ze said impatiently, "Old man Xia, go search."

"Yes!" The three Marines rushed into the cabin immediately past the left minister and the stunned murloc.

"Minister of the Left! My compatriots! Now you see it! Marine really hit someone!" The murloc rolled his eyes and shouted again.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? Then you go to the World government to complain to me." Bai Ze took out his ear spoon.

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