"Hahahaha! I finally came out! That kid Markulo finally did something!"

The pirate laughed wildly after seeing that the ship successfully left the secret passage of The fish men island.

Damn, this time I came to The fish men island, not only did I not achieve the goal of kidnapping more than 10 mermaids, but also because of the sudden appearance of Marine, I dared not even go to the street.

Every day, I can only live in a dark and damp apartment and eat the leftovers that Markulo brought to myself.

You can't go to the red light district. Although the murlocs who are tied up are all beautiful, but their big customers all require that they must be "first-hand goods", so they can't touch them.

This suffocated him.

"When this business is completed, it will take two years, no, within five years, I will not do it! Just eat, drink and enjoy! 35 Pirates secretly made a decision in their hearts.

Thinking of the wonderful life to come, my saliva is about to flow out.

But at this moment, the pirate suddenly felt a shock.

How can earthquakes be felt under the sea?

Sea Kings fight?

Or an underwater volcano?

But at the next moment, a huge momentum knocked him out from the bow and fell heavily on the deck.

When 550 got up, clutching his bleeding nose, his entire bow rotted away.

It's like... being bombarded with artillery.

How could anyone here attack themselves with artillery?!

Are those colleagues?

Damn! Didn't you say you shouldn't eat black people?

At this moment, a large shadow suddenly blocked the light from the sun tree Eve.

The pirate looked up.

Fortunately, not the same boat.

But it's not as good as black eat black!

I saw that on his head, a membrane-coated Marine warship was blocking his way.

On the bow of the warship, except for the main gun that is smoking white smoke.

A Marine with ten hands on his back and two cigars in his mouth, with white hair in an open uniform, was looking at himself coldly.

He waved, and several Marines immediately pointed their guns at him.

"I surrender! I surrender! Not only do I surrender! I have to report! I will take the blame!"

The pirate knelt down without hesitation and shouted loudly.

Although Smoker couldn't hear what he said (bieh) because he was at the bottom of the sea, the meaning of the other party's action was still understandable.

So he let his subordinates drive a coated boat to take over the boat.

He took a warship to another area.

Similar scenes continue to occur around The fish men island.

Some of them rose up to resist.

Those murloc traffickers who robbed their fellow clan originally thought that by virtue of their unique advantages in the sea, they could turn the situation around by narrowing the distance or boarding a warship.

But this group of soldiers who had been tortured for a week by Shuke in the G5 branch took revenge on these traffickers for their "oppression".

Almost as soon as the two-shot demonstration was completed, he threw out the grappling hook and dragged the trafficker's boat over to start close combat.

If it wasn't for the inconvenience of being at the bottom of the sea, they would have liked to swim directly there!

At this time, they discovered that the combat skills they had learned in this week's "hell", including the tricks to exert strength and the use of body techniques, were so useful!

Many G5 Marines have also played against murlocs, and they know that the strength of this race is naturally much stronger than that of humans.

Originally, it took two or three experienced Marines to fight against a murloc, but at the bottom of the sea, the home of the murlocs required more people.

But at this time, only the two of them can fight on par with each other.

Three people can get the upper hand!

And in the fishmen street, one after another fishmen kept walking down the street from the dark room.

The oldest of them was in their twenties, and most of them were young murlocs in their teens.

There were quite a few, ten-year-olds like Hody Jones, who was at the forefront.

They were carrying home-made crude weapons in their hands, and their faces were full of hideousness and ferocity that should not belong to this age.

After walking out of Murloc Street, they shouted the slogan: "Get rid of human beings! Murlocs are supreme!" and began to wantonly destroy everything they saw around them!

Shops, houses, parks.

They were like locusts, and everywhere they passed was a mess, and fire was everywhere.

Numerous murloc guards rushed over to try to stop them.

In the face of these armies composed of compatriots, many people's faces showed hesitation.

But Hoddy Jones was unafraid and shouted: "They are not our compatriots! They are all human lackeys!" After that, he rushed over first.

Although he is young, he has been fierce and brave since he was a child.

In addition, the murloc guards didn't dare to make a heavy hand when they saw that he was just a child.

Under the situation, he was actually knocked on the head with a stick and passed out!

Hody Jones stood on his fallen body, raised his stick in his hand and shouted: "Murlocs! 35

Instantly ignited the enthusiasm of these people!

They swarmed up and started frantically attacking these murloc soldiers.

Faced with the absolute disparity in numbers, the murloc soldiers have been losing ground.

The right minister in charge of commanding frowned as he watched this bloody and violent scene.

He remembered what the human Marine Vice Admiral had said, even though most of these murlocs had not personally experienced the ill effects of humans on the murlocs.

However, their hatred of human beings is under the influence of the environment for a long time, so they no longer believe in human beings, and even begin to vilify and hate human beings, and this hatred gradually deepens with age.

Now it's finally time to explode.

And although the root cause of all this was caused by the general environment, the direct cause of the pursuit was due to His Majesty the Sea God and Empress Yiji's intentional or unintentional neglect or even indulgence of the Fishmen Street.

As the minister in charge of military affairs in the Dragon Palace, the right minister naturally knew that His Majesty Neptune had actually planned to clear the Fishmen Street many times, but he was persuaded by the Empress Ottoji.

Niangniang always felt that violence alone could not solve these problems.

Not long ago, he privately asked the human Vice Admiral what he should do if he wanted to completely eradicate the situation of Murloc Street.

Vice Admiral's answer is very simple, just kill them, it doesn't matter if they kill a few.

Kill dozens and they will resist.

But what about killing hundreds or thousands?

Kill until they don't want to resist, can't resist, don't dare to resist!

Not to mention what children are not children, a child who tries to kill with a weapon is a terrorist!

If there is mercy, more innocent people will die because of these so-called children!


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