Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 329 The life and death of The fish men island

And are these hooligans who grew up in Fishman Street really not afraid of death?

No one is afraid of death.

But the reason why they can be blatant is because they found that as the people who planned this matter said, as long as the number of people is large, those soldiers of the Dragon Palace City will not dare to do it.

This is the so-called "law does not blame the public".

Seeing the murloc soldiers retreat under their deterrence, some of them suddenly had some wilder ideas.

Since there are so many of them now, and the soldiers who are high on weekdays don't dare to really take action, why do they still live in the dark and cold fishmen street?

Aren't those high-end apartments with always-on sun exposure?

Fishfly Hills, Coral Hill, Mermaid Bay, and even Dragon Palace, why can they live in such a comfortable place?

These people looked at each other and saw the same desire in each other's red eyes!

"Get out! 35

I don't know who made the first call.

The nearly 10,000 murlocs immediately raised their arms and shouted, from simply attacking these murloc soldiers to robbing them of their belongings - even their clothes.

Looking at this scene, the right minister flashed a deep tangle in his eyes.

Is it really like what Bai Xiao said?

But just after this moment of hesitation, more than a dozen murloc soldiers fell to the ground.

Even the weapon in his hand was snatched away.

And the murlocs started attacking other soldiers with the weapons they looted.

The right minister knows, can't think about it any more!

"Attack! Full attack! No casualties! Block them back to The fish men island for me!"

But even after hearing the order, the soldiers still couldn't make a move.

Because among the murlocs who attacked them, there were even playmates, neighbors, and even brothers who grew up together.

The right minister pulled out the long knife around his waist and slashed directly at a murloc.

Blood splattered, and the murloc became the first real dead person in the riot.

Killed by the right minister of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

And this time it inspired the fierceness of the hooligans!

They began to show no mercy, and all kinds of weapons and even empty hands attacked the soldiers' vital points.

After piercing a soldier's heart with his own hands, he looked at the soldier who vomited blood and fell down.

Hody Jones was slightly lost, and he subconsciously stuck out his tongue to lick the blood that splattered on his hands.

It turned out that the blood of compatriots, and those of human beings, are no different.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the soldiers who kept retreating in front of him with a hideous smile.

Then the fight began.

After his right arm was slashed by a hooligan, the right minister anxiously watched his subordinates die one by one.

Even though the subordinates have received a certain amount of training, they still have no resistance under the absolute suppression of numbers!

"Hurry up to Dragon Palace City and tell His Majesty the Sea God what happened here! Let him bring more people to support!"

The right minister pulled over a subordinate and said hurriedly to him.

The soldier immediately nodded and said yes, and ran towards Dragon Palace City.

Your Majesty, Empress, this is the result of your soft-heartedness and indifference!

Minister Right sighed and continued to rush forward.

"What?!" Neptune couldn't sit still after listening to the soldier's report.

He had heard about the riots in Fishman Street before, but he did not expect that the riots had spread to other areas!

And there is no tendency to stop at all.

"Is anyone injured?" Otsuki asked quickly.

Hearing that, for the first time, the soldier felt a little disappointed with his beloved princess.


"There are too many people on the other side, and they didn't hold back at all. The brothers who went to suppress them have already lost half of their casualties! Your Majesty! The soldier said anxiously.

"Ah?!" Otoji collapsed on the seat while covering her mouth.

Neptune's face was ashen, but he was still hesitating.

Seeing this, Jinbei sighed, got up and said: "Your Majesty, please allow me to lead the soldiers of the Dragon Palace to support the Minister of the Right. In addition, please send someone to ask Bai Xiao Vice Admiral for help. This matter cannot be delayed any longer.

Neptune looked at him and finally nodded heavily, "I'll go with you!"

...... ask for flowers ......

Seeing this, Jinbei felt relieved, and it seemed that His Highness the Sea God finally remembered that he still has the identity of the "Great Knight of the Sea".

"Your Majesty, I'm going too. Otsuki said firmly.

"It's dangerous there! You're pregnant with a baby again, so don't join in the fun." Nipton said soothingly to his wife.

"There are a lot of kids out there, and I don't believe they'll really..."

"Niangniang! They are not children! They are enemies! They are enemies that are more brutal and vicious than humans!"

It was not Jinbei who interrupted her, but the soldier who had come to ask for help earlier.

This was the first time he had spoken to Otohime like that.

But thinking of the ruthless hands that the young butchers had against his colleagues, and the savage laughter after killing them, he couldn't hold back.

"Impossible! How could the children..." Eiji still didn't want to believe it, but the next moment she covered her mouth and was speechless.

I saw the soldier gritted his teeth and opened his shirt, and on his abdomen, there was a wound that almost penetrated him.

"This is what the children you said did." He looked at Yi Ji and said word by word.

"Your Majesty, hurry up, hurry up! This is war!" Jinbei said in a deep voice.

Neptune then turned his eyes away from the soldier's wound, and summoned his mount, Hoai, with a sullen face.

"You go to the gate of the fish men city to inform Vice Admiral, the white owl, and say, The fish men island is at the point of life and death. 35 Jinbei said to the Marine soldier again.


And Neptune was stunned when he heard the words, life and death?

Is it that serious?

When he arrived with a group of soldiers, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

The right minister was naked and covered in blood, with a dagger stuck in his chest and was hung upside down on a high shelf.

Hundreds of unidentified soldiers, who were also naked, were lying under him.

On the streets of Fishman Street, although nearly 10,000 local hooligans were also injured, they looked at the reinforcements of Dragon Palace City with red eyes and bloodthirsty faces.

Shaped like a devil's spoon.

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