Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 331 It is better to listen to what the people have to say

The sound of lightning instantly suppressed the sound of fighting on the ground.

Everyone looked up in unison.

But the next moment, whether it was the soldiers or the rogues, they all felt something slammed into their chests.

Before it even had time to react, a large number of people began to fall.

At the end, of the more than 10,000 people who were fighting hard, only a dozen of them were able to stand.

Looking at Bai Ze falling from the sky, Jinbei's eyes first appeared a look of fear, which refreshed his understanding of Bai Ze's strength.

He knows what just happened.

Conqueror's Haki.

Previously, Whitebeard used this move to stun the incoming enemies.

And the Conqueror's just used by Bai Ze is obviously no longer under Whitebeard.

And this battle, which was originally thought to be a river of blood, came to an abrupt end.

As Bai Ze slowly walked forward, countless green vines emerged from the ground, wrapped around the bodies of the murloc soldiers and began to heal them.

Neptune has the most vines wrapped around him and the whale mount due to his large size.

18 Feeling that his wounds were healed, after Tengman released, Jinbei walked up to Bai Ze and said to him in a deep voice: "You are right, the enemy of The fish men island is not outside the island, but inside the island. ."

Bai Ze smiled at him, and turned his eyes to the few remaining hooligans who were still awake.

The murlocs trembled all of a sudden, and lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

Seeing that there are no "acquaintances" among them, he was a little disappointed.

Walking over to Neptune, he gave him a slight salute: "Your Majesty the Sea God.

Neptune looked at him with a complicated expression: "You won."

Hearing this, Bai Ze raised his eyebrows: "You won."

"What have I won? My people..." There was a hint of anger on Neptune's face, but it didn't break out after all.

"Although it is so admirable, you still regard these people as your people, but the fact is, because of your intentional or unintentional indulgence and neglect, your people do not accept your ideas at all! This led to today's The situation. 35 Bai Ze said mercilessly.

Several vines took over the right minister who was still hanging and began to heal him.

Looking at this arrogant, dedicated minister, Neptune fell silent.

After the Minister Right's breathing gradually stabilized, he said, "What should I do next?"

Bai Ze rolled his eyes again: "You are the king of this country, you can only decide what to do. I just lifted the false shell and showed you the truth of your country. What to do with these people is Your business. By the way, by the way, even if my troops will be permanently stationed on The fish men island in the future, they will not interfere in your internal affairs.

Seeing that Neptune didn't speak, Bai Ze sighed and continued: "If you really don't know what to do, you might as well ask your real citizens what they think. Although this is your country, it is still Civilian.

Hearing this, Neptune nodded slightly.

"What about those people?" Jinbei came over and asked Bai Ze.

What he was talking about was the hooligans who were still standing there stupidly.

Bai Ze touched his chin, "You said, when you officially join Marine, how about arranging a murloc army for you? 35

Jinbei was taken aback: "You mean to recruit them into Marine?

Bai Ze nodded.

Those who can hold their own Conqueror's are all good seedlings!

When I came to The fish men island this time, I clearly felt the trouble caused by the lack of manpower.

Although those few are now extreme racists, but they are not Nepton, there are ways to rectify them.

Jinbei hesitated and asked, "Why do you insist on me joining Marine?

Of course it's because you can fight!

Bai Ze complained in his heart, but this must not be said explicitly.

So he coughed and said: "I want you to see what a real human being is like, although you are not the first fish man to 'open your eyes to see the world', but I hope that you will return to The fish men in the future When you are on the island, you can convey to the people here what the real ground world is like, what the real Marine is like.

Jinbei was silent for a while, then looked straight at Bai Ze: "I can join Marine, but you have to promise me one condition.

"You said," Bai Ze was overjoyed when he saw him nodding.

"If I meet the Whitebeard Pirates in the future, I won't shoot." Jinbei said.

The smile on Bai Ze's face gradually subsided.

"I don't think I heard this. You have to remember that at the moment you decided to join Marine, no matter who it is, as long as it is a pirate, it is our enemy, did you hear it?!

Jinbei stared intently at the young man in front of him, but only saw no doubt in his eyes.

Jinbei sighed and lowered his head slightly: "I see.""

At this time, a word floated gently over.

"Only one time."

Jinbei raised his head sharply, while Bai Ze had already turned around. With his right hand on his chest, he knelt down on one knee before the young Marine Vice Admiral, "Jinbei, see sir.

The next day, The fish men island Geelong Codd Plaza.

The square, where Princess Otohime often gave speeches to the residents of The fish men island 553, was crowded today.

The civilians of The fish men island came to the island in an orderly manner under the organization of the soldiers who were still slightly injured.

They were surprised to find that not only Princess Otohime appeared here today.

There are also His Majesty the Sea God and the ministers left and right.

The minister on the right was covered in injuries, and his arm was still hanging from his neck.

Beside them, there are many human Marines.

In the center of the square, the hill formed by the traffickers still stands.

Thinking of the "riot" that has spread to other areas of The fish men island, everyone is faintly aware that today will be an extremely important day for The fish men island.

"Nationals," Nepton called out to everyone with the megaphone provided by Marine.

The civilians who were still discussing at first gradually quieted down.

"As you must have heard, yesterday, in our country, there was a catastrophic event. But the disaster, with the joint efforts of the soldiers and Marine, has subsided.

I called everyone here today because there is something I really don't know how to handle, and I would like to hear your opinions. "

The commoners were stunned for a moment, the wise and marvelous Sea God His Majesty actually had something to ask for his opinion?

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