Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 333 The Ultimate Low Profile Summit War

"How do you say this is handled?" Smoker whispered, leaning over to Bai Ze.

After he received Luman's order, he rushed over with Marine as soon as possible.

He was ambushed on the coral reef for several days and successfully blocked more than 20 human traffickers trying to escape from The fish men island.

So I am very annoyed that I did not participate in the riot yesterday.

"No matter how we deal with it, we have done our due responsibilities anyway. It's up to them to decide how to deal with it. Remember, when you stay here, don't easily interfere in other people's internal affairs." Bai Ze said.

Smoker nodded, and immediately realized something was wrong.

"Permanent?! 35

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" Bai Ze looked at him in surprise.

"...When did you tell me I was going to live on The fish men island?!" The Smoker was dumbfounded.

"Oh, then I told you now." Bai Ze patted his shoulder and said in a very firm tone: "Come on, I believe in you. 35

"Pfft." Jace couldn't help laughing.

Just as Smoker was about to stare at him, Bai Ze continued, "If it were you, how would you deal with this situation?

"Kill all of them, and leave none." Jace said 560 without hesitation.

"Crazy you! That's nearly 10,000 people, and a lot of kids!" Smoker frowned. "Just kill the leader?"

"For treason, all are imprisoned. Those with serious crimes can be impel down." This was Susie's answer.

"My idea is that serious crimes must not be spared, but those children need a real orphanage to help them grow up. In this orphanage, it is best to have both human and murloc teachers to help them re-identify. know the world. 33 Hina replied.

Hearing her answer, Jinbei's eyes flashed with a look of thought.

"You guys say, what if I bring these kids to G5?" Bai Ze laughed.

"What? You're making them all Marines?!" Smoker asked in surprise.

Others standing around Bai Ze also looked at him.

And Bai Ze shook his head: "That's not it. I also thought from Hina's answer just now, to build a special school in the G5 branch to raise those war orphans. Teachers of all races and professions are invited to give them After class, they can choose what they want to do in the future. If His Majesty Neptune is willing, I can take these children from Fishman Street and let them live on land. Although it is a freezing G5.

Everyone pondered, it was a really good idea.

But what about those three views of adulthood that have been finalized?

Seeing what they were thinking, Bai Ze's mouth raised a sneer: "No matter where you are, the end of betrayal is a dead end.

How to deal with it?

This problem not only troubled Neptune and Otohime, but after they confessed to the people, the people of The fish men island were also stunned.

After thinking in a different position, I found that even if I was His Majesty the Sea God or the Empress Ottoji, I didn't know how to deal with it.

So many people can't kill all of them, can they?

But if they keep it, they can betray their clan with humans, and they can take action against His Majesty the Seagod. Who knows if they will do other crazy things in the future?

At this moment, an ironic laughter came.

"Scare hahaha, Neptune, have you not used it to this point?!

The people in the square, the civilians of The fish men island, retreated in fear, and opened a passage for those who spoke.

I saw more than a dozen burly fish men walking towards the square menacingly.

Although the figure of the leader was not as sturdy as Bai Ze had seen in the simulation, the ruthless aura he exuded was more than that.

After all, I don't know what's wrong with those Marines in East Blue. They gave so much money, and they promised to turn a blind eye to their looting, but suddenly turned their face.

Not only did he drive himself out of East Blue, but he also chased and killed himself all the way (bieh), and had no choice but to return to The fish men island.

But just after entering The fish men island, I found that there was no Poseidon standing guard at the door.

I grabbed a passerby and asked, and the passerby shivered when he recognized him.

It seems that although I go out to travel like Big Brother Tiger, The fish men island still has its own prestige!

But listening to what this passerby said, the dragon's face became darker and darker.

After hearing that "The fish men island has a clan to sell their compatriots together with human beings", he directly threw the passer-by away and shouted: "Impossible! It must be the conspiracy of those hateful humans! Neptune's brainless man He actually believed the nonsense of human beings again!"

So, he took his subordinates to the square.

Neptune frowned when he saw the dragon coming from the crowd.

But those hooligans who were handcuffed began to struggle as if they had found their spiritual support.

There was a sudden light in Hody Jones's dead eyes.

Seeing that as the passer-by said, all his comrades in Fishman Street had been caught here, and the evil dragon's eyes flickered as he looked at Neptune.

"I'll save you," he said to the hooligans.

And Bai Ze felt that this scene was a bit like the ultimate low-end version of Summit War...

At this time, the evil dragon's eyes turned towards the Marines. After seeing the young Marine at the front, he was stunned for a moment, and his brows were randomly wrinkled.

I always felt like I had seen this Marine somewhere, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Nipton, are you old and confused? Why would you rather believe the lies of human beings than your own clan? Or are you being coerced by them!" The evil dragon said fiercely without saving face for His Majesty the Sea God. .

Then there was a sly smile on the corner of his mouth: "If you are willing to give me a lot of money like before, I can help you drive these humans out of The fish men island.

Neptune sighed, "Evil dragons, all my compatriots have seen with their own eyes, and even those victims are here, all because of your companions."5

"You fart!" the dragon scolded angrily, "how could the murlocs hurt the murlocs! It must be the conspiracy of these humans!

As soon as the voice fell, he was about to untie the shackles of the hooligans in Fishman Street in front of him, but several Poseidon troops rushed over to try to stop him, but were easily knocked off by him.

Jinbei originally wanted to go forward, but was stopped by Bai Ze.

After the evil dragon took off the cloth stuffed in the mouth of a rogue, he patted him on the shoulder, "Come on, tell your compatriots, are you being coerced or bewitched by humans! It's what Neptune told you to say!" 5

The hooligan shouted frantically: "It's all of our own volition! All those who prevent us from driving away the human beings are enemies! Including our kin!

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