Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 346 Phoenix Fruit and Shock Fruit

Whitebeard exhaled and said to his subordinates: "That kid won't be back for a while, go and get these men in black."


The people of the Whitebeard Pirates rushed towards the man in black and started to fight.

In the crowd, there was a chubby pirate with curly black hair, thinking of the punch Whitebeard had just punched, a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

After the Whitebeard Pirates entered the battlefield, the numerical advantage of the people in black finally ceased to exist.

But their bizarre regeneration and repair abilities still brought some trouble to the pirates.

Fortunately, in the Whitebeard Pirates, there is a "natural enemy" of their ability.

Margo, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, although young, is more like the vice-captain of the pirates than the captain.

After all, there is such a captain and father who is always brainless. As the first crew to follow Whitebeard, he is also the first son recognized by Whitebeard. Most of the affairs in the pirate group are Margo. in processing.

18 This also developed his old-fashioned character that was completely inconsistent with his actual age.

Although there is still no such term as "the emperor's deputy", in addition to his ability to handle affairs, Marco's combat effectiveness is ranked among the Whitebeard Pirates, and even the whole world.

A large part of the reason is the Devil Fruit he ingested.

Zoan, bird fruit, phantom, phoenix form.

After eating, it can be turned into a legendary phoenix, with almost undead vitality and super instantaneous regeneration ability.

The blue flames covered by the phoenix will be surrounded by "resurrected blue flames" when the power user is damaged, and then reborn, nullifying the attack.

The uniqueness of the self-healing ability is that it recovers instantly after being injured, which enables the person with the ability to maintain the peak state against the enemy in battle.

And this sacred cyan flame will instantly evaporate when it comes into contact with the red liquid in the body of the black-clothed man!

Even those black-clothed people who obviously have no feeling will utter a shrill roar like a beast when they are injured and dying when they come into contact with these flames!

Therefore, when Margao took the initiative and the others complemented each other, a large number of people in black were evaporated into an unpleasant black gas.

At this time, Neptune, the sea god, finally freed his hand, and with a complicated expression, he walked over to Whitebeard, the great pirate who had drank the "wine of righteousness" together.

After seeing Nepton's expression, before he could speak, Whitebeard understood the other's thoughts.

"My friend, that Marine kid, have you taken good care of your country and people?" he asked directly.

"I'm sorry, my friend." Neptune's face showed an apology, and he said a little embarrassedly: "I drank the wine with you, but I still accepted Marine's request to garrison the army and let your flag be captured. They beheaded..."

"Gu la la la la, it doesn't matter. I just want to know if he did what he promised you." Whitebeard looked at the place where Bai Ze fell, with a look of admiration flashing in his eyes.

He knows better than anyone the power of his knife just now, but until now there is no shock in the civilian area, it can only mean that Bai Ze, in order not to hurt the civilians and their property, the power of that knife is all suppressed on his own. in the body.

Thinking of this, Rao Whitebeard couldn't help but admire the young Marine.

But, that kid isn't feeling well right now, is he?

Goo la la la la!

Back in time, after Whitebeard slashed the knife, the space in front of Bai Ze suddenly cracked like a mirror.

Then he flew out again.

Fly farther this time.

It smashed directly from the square into the civilian living area.

Shock Fruit, eaters can cause the sky, earth, atmosphere and ocean to shake at will, thereby causing strong earthquakes and tsunamis as well as powerful shock waves.

The destructive power and attack range are the largest and strongest among all the three known Devil Fruits, known as the "strongest Paramecia" fruit.

The eater can cause the sky, the earth, the atmosphere and the ocean to vibrate at will, and can cause strong earthquakes and tsunamis as well as powerful shock waves. The destructive power and attack range are the largest and strongest among all the three known Devil Fruits, known as the strongest "Paramecia" fruit.

It's a pity that in the original book, Whitebeard was too old to take long-term medication and hang on water as soon as he appeared.

Rao was in the Summit War, where Whitebeard's heroic spirit was displayed. Due to his age and physical strength, he was not able to fully utilize the power of this fruit.

But Bai Ze sees it now.

not only seen.

also felt.

After seeing himself smashed into the house of a murloc family, and the murlocs hiding under the table.

Bai Ze took a deep breath and pressed the knife that carried the power of Shock Fruit into his body, otherwise they would leak out a little bit.

Then he turned his head and showed a smile that was uglier than crying to the horrified murlocs: "I'm sorry to bother you, but I might need a little time to rest."5

Then closed his eyes.

If you don't understand, ask, what is the experience of stuffing an earthquake that can easily destroy an island into a person's body?

Waiting online, very urgent.

It is no exaggeration to say that Bai Ze felt that every cell of 587 in his body was shaking violently to the point of shattering.

His heart has been shattered many times.

A mouthful of blood spurted out like no money.

If it weren't for the huge vitality provided by Lily and Yinglong Fruit, the blood he vomited during this period would have been enough for him to die twice and owe a few more lives to the King of Hell.

Although he was shouting, he thought he knew how strong Whitebeard was and was ready to be beaten.

But he still didn't expect that Whitebeard in his prime could be so strong that he couldn't handle it at all!

And he also felt that, for fear of destroying The fish men island, Whitebeard didn't even use his full strength!

There is no fancy swordsmanship, just practice Kuaiheqiang to Ultimate!

Such a person's physique and weapons are similar to his own, and his fruit destructive power is stronger than his own. How should he fight an enemy whose Conqueror's Haki has faintly pressed his head?

By analogy, Roger, Garp, Sengoku, and even his own father Zephyr, do they also have this kind of power?

Damn, it's all Shiki and Lincoln!

It's because they made themselves feel that the powerhouses of the previous generation were nothing more than that!

Although Shiki is dead, Lincoln is playing dead not far away!

When I go out, I must beat your son hard!

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