Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 347 Inside the Dragon Palace

"Newgate." Nepton looked into Whitebeard's eyes and said seriously: "This young Marine, and his subordinates, are really different from those who came to The fish men island before."

"Oh? Tell me?" Whitebeard became interested.

So Neptune told him everything Bai Ze and his party had done on The fish men island.

When he heard Bai Ze Bai Ze say that "the source of the scourge of The fish men island is not outside but inside", Whitebeard's eyes lit up and he let out his trademark laugh again, saying: "Old friend, I told you when I came to The fish men island last time. Sooner or later, you fish men island will have a big problem, but you still refuse to deal with it

Well now, forced by that Marine, I had to deal with it. "3

Hearing this, Neptune blushed, and went on to say that when Bai Ze said "why not listen to the people" when he was struggling with how to deal with these thugs on Fishman Street, the smile on Whitebeard's face faded.

At this point, he was finally convinced that another great soldier had appeared in the Marine.

He also suddenly understood why Roger would teach the young man about his escapism.

It's a pity, if he wasn't Zephyr's son, and he wasn't Marine, it would be nice to have him in his pirate group.

"So what do your citizens say?" he continued.

"As you can see, before they can say what they think, these... hateful humans are here." Having said this, Neptune's face froze, "Damn!""

"What's wrong?"

"Newgate, a group of humans are heading towards Dragon Palace! Although Bai Xiao sent his subordinates over, I would like to ask you..." Nipton said hesitantly.

"Goo la la la la! My friend, I understand what you mean." Whitebeard laughed and shouted to his subordinates: "Joz, Thatch, Bista, take your subordinates to the Dragon Palace. The city protects the murlocs there! Be careful, don't fight the Marines there!"

"Yes!" The captain of the third, fourth, and fifth teams of the Whitebeard Pirates immediately shouted, and rushed towards Ryugu Castle with his subordinates.

"Thank you so much, Newgate~" Neptune said.

At this moment, the pirate with black curly hair came to Whitebeard and said to him: "Dad! I want to go too.

"Teach..." Whitebeard frowned slightly. Although his "son" had been with him for a long time, his strength was not that strong.

But now he took the initiative to ask Ying, and it was not easy to refuse.

So he agreed to his request.

Seeing Whitebeard nod, the man named Teach was overjoyed.

Flowing Harazi, he chased after his companions who had already left.

I heard that there are many treasures in the Dragon Palace City, and the fruit that I dream of may also be among them!

After so many years of forbearance, if even Ryugu Castle does not have that fruit, then I will stay with the Whitebeard Pirates for the rest of my life.

The Dragon Palace City was already in chaos at this time, and many civilians hid in.

Since most of the Poseidon Army originally stationed here were brought to the square by Neptune to maintain order, the number of soldiers left behind was very small.

Although there were several Poseidon troops protecting him when the Empress Ottoji came back, it was a drop in the bucket in the face of a large number of men in black.

Fortunately, the Marine officers rushed over in time.

Although there are only six people, they are extremely powerful.

At this time, standing at the gate of the Dragon Palace City, with a group of three people, there is a great momentum of "six husbands are in the gate, ten thousand husbands are not open".

It may not be appropriate to say that, since there are also two female Marines.

But the two female Marines were not only no worse than the four male colleagues, they even killed more people!

Rao is because of their superior combat power, they repelled the waves of attacks by the men in black.

But those men in black seemed to not feel pain at all, a big hole was stabbed in the chest by a gun, and their legs were chopped off by a sword, and they were still full of power.

So after someone in the two groups was injured, there was some confusion in the otherwise excellent formation.

At this point, I was a little helpless.


After cutting off the head of a man in black, Luman wiped the blood from his face.

He smelled a stench different from normal human blood and almost vomited.

"Aren't these people really afraid of death?"

"Hoo, hell knows, ho," Smoker said breathlessly.

As a Logia fruit power user, he has used a wide range of AOEs many times, so he consumes the most stamina.

Because of this, he injured his left arm and chest when he was besieged by six men in black when he recovered his human form.

"I don't understand. It took so much manpower to capture slaves? Hina's rose red suit was completely dyed dark red with blood.

Her original saber had been cut off long ago, and at this time, she was struggling with the ability of Cage-Cage Fruit.

"I don't know what's going on with Vice Admiral." Not far from them, Susie said with a pale face.

Her battle method, which uses blood as combat power, is not suitable for protracted warfare.

At this time, she herself didn't know how long she could hold on.

But in any case, whether it was because of the commander's order or the duty to protect the civilians, she could not retreat.

"." It is estimated that the pressure is greater than ours, you didn't see it, I saw it. Staying in the square besieging his men in black was like Immune to Death. 35 Jayce is also in poor form.

There was a sword wound in front of him from the left chest to the right waist.

This was to cover Nine who was stabbed when he was desperately charging into the crowd.

And the state of No. 9 is arguably the worst of the six.

His marksmanship pays attention to a wide opening and closing.

Although the lethality is extremely strong, they are all in exchange for injury.

He can only hold a gun in one hand in his right hand now, and only a layer of skin on his left arm is attached to his shoulder.

He didn't speak, although the pain from the wound made a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

But he had the urge to cry.

When he was a spy for the Pirates, he killed civilians, even Marine, to hide his identity.

But at this time, every time he kills a man in black, he (Li Nuo's) is fighting for an extra chance for the civilians of The fish men island to survive.

So he had no intention of retreating at all.

This battle is his journey of redemption.

"Be careful!"

Several strangely-shaped men in black suddenly appeared!

But the officers in the battle didn't notice it at all, but fortunately, there was a murloc civilian behind him who reminded me!

Jace subconsciously folded his hands on his chest.

The next moment, an unbearable distance slammed into his arms.

The violent breath blasted directly into his body!

There was a crack in the internal organs after a tremor, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood!

After taking a few steps back, he stabilized his body.

The foremost left arm has been completely shattered.

But still gritted his teeth and rushed back to the bar.

Because behind him, there are many civilians hiding in the Dragon Palace!

Lao Tzu is Marine! Lao Tzu wants to protect civilians!

The lips and teeth are full of scarlet!

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