And those new fish people, looking at their arrogant and domineering compatriots in the fishmen street, are actually doing these jobs that are no different from slaves, and they also showed themselves that kind of proud smile, and they started to riot. up.

Are all the clansmen brainwashed by these abominable humans?!

At this moment, Shuke walked out of the castle without any nonsense, and said directly to Jinbei: "Vice Admiral means, on the first day of the new arrival, there is no need to divide into groups, there are too many new rules and they will suddenly Can't remember, when they are almost resting, they start training directly, starting from standing."

Jinbei nodded in response.

On the second day after the arrival of a new batch of murlocs, a new round of resident construction work was officially launched.

With the rapid increase of the population, and temporarily embarrassed to ask Sengoku for "relief food", the top priority is to ensure that everyone in the G5 cannot go hungry.

Food is the foundation of survival.

Although all kinds of food in the warehouse are still abundant, these are only for transitional purposes. Self-sufficiency is necessary for long-term survival.

Open up wasteland! Plant land!

Dare to sleep without first opening ten acres of land after arriving at the place?

Even if you don’t open two vegetable gardens behind the base, you’re embarrassed to say that you have a firm foothold? Since ancient times, there is one and only one standard for long-term stability—that is, to cultivate a field!

But the natural environment of G5 makes it impossible to farm here.

Even if Bai Ze used the power of Lily's forest fruit to forcibly create a piece of land, it wouldn't last long.

Unless Lily is left here to provide life to these plants for a long time.

But as Bai Ze's life-saving trump card, especially after seeing Whitebeard's terrifying power, he didn't dare to let Lily leave him easily.

But regardless of these details, it's always a good idea to come up with a piece of land.

With the advancement of time, the newly arrived murlocs have begun to gradually integrate under the stick-style education of their "seniors".

In particular, the captains who were separated out became more aggressive after not drinking for two consecutive days, and even took them to "work overtime" during the break.

Every time he thinks of this, Bai Ze feels that he is a heartless capitalist.

No way, at first because of good performance, I was very happy to be eligible to apply to be the captain of the new fish people, because the captain can always get extra rewards after completing the work.

As a result, because of this group of useless "wastes", not only the extra wine and meat were gone, but even the original wine was detained because of the repeated mistakes of the team members.

But when they signed up for the captain, Marine Rear Admiral named Shuke made it very clear to them that if they successfully "educated" the new murlocs, the extra reward they would get as a captain would be doubled. Get a certain Bailey.

But if you feel that you can't do it and want to return to the original group, then I'm sorry, all the "work points" you have earned before will have to start from 0 again.

Work points are also what that human Vice Admiral came up with.

He said that in half a month, each murloc can receive a batch of rewards, including food, drinks, some other living materials, and Bailey.

But the standard of receiving is based on the work points earned.

The more you do, the more work points you get.

The more work points, the more materials and Bailey rewards you can get.

They were originally the "elite" among the first batch of murlocs before they had the qualifications to apply to become captains. They were accustomed to the days when every meal had wine and meat. If they returned to before liberation, they would definitely not do it. !

So they can only teach these "stupid" clansmen harder.

And a week after the second batch of murlocs came to G5, they were used to the strange Vice Admiral always showing up in their camp from time to time.

The own supreme commander will also find some murlocs to chat with.

At first this made many people nervous and uneasy, but now the tension is still there, but the anxiety has subsided a lot.

Especially after Bai Ze fulfilled all the promises he made, before he knew it, the fish people had gained a lot more trust and closeness to the "big enemy" who abducted him from his hometown.

Today, Bai Ze watched the Marines training after breakfast.

Under the brutal training of Susie, Jess, and Hina, Marine's physical fitness has been greatly improved.

And have a deeper understanding of some tactics.

Then he came to the murloc's station.

Randomly found a murloc who was teaching the new tribe how to make wood into planks and asked, "What's your name? 39

"Mo, Morgan." The murloc replied nervously.

Bai Ze knew that these murlocs were still a little nervous when they saw him, so he tried his best to show a gentle smile.

"how are things?"

"How's it going?" asked the murloc named Morgan puzzled.

"How do you feel about food, housing, and the things you learn?" Bai Ze explained.

"It's all good." Hearing this, Morgan scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I ate that kind of food called hot pot last night, but 613 is really delicious. Lord Vice Admiral, if you can. I want to eat more."

Bai Ze laughed when he heard this.

Yesterday was the tenth day that these murlocs came to the G5 fortress, so I specially prepared a hearty hot pot for those who performed well.

At first those murlocs were hesitant about this kind of food they had never seen before.

But as the bottom of the pot boiled and the fragrance wafted out, everyone began to rush to eat.

Especially those of the same clan who looked at him looked at him with envy, jealousy and hatred, while secretly swallowing their saliva.

The food in front of you becomes even more delicious.

The hot pot was eaten very late. If it wasn't for the fact that they would continue to work and train the next day, I'm afraid these murlocs could eat all night.

So after a night of baptism in the cold wind, I can still smell the aroma of hot pot faintly in the camp until now.

Hearing Bai Ze's laughter, Morgan scratched his head again embarrassedly, and then showed a small smile.

But it was such a small smile that made Gawain startled for a moment.

This was the first murloc that came to the G5 fortress to show him a smile without any negative emotions.

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