Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 387 The Importance of Literacy

That night, Bai Ze called all the officers including Jinbei for a long-awaited meeting.

There are two themes of the meeting. The first one is the future development of the G5 branch.

Mr. Vice Admiral does not have much experience in this area, so all he said is: find a way to cultivate, store grain, and increase the population.

Population here refers to more than just Marine.

Rather, it increases the number of civilians.

Only with sufficient manpower can the next development plan be carried out.

So Bai Ze arranged a task for Shuke, the intimate military coat, to recruit talents.

Artisans, including masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, cobblers, etc.

It is absurd to say that the G5 branch has sufficient troops now, but the number of logisticians is not more than one hand.

But now there is a big problem before Bai Ze.


In the past few days, Luman has traveled all over the island with a human Marine whose ancestors have been farmers for generations, but did not find a piece of land suitable for planting.

More than 90% of the entire island is frozen soil, and the remaining 10% is not much better there.

But even so, a large piece of land was cleared behind the fortress.

The wood scraps that were used to make the planks were burned day and night on it.

The first is to soften the ground.

In addition, it is to teach the murlocs to read.

At first, neither Jace nor Jinbei was moved by why Bai Ze placed so much importance on the seemingly trivial matter of making murlocs literate.

In their opinion, since it is Marine, it is enough to be proficient in using weapons and obeying the orders of the superiors.

Bai Ze had a long chat with the murloc named Morgan when he met him in the camp.

When Bai Ze asked Morgan what he thought about the environment he was in, Morgan looked around and said hesitantly after confirming that there was no one else around: "I like it here~".

After saying this, he thought for a while, and nodded vigorously, "Yes, I like it here.

"Why?" Bai Ze was a little surprised.

"At first, I received an order from His Majesty the Sea God, asking me to join the other brothers in Fishman Street to receive the training of those officers.

To be honest, Lord Vice Admiral, at first I thought about slacking off and running away, because I felt that being a Marine was no different from being a slave to a human being, but the only good thing was that after taking those trainings, I was able to do it every day. With food, you don't have to worry about what your next meal will be.

Then let us go to land, I thought, it was just another place to train. But now, not only do I have enough food, I live in a tent I built myself, and I even have a certain salary.

I'm not afraid of your jokes. If I could live like this when I was on The fish men island, how could I join a gang and do those things that are stealing chickens and dogs?

The most important thing is that together with my tribe, I built a piece of our own home with my own hands. And I heard that there will be more clansmen in the future to live in the tents and even the houses we built for them.

I figured they would thank me if they knew I built the place to live.

Speaking of which, a shy smile appeared on Morgan's face.

"Do your... clansmen think the same way?"

"Hmm! Even the one of us who hated humans the most in the first place said, Vice Admiral, you're not like the rest of the humans. A man of his word.

Bai Ze was silent.

Did you gain the trust of the fish people because you kept your promise?

Although these murlocs are scapegoats, they are much simpler than some humans.

Then, Bai Ze suddenly asked very seriously: "Morgan, do you want to learn to write?

The murloc didn't react at once: "Writing? Why?"

"That way you can learn more and do more, harder work," Bai Ze said slowly, "so you can get more rewards and pay."

Morgan thought about it carefully, then raised his head and said, "Think, Mr. Vice Admiral, I think. 99

Bai Ze smiled: "Okay, I will teach you to write, and I will teach you all.

Morgan nodded, and he smiled too.

Because he knew that Bai Ze would definitely do what he said.

Afterwards, Morgan said goodbye to Bai Ze.

The rest time is over, and he will continue to go back to training.

Looking at his back, Bai Ze suddenly thought of how much effort the country had put in to make all its people learn to read before he was born.

But Bai Ze didn't tell the officers about these things. He knew that as long as the fish people really learned to read, the officers would naturally see the effect.

He opened his mouth and said: "." From now on, reading and literacy will be written into the rules and regulations of the G5 branch, and everyone who lives here for a long time must learn to read and write. ""

After hearing this sentence, the officers frowned.

Jinbei even said directly: "Vice Admiral, to be honest, it is much harder for you to make my clansmen become knowledgeable people than to make them work honestly, and they have to participate in construction work after completing their training, I'm afraid I really don't have time to read and read.""

Bai Ze smiled and said: "Are you mistaken, I'm not making them a great writer or a great scholar. The education I ask for is very simple. After dinner every day, I will have two hours of basic general education, literacy and literacy. That's enough. As long as this effect is achieved, they can understand the truth, can undertake more complex work, can understand the ideas we convey to them, can live more clearly, and can become more useful talents.35

Hearing this, everyone showed a thoughtful look.

Seeing their (Wang Dezhao) deputy appearance, Bai Ze knew that the officers had more or less understood what he meant.

Then came the second issue.

Marshal Kong and his party left Marineford this afternoon and are expected to arrive at the G5 branch in two days.

Hulk said to Bai Ze: "The relevant welcome ceremony has been planned. Besides, do you really have to keep the training intensity of the Second Generation in front of the big bosses?"

Bai Ze was taken aback and asked, "What welcome ceremony?"

"Huh?" Xiuke was dumbfounded. "The marshal is here, why don't you welcome him?"

"Welcome!" Bai Ze rolled his eyes: "Put away all the good things for me, and let all the Marines, including you, change into the worst military uniforms! Replace all the food for me. Turn into potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots! Don't let me see the slightest bit of meat! Let those Marineford bigwigs know how miserable we are here!"

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