Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 7 Little White Flower

After this man in black appeared silently, aside from Bai Ze, Bai De was the one who felt the most astonished.

As a Dark Fruit ability, he just felt a little uneasy at first.

But as he went to see and hear, he couldn't detect any breath on the man in black.

To be precise, it is the breath of the living.

Under the detection of seeing and hearing, the body of the man in black seemed to be as dark as his clothes.

After his eyes made contact with Bai Ze, Bai Ze felt that this person's body seemed to have turned into a black hole that was constantly spinning.

To suck everything into it.

It's like the dark cave of Baird!

In a sense, this man in black is like the human form of Dark Fruit!

On the other hand, Bai Ze's eyes were very calm, and he didn't know what "July 17" was thinking.

After a moment, he spoke.

"Are you sure you want to start here?"

He said this not to the man in black, but to the bald Five Elders with a beard.

Because he knew that there was no point in talking to this man in black.

He was too familiar with this breath.

He made Doflamingo this way with his own hands in the simulation of his encounter with Charlia.

There is no consciousness, only a tool person who knows to obey orders.

But this one seems to be a bit more advanced than Doflamingo.

At least he still retains the resentment when he died at his own hands.

So his only order is also very clear.

is to take his own life.

The Five Elders were a little surprised by Bai Ze's attitude at this time.

And when he said this, Bai Ze's expression was very calm, his voice was also very indifferent, hiding a strong confidence.

No, it wasn't even hidden, that confidence was like his sword, bursting out through the clouds, extremely fierce, making everyone who heard his voice feel a little dazed, and made everyone who looked at him feel that they were The eyelashes seemed to break off.

The Five Elders could see clearly, Bai Ze's eyes didn't have any stern stubbornness, only calm and determined murderous intent.

He thought that this wedding might be a little unexpected,

Otherwise, the adult would not let him bring the man in black with him.

Now, the unexpected came.

He is no stranger to Bai Ze.

Although he knew that the man in black died at the hands of Bai Ze when he was alive.

But the man in black at this time, not only has all kinds of combat skills been fully upgraded, but also his body has returned to the heyday of his youth.

Best of all, it's an uncompromising killing machine.

Moreover, he was also present.

Even if Baird helps Bai Ze, it won't help.

He knew that Bai Ze could feel it.

But he didn't understand where Bai Ze's confidence came from when facing such an opponent.

As masters of this world, the Five Elders are used to controlling everything.

This feeling of being slightly out of his control made him have a lot of negative emotions.

He waved his sleeves, as if trying to get rid of all these emotions.

There was a breeze from the sleeves, and the small flowers in the garden were rolled up and kept flying.

Looking at this scene, Charlia let out a low cry.

It is very common for flowers to be blown up by the wind. The reason why there are exclamations is because of a vision.

The flowers that were supposed to be pure white turned black for some reason, and they were the purest black without any trace of impurities, and the fluttering trajectory of the flowers that were supposed to be gentle became very strange and heavy.

Black means no light.

The light from the falling moon seemed to be drawn to the sleeves of the Five Elders.

Those fluttering little flowers became so heavy, and that's why.

The space in this garden seems to be deformed.

Bai Ze looked into the eyes of the Five Elders quietly, ignoring the environment that suddenly turned pitch black.

In this night-like world, those little black flowers seem to have disappeared.

Suddenly, a very dim white appeared in his field of vision.

The extremely dim white is gray, and it is the first moment when the abyss without light suddenly sees the rising sun.

It was a white flower that quietly floated behind him.

All were not found.

Bai Ze looked at the Five Elders as if he didn't notice..

The pear blossom that was gradually turning white suddenly trembled for a few times, and then shattered.

The soft petals were turned into countless extremely thin threads, fluttering everywhere with the wind, sometimes lit by the light, and sometimes blackened by the night.

This picture is very beautiful and weird, and no one knows how it all happened.

It was only at this moment that an extremely clear sword sound rang out in the garden.

The sharp sword intent fell, and the filaments of the petals were unable to withstand it, and they broke one after another, and then fell to the ground, turning into black smoke, and then dissipating without a trace.

Bai Yi Fentian came out of its sheath and was carried by Bai Ze.

People all over the world know that Bai Ze's swordsmanship is very strong.

But he hardly ever made a knife that early.

This is also the importance he attaches to the two opponents in front of him.

Bai Yi Fentian lay quietly in Bai Ze's hands, giving people the feeling that whoever wanted to attack Bai Ze would usher in a powerful and ruthless counterattack.

This knife is like Bai Ze's most loyal bodyguard, and like a companion he will never betray.

The expression of Five Elders remained unchanged. Although this was his first contact with Bai Ze in real life, he still watched countless times the sword marks on the man in black, as well as countless videos of Bai Ze performing martial arts. .

He took a step forward, the night turned towards the light, and the garden seemed to become a silhouette under his feet.

The cold 4.7 night roared up, and all the remaining white flowers on the ground rose up and floated towards Bai Ze.

The speed of those white flowers is not fast, it can even be said to be slow, and there is a very heavy feeling.

Bader, who saw this scene, gave birth to a very strong warning sign. If he came into contact with these white flowers, it would be extremely miserable.

And these white flowers are too heavy, he doesn't even have the confidence to absorb them all with dark water.

So he looked at the fat old man he had known since childhood, and felt that he had suddenly become extraordinarily strange.

Also extremely dangerous.

Even the two huge mustaches seemed to be full of murderous intent and murderous intent.

The question is, with at least thousands of pear flowers fluttering in the air, how can Bai Ze avoid it?

Even if he had a way to avoid it, what would happen to Charlie who was standing behind him?

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