Everyone knew what Bai Ze would do.

That sword named Baiyi Burning Tian will chop the white flowers all over the sky into pieces, and even cut them into filaments that are powerless to bear the wind.

Just like dealing with the white flower earlier.

In fact, the Five Elders wanted to invite Bai Ze to do just that.

Because like everyone in the world, he has always been curious how much Bai Ze has improved in these three years.

More importantly, this was a means to let the man in black see Bai Ze clearly.

When all the white flowers in the sky were cut down by Bai Ze's sword rain, it was time for the man in black to take action.

What happened next was exactly what the Five Elders had expected.

Countless shrill sword sounds rang out, and the stern sword intent seemed to penetrate the sky directly from the ground. Countless deep and straight sword marks appeared on the hard surface. The crescent moon flashed in between.

Looking at this scene, Baird's eyes widened.

Don't talk about those heavy white flowers, don't talk about those fierce crescents.

Just talking about the space crack caused by these two powerful breath hedging, he can't take it!

18 After an unknown amount of time, the white flowers finally fell, leaving no traces, only a faint residual fragrance.

Those terrifying space cracks gradually closed, and it looked like the demons from the abyss had closed their eyes.

Bai Ze watched the Five Elders quietly.

The white flowers fell, and the man in black did not make a move.

The Five Elders' expressions were unprecedentedly solemn, and even a touch of shock could be seen.

He stared into Bai Ze's eyes and asked, "What kind of swordsmanship is this?

The white tachi was just held in Bai Ze's hand, although the movement was very light, it brought infinite pressure.

Looking at this scene, and feeling the rushing sword intent, Baird pulled Charlia behind him.

But he was also puzzled.

Because of what the Five Elders said, what kind of swordsmanship is this?

White knife, crescent moon.

It has almost become Bai Ze's symbol except for his wings. What he just used is no different from the swordsmanship he has cut himself in the past three years?

Only the Five Elders could vaguely perceive that Bai Ze's sword was a little different from what he had imagined.

The Five Elders knew that Bai Ze could cut down the sky, and even that was what he wanted to see.

Because his real means or ultimate move is hidden behind the sky full of white flowers.

Swords have never been Bai Ze's strongest means.

Not even that winged white dragon.

Bai Ze's strongest is his endless variety of hidden goods that he doesn't know what he will pull out in the next second.

Killing is not considered here.

But to defeat Bai Ze, you need to force out all his means.

The previous white flowers were the means used to force out all Bai Ze's methods.

The Five Elders boasted that even if Sengoku came, it would be difficult to face these seemingly gentle little white flowers with infinite murderous intentions.

But what he didn't expect was that Bai Ze broke everything with just one sword.

So the man in black didn't make a move.

In his only instinct to kill, he knew that it was not time for him to take action.

In the past, when Bai Ze used his sword, he always took the route of opening and closing, with great power and momentum.

But just now, whether it was slicing the white flower at high speed just now, or being lifted up by Bai Ze's hand quietly at this moment, they all seemed extremely dexterous.

Flying Squirrel once felt that Bai Ze was like a person who had never used a sword before, suddenly learning a set of swordsmanship that was full of awkwardness.

He could feel it, and of course the Five Elders who had watched the Bai Ze battle videos countless times also felt it.

But at this time, the sword called Bai Yi Fentian was like a part of Bai Ze's body.

Whether it is the distance from the tip of the knife to Bai Ze's wrist, or the angle, it makes people feel a strange beauty.

The connection between the sword and the person being pointed at by the sword will be a line.

The connection between the sword and the person being pointed at by the sword, and the sword-wielding one, is a world.

The world is the realm.

This world from the tip of the sword to Bai Ze's body is Bai Ze's domain.

Or the sword domain.

Only at this time, this sword domain shrouded the Five Elders and the man in black.

Bai Ze just stood there quietly.

Countless sword qi overflowed from the depths of his uniform and perfectly integrated into his IDE field.

A gust of sea breeze blew, and the sword body of the white-robed Fen Tianming body began to flicker, like a real star.

This is Bai Ze's world, and no one can step into it.

No one can go out if he wants to.

"The afterlife is terrifying. 99

It was quiet in the garden.

The eyes of the Five Elders became serious.

He didn't expect that in just three years, Bai Ze's swordsmanship has improved so much.

Even if the man in black is still alive and at his peak, his cultivation in swordsmanship is probably nothing more than that.

When he sensed the appearance of this sword domain, he even vaguely saw the shadow of some people on Bai Ze's body.

No wonder he dared to come here alone.

At this time, the Five Elders asked again: 717 "What kind of swordsmanship is this?

His expression was solemn and serious.

The slightly cold wind was blowing the dust on the stone bricks previously chopped by Bai Ze, and there were no small white flowers that were trembling slightly.

The moon had already quietly climbed to the heights of the sky, but it was obscured by the clouds flowing from the sea.

In absolute silence, his eyes fell on Bai Ze, waiting to hear his answer.

Bai Ze did not speak.

Bader looked at the Five Elders with a sarcastic expression: "I won't tell you, I will kill you old man."

The Five Elders ignored her, looked at Bai Ze and said, "I didn't expect that your kendo cultivation has improved so much in the commemoration time, but it's not enough."

After saying this, he stepped back.

At this moment, he glanced at Baird and Charlia behind him: "I suggest you leave here, if you don't want to die."

Hearing this, Bai Ze turned his head and nodded in the direction of Bai De.

The direction towards Baird does not mean that it is towards Baird.

Because there is a woman behind Bader.

Charlia raised the corner of her mouth and turned to leave without hesitation.

Seeing that she had gone far, Bai Ze regained his mind.

He looked at the man in black who changed from holding a sword to holding a sword.

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