Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【105】Han Youchu Was Stunned, The Chenwei Guild Belonged To Ye Chen (Please Customize)


"No, if Ye Chen wanted to be bad, he would have been bad already in college."

Han Youchu said.

When she and Ye Chen fell in love in college, there were not many school girls who gave Ye Chen a glance.

Some bold ones even blatantly expressed and seduced Ye Chen.....

the other side.

Hotel entrance.

"Mr. Zhang, we meet again, and you are welcome.

Ye Chen warmly greeted Zhang Nan.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but Ye always looks more and more energetic."

Zhang Nan laughed.

Since the last contact with Ye Chen, she had a very good impression of this young man in front of her.

Chenwei Guild has cultivated a large number of very high-quality anchors since its establishment in just two months, which shows the ability of Ye Chen.

Ever since she learned that Ye Chen only graduated from university in July this year, she couldn't help but lament that he is a talented person from generation to generation.

"boss Zhang."

When Ye Chen met Zhang Nan last time, Han Youwei and Chen Mingbo were by his side.

For this reason, the three also knew each other.

At this time, Han Youwei and Chen Pengbo also greeted Zhang Nan.

Next, Zhang Nan introduced Ye Chen to several Douyin managers who were traveling with her.

"Mr. Zhang, let's go in."

After getting acquainted with the management of Douyin, Ye Chen said to Zhang Nan.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ye, let's take a picture together."

Zhang Nan laughed.


Ye Chen also knows that when the senior executives of such a large company go to attend some important events outside, they will take photos and use them as material.

So Ye Chen naturally wouldn't refuse to take a photo with the other party.

So the next group of people stood in a row at the entrance of the hotel.

Ye Chen stands at position C.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to give up the C position to Zhang Nan.

But Zhang Nan didn't say anything and didn't stand in the C position.

According to Zhang Nan, the protagonist today is the Chenwei Guild.

So Ye Chen stood in the middle C position.

Zhang Nan is standing on Ye Chen's left.

Han Youwei stood on Ye Chen's right.

An employee of Chenwei Guild held a camera to take pictures.

At this time, Liu Zijie and Han Youchu finally squeezed to the front of the crowd.

"Ye Chen..."

Looking at the figure in the middle of the hotel entrance, Han Youchu felt as if struck by lightning, his eyes widened.

She has just learned from the surrounding crowd that the event held at the Bulgari Hotel today is the Chenwei Guild on Douyin.

She has never downloaded Douyin on her phone.

So I am very unfamiliar with this Chenwei Guild.

But Liu Zijie knew a little about the Chenwei Guild.

Liu Zijie just told her that this Chenwei guild is a newly established guild on Douyin.

But this guild is very powerful.

Most of the anchors who have become popular on Douyin recently come from this Chenwei guild.

However, in the row of people taking photos in front, she actually saw Ye Chen and her twin sister Han Youwei.

At the event site held by the Chenwei Guild, those who can stand in front of the group photo are naturally not ordinary people...

Liu Zijie on the side was also dumbfounded at this moment, "Hold the grass, why is it Ye Chen..."

"Does this Ye Chen have anything to do with Chenwei Guild?"

After speaking, Liu Zijie immediately took out his civilian plane.

After a while, Liu Zijie's pupils shrank sharply, "Ye Chen is actually the legal representative of the Chenwei Guild..."

what does that mean?

Of course Liu Zijie understood.

It means that the Chenwei Guild is very likely to be Ye Chen's...

"Chenwei Guild, Chenwei, Fanwei...

Isn't the name of this guild a combination of Ye Chen and her sister Han Youwei's names...

"Chenwei Guild belongs to Ye Chen..."

After confirming the result, Han Youchu couldn't help but turn pale.

If it is said that Ye Chen's Haililao is likely to go bankrupt in the future.

Then this Chenwei guild has just heard from Liu Zijie, but it has developed very well.

"The woman standing next to Ye Chen is...Mr. Zhang from Douyin."

Liu Zijie recognized Zhang Nan.

I was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Chenwei Guild held an event, and even the president of Douyin came to the scene to support it.

It can be seen from this that the status of the Chenwei Guild in Douyin's official heart......

"The Chenwei Guild actually belongs to Ye Chen..."

Liu Zijie was very unwilling to accept this result from his heart.

But now the facts are in front of him.

He couldn't help but not accept it.

The well-developed anchor guilds are very profitable.

Otherwise, he would not have thought about buying a guild and entering the live broadcast industry.

The Chenwei Guild now has so many big anchors.

Then its ability to make money...

"Wait, that person...."

Liu Zijie's eyes suddenly fell on Chen Pengbo.

Why does this person look familiar...

Suddenly Liu Zijie focused his eyes, and he remembered, "Chen Mingbo from Vision Guild..."

Before he acquired the Vision Guild, he had dealt with this Chen Mingbo a lot.

Although the two have never met offline.

But it was a video call online.

Chen Pengbo actually appeared at the event held by the Chenwei Guild now...

Doesn't that mean that the person who bought the Vision Guild was Ye Chen......

Thinking of this kind of result, Liu Zijie's complexion became extremely exciting for a while.

If he had bought the Vision Guild back then.

So isn't this money-making machine now his?

Ye Chen is a college student who just graduated this year, how can he know anything about management.

Therefore, Chen Wei's guild can have such achievements today, it must be the credit of that Chen Mingbo.

The window material who gambled on stones in Jinling City before, after he hesitated for a while, Ye Chen picked up a big bargain.

Now he had bought the failed vision guild, and was picked up by Ye Chen again.


He's about to vomit blood.

After the photo was taken, the group turned around and walked into the lobby together.

Come to the meeting room on the top floor.

Several big anchors are doing the final rehearsal for today's live broadcast.

They are the first batch of live streaming today.

Everyone has more than five million fans. During the live broadcast, the popularity of the live broadcast room is very high, and the number of people online is in units of 10,000.

Ye Chen, Han Youwei and Chen Pengbo accompanied Zhang Nan and other Douyin executives to the back and sat down, watching the rehearsal process of those big anchors.

After watching it for a while, Zhang Nan couldn't help laughing and said: "The style of this live broadcast is very different from that of Treasure and Chopsticks. The atmosphere is better, which greatly stimulates people's desire to buy. I want to place an order." (cgdj) At this moment, the last trace of worry in Zhang Nan's heart completely disappeared.

"Mr. Zhang, this style of live broadcasting was created by our Mr. Ye. For this reason, Mr. Ye even wrote a manual for live broadcast delivery. To be honest, I was shocked after reading it. I didn't expect a It’s impossible to play so many flowers in the live broadcast.”

Chen Mingbo said.

In fact, how could Ye Chen write a manual for live streaming? He just copied some of the contents of the future email, and then added some of his own ideas.

So far it seems to be working fine.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ye to understand the essence of live broadcasting at such a young age. It's amazing."

Zhang Nan sighed.

I paid more and more attention to Ye Chen in my heart.

"Liu Zijie, are you saying that the predecessor of the Chenwei Guild is the Vision Guild you were planning to acquire?"

Outside the hotel, the gathered crowd gradually dispersed.


Liu Zijie nodded and said, "Among the group of people who took a group photo just now, Chen Mingbo, the president of Vision Guild, is inside."

"So the person who bought the Vision Guild before must be Ye Chen."

"This Ye Chen is really lucky. He picked up such a big deal. It's also my fault that I should have taken a step back and agreed with Chen Mingbo to bring the vision guild to settle in Douyin. The reason why I wanted to buy the vision guild The main reason is that I have taken a fancy to Chen Mingbo, and I should choose to trust him."

At the end, Liu Zijie's face was full of annoyance and remorse.

"But it's not too late."

Liu Zijie changed the subject and said: "Chen Pengbo must have contributed a lot to the development of the Chenwei Guild to this point, so I also want to set up a guild, I want to recruit that Chen Pengbo, and by the way, dig a few more big players." The anchor is here, given time, I will definitely be able to create a 'Chenwei Guild'."

"By the way, You Chu, when the time comes, I invite you to be the president of this guild, what do you think?"

"I'm going to be the president, this... can I do it?"

Han Youchu said warmly in his heart.

"Why can't this work? When the time comes, Chen Pengbo will help you, and you will grow up very quickly."

Liu Zijie said with a smile.


Han Youchu nodded.

At this time, all the anchors arrived in the meeting room on the top floor of the Bulgari Hotel.

The whole place was filled with darkness.

Seeing that the Chenwei Guild has reached its current scale, Ye Chen is very satisfied.

These anchors are all his money-making tools.

Chen Pengbo hosted today's live broadcast.

"Now, Mr. Ye, the boss of our Chenwei Guild, is invited to speak for us."

After Chen Mingbo made a brief opening remark, he set his sights on Ye Chen who was sitting in the middle of the first row.

Amid thunderous applause, Ye Chen Qigui came to the stage.

Taking the microphone from Chen Pengbo, Ye Chen looked at the audience and said with a smile: "First of all, I would like to thank Douyin Mr. Zhang for coming. One of the important ways for the short video live broadcast industry to monetize is to bring goods. There are only two platforms, which are Taobao and Chopsticks. Douyin will become the next one. With the huge traffic of Douyin now, I think the field of live streaming in the future will definitely face a reshuffle. Our Chenwei Guild is lucky to get Now that the platform has opened a pilot opportunity for live streaming, today's protagonist is not me, not President Chen, nor Mr. Zhang, but you in the audience. I believe that after today, the Chenwei Guild will be proud of you.

Ye Chen's voice had a strength.

It sounds like the blood is boiling.

Han Youwei, who was sitting in the first row below, looked at her man's vigorous appearance on the stage, and her eyes couldn't help but bend into crescents, "She felt extremely proud in her heart.

Look, this is the man she chose, how radiant he is.

"Sister, I really want to thank you for taking the initiative to let go of Ye Chen's hand, otherwise sister, how could I have the opportunity to hold Ye Chen's hand and be with Ye Chen."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, there was another round of warm applause.

"This time Douyin's president Zhang Di and Mr. Zhang also led a team to the scene. Now let's welcome Mr. Zhang to come on stage and say a few words."

After Ye Chen stepped down, Chen Libo said.

Amid the applause, Zhang Nan walked up to the stage, "I feel very honored to be here today. I, like Mr. Ye, believe that after today, the Chenwei Guild will be proud of you, and we Douyin will also be proud of you." Proud of..."

After Zhang Nan finished speaking and returned to his seat, Chen Pengbo invited Ye Chen to the stage again.

I saw Ye Chen holding the microphone, took a deep breath, and said very forcefully: "Now I announce that the first live broadcast of the Chenwei Guild has officially started!"

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