Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【106】The Total Sales Of The First Live Broadcast With Goods Exceeded 100 Million, And The Profits We

After a while, the staff of Chenwei Guild arranged the scene.

A large poster carefully designed by an advertising company was also pasted on the wall behind the table.

Chen Wei's selection.

Douyin's first live broadcast event with goods ~ event.

Lots of high-quality items.

The price is as low as you can imagine.

Soon, a group of anchors walked onto the stage.

These anchors are the first batch of live streaming today.

There is a pair of twin brothers who look very similar.

They are Crazy Little Yangzi.

As of yesterday, their number of fans on Douyin has exceeded 40 million.

It is also the most popular and famous anchor under the Chenwei Guild.

Several other anchors are also well-known.

Zhu Xiaohan, Bai Bing, the big wolf dog couple...even cousin Lin Tong was in it.

However, the live broadcast room with goods this time is the live broadcast room of Crazy Xiao Yangzi.

The main force bringing goods today is also Crazy Xiao Yangzi.

Zhu Xiaohan, Bai Bing and other anchors are responsible for cooperating with Crazy Xiao Yangzi and adjusting the atmosphere.

In addition, they can also gather their fans into Crazy Xiao Yangzi's live broadcast room, so as to bring out more goods.

Soon the live broadcast started.

I saw a live broadcast of Crazy Little Yangzi appearing on a big screen in the venue.

The name of the live broadcast room was changed to Chenwei Selected——Quan Douyin’s first live broadcast event with goods, and there are many benefits.

Because of Crazy Little Yangzi, Zhu Xiaohan and others have mentioned today's event in their respective live broadcast rooms early on, and even made a special joke to build momentum for today's event. The popularity soared rapidly, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room directly exceeded 10,000 within a second.

All the fans in the live broadcast room are looking forward to what benefits will be available today.

After all, this is Douyin's first live streaming event, so wouldn't it make sense if there were no extra benefits?

More than a lot of fans are paying attention to this live streaming event.

All the other guilds on Douyin were also paying attention to Crazy Little Yangzi's live broadcast room.

This Chenwei guild is too scary.

The speed of the rise caught many big guilds by surprise.

Can you believe that a new guild that has only been established for two months has already cultivated more than forty big anchors with more than one million fans?

Among them, there are four anchors with more than 10 million fans.

It's just scary.

Perhaps only in terms of the number of contracted anchors and the size of the anchor team, the Chenwei Guild is still a long way from the big guilds like them.

But in terms of quality, Chenwei Guild is definitely number one, and far ahead.

The speed of development of this guild is really amazing.

By the time they reacted, the Chenwei Guild had already become popular.

They also tried to get in touch with the big anchor of the Chenwei Guild in private, trying to poach the corner of the Chenwei Guild, but the results were not satisfactory.

These big anchors have a strong sense of belonging to the Chenwei Guild.

It was the Chenwei Guild who trained them.

At this time, these anchors are grateful to Chenwei Guild.

However, when they were busy poaching the corners of the Chenwei Guild, the Chenwei Guild reached a cooperation with the official Douyin with lightning speed. pilot.

The moment they got the news, Douyin and the guilds were dumbfounded.

Only then did they realize that their structure was too small.

While they were busy poaching the anchor of the Chenwei Guild, the Chenwei Guild had already set their sights on the live streamers.

Compared with the Chenwei Guild, their actions are just petty troubles, and they are too petty.

And can't get on the stage.

If Chenwei Guild's cannon fires, it will really be the first person to eat the cake.

I heard that the boss behind the Chenwei Guild is a fresh graduate who just graduated in July this year...

A recent college student has such foresight, it seems that the live broadcast industry will be full of wind and clouds in the future...

So this time the live broadcast of Crazy Little Plum is definitely the one that attracted the attention of all.

Many anchors from other guilds even came to Crazy Little Yangzi's live broadcast room.

After all, live broadcasting involves the vital interests of these anchors in the future.

So they are naturally very concerned.

The arrival of these big anchors also played a role in attracting traffic, directly causing the number of online viewers in Crazy Little Yangzi's live broadcast room to exceed 200,000 in just ten minutes.

We must know that when Crazy Xiao Yangzi is live broadcasting, the number of people online in the live broadcasting room when the popularity is the highest is also as high as 100,000. It still takes a period of time to do the live broadcasting.

Ye Chen and Han Youwei looked at each other and smiled after seeing the popularity of Crazy Little Yangzi's live broadcast.

Zhang Nan, the president of Douyin, also had a smile on his face.

It seems that the effect of this trial is much better than she expected.

At this moment, an account suddenly frantically posted Carnival in Crazy Xiao Yangzi's live broadcast room.

The entire screen was filled with the splendid special effects of the carnival.

"This old Qin..."

Ye Chen shook his head and smiled.

He already recognized that the person who was swiping the carnival was Qin Feng.

Speaking of which, Douyin also followed Qin Feng's account.

In the end, Qin Feng swiped a hundred Carnivals in one breath.

The popularity of the live broadcast once again climbed to a new peak.

"Holding the grass is a carnival for the super rich second generation Qin Feng."

"Swipe a hundred carnivals in one breath, this Qin Feng is worthy of being the emperor of Shanghai."

"Qin Feng is too fierce, I'm afraid only our onion tearer can come out and fight this Shanghai emperor.

The netizen's message happened directly and truly in the next second.

Another big shot frantically started the carnival in the live broadcast room.

This big boss is none other than Wang Sicong, the son of Yida Group who is known as the national husband on the Internet.

Among the rich second generations in China, these two are the most famous.

Wang Sicong also swiped a hundred carnivals in one go.

"This onion tearer has come to join in the fun..."

Ye Chen whispered to himself.

"Boss Ye, this popularity has risen too fast."

Chen Pengbo, who was sitting on Ye Chen's left, had a flushed face, and bloodshot eyes even appeared on his eyeballs, which showed how excited and excited Chen Pengbo was now.

"Old Chen, is your heart okay?"

Seeing Chen Mingbo's appearance, Ye Chen began to worry that if Chen Pengbo had a heart attack, don't make him suffer from it.

If Chen Pengbo hiccups, "It's really equivalent to breaking his ten shoulders.

Hearing this, Chen Pengbo was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, my heart is fine."

"Calm down, this is just the beginning."

Ye Chen said.


Chen Mingbo nodded with a smile.

At this moment, he really admired Ye Chen more and more.

Ye Chen is obviously much younger than him.

But Ye Chen's mind is much calmer than his.

It seems that there is still a lot to learn from Ye Chen in the future.

When the number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded 400,000, Crazy Xiao Yangzi also officially started his first live broadcast on the road of life.

The first item to hit the shelves is a set of skin care products for women.

Ye Chen and Chen Mingbo have researched together and found that whether it is digging treasures or chopsticks, the best-selling products for live streaming on these two platforms are women's skin care products and cosmetics.

After all, the consumption power of women in Xia Kingdom is at the top of the pyramid.

Either way, it is said that women's money is the best earned.

And women are more willing to invest in their own skin care.

Many young women may only earn three thousand a month.

But she is willing to buy the kind of skin care products and cosmetics that cost thousands of yuan.

Before today, the anchors such as Crazy Xiao Yangzi had already had enough understanding and understanding of the products to be sold today, coupled with the funny live broadcast style of the two and the cooperation of other anchors, the effect of this live broadcast was directly full.

After the first batch of 100,000 sets of skin care products were put on the shelves, more than 50,000 sets were sold in less than a minute, and the remaining number is still decreasing rapidly.

Seeing the background data on the screen, all the anchors in the audience were dumbfounded.

It's selling too fast.

What followed was excitement and excitement.

This red background data proves that there is great potential for live streaming on Douyin.

This also indicates that their future income will also increase by a large amount.

After all, they can get points for buying and selling a product in the live broadcast.

At this time, the happiest person on the scene was neither Ye Chen nor Chen Mingbo, but Zhang Nan, the president of Douyin.

The success of this pilot seems to be the success of the Chenwei Guild.

But it is Douyin who has benefited the most.

Think about it, after the live broadcast function is activated on the entire platform, tens of thousands of anchors from other guilds will join the live broadcast, then how much wealth will be created for Douyin......

As each product is put on the shelves and sold...

Everyone at the scene was a little numb.

Because these products on the shelves were all sold out without exception.

The live streaming took just over an hour, and the 16 products on the shelves have already contributed more than 40 million in total sales.

This live broadcast continued until one o'clock in the afternoon, and the major anchors of the Chenwei Guild took turns.

A total of fifty-six items were sold.

The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room has already exceeded one million......

More than one billion likes...

The final total sales directly exceeded 100 million, reaching an astonishing 156.77 million.

At that time, Liu Zijie and Han Xiaochu were holding their mobile phones while eating in a restaurant.

Han Youchu also downloaded Douyin this time, and he is in Crazy Little Yangzi's live broadcast room.

Sitting opposite Liu Zijie was also watching the live broadcast of Crazy Little Yangzi.

But the more I looked at Liu Zijie, the more I felt that the food on the table was not delicious.

The fifty-six items on the shelves were all sold out......

The total sales of this event may have exceeded 100 million...

Thinking of this, Liu Zijie felt uncomfortable.

He regretted it.

If he had bought the Vision Guild back then.

Then this gold-absorbing weapon is not Ye Chen, but his.

How angry, such a big bargain came out from between his fingers and was picked up by Ye Chen.

He's really going to vomit blood.

At this time, Han Youchu's mood was extremely complicated.

She and Ye Chen have been in a relationship for more than four years.

have loved each other.

Even if we break up, it is a peaceful breakup.

……ask for flowers…

The two sides did not become enemies.

Logically speaking, seeing Ye Chen doing well, she should be happy for Ye Chen.

But at this moment, she couldn't deceive herself...

The current Ye Chen makes her feel strange.

Is this still the Ye Chen she knew before...

The top floor of the Bulgari Hotel.

When the whole live broadcast ended, the whole venue rang out

There was endless applause.

Everyone stood up and applauded in celebration.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for your great contribution to our Douyin live streaming project."

Zhang Nan came to Ye Chen and held Ye Chen's hand, saying excitedly.

The pilot was a huge success.

It also indicates that the Douyin live streaming project will surely succeed.

As the initiator and chief person in charge of this plan, her position in Douyin will definitely be consolidated in the future.

"Mr. Zhang, you are too polite. This in itself is a mutually beneficial and complementary thing. If there is no such a good platform as Douyin, no matter how talented the anchor of our guild is

Today's results cannot be achieved. "

Ye Chen laughed.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhang, it's almost two o'clock now, you must be hungry too, let's go down to eat, the hotel is ready."

Chen Mingbo said.

"Well, let all the anchors and all the behind-the-scenes staff go down to have dinner together, they are all great contributors to the guild today."

Ye Chen said.

"Alright Mr. Ye.

In this way, a group of people walked out of the conference hall, took the elevator to the banquet hall, and had a celebration banquet.

At the same time, the major guilds held high-level meetings one after another.

Although the specific data of Chenwei Guild's live broadcast delivery has not yet come out.

But it can already be considered roughly.


After calculation, the total sales amount of Chenwei Guild's live broadcast this time is about 150 million.

This data is extremely scary.

It also indicates that a new competition point for their guild will appear in the future.

That is the field of live streaming.

Chenwei Guild has become the first to eat the cake.

And the first bite is full.

They must act now.

Right now they have a lot to do.

The most important of these is to study the styles and routines of the live streaming anchors under the Chenwei Guild.

They watched the live broadcast just now.

This is very different from the live delivery style of the two platforms, Taobao and Chopsticks.

The first Douyin live streaming event held by Chenwei Guild that day quickly became a hot search because the total sales amount exceeded 100 million.

The Chenwei guild became famous in the live broadcast delivery industry in one fell swoop, and became a new force in the live delivery delivery industry, which made many big guilds in the hands of Bao Bao and Chopsticks couldn't help but look sideways at it.

In this live broadcast, all the anchors who were on the show also gained a wave of fans.

The number of fans of Crazy Little Yangzi broke through the 50 million mark in one fell swoop.

Cousin Lin Tong gained 3 million fans, and the total number of fans successfully exceeded 10 million.

the next day.

Chenwei Guild, in Ye Chen's office.

"Mr. Ye, the guild earned 45 million in commission commissions for this live broadcast, after deducting the commissions for the anchor, the taxes paid and all other expenses.

The net profit is more than 33 million. "

Chen Mingbo said excitedly.

He predicted that this live broadcast will be successful.

But such a success was not expected.

It has to be said that Ye Chen is far-sighted.

If there is no Ye Chen, maybe Douyin will cooperate with other guilds on the live streaming project.

Their Chenwei Guild can't be the first to eat crabs.

"Mr. Ye, overnight, hundreds of brands have approached our guild, hoping to cooperate with our guild and let our anchors help them sell their products."

Chen Pengbo continued.

This is the benefit of being the first to eat crabs.

One step ahead, one step ahead.

"Old Chen, we must strictly implement the live delivery system that we formulated together, especially when it comes to the selection of delivery brands, we must be cautious and ensure that

Quality and product after-sales. In addition, if it is found that the anchor of the company has received orders privately, it must be severely punished. "

Ye Chen said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I know.

Chen Mingbo nodded and replied.

Although the immediate interests are tempting.

But everything still has to be viewed from a long-term perspective.

If the quality of the goods brought in is poor and the after-sales service is poor, not only the anchor, but also the guild will suffer in the end.

You can't do things like exhausting the pond and fishing.

Just then, Chen Mingbo's cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Chen Mingbo wanted to go out to answer the phone, but soon he gave up the idea of ​​going out to answer the phone, and decided to answer the call in front of Ye Chen.

"Boss Ye, I'll answer the phone.

"Well, you can take it."

Ye Chen nodded.

Just like that, Chen Mingbo connected the call.

"President Chen, hello."

Liu Zijie's voice came from the phone.

"Hello Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

Chen Mingbo asked.

"Chairman Chen, is your vision guild sold to Ye Chen?"


Chen Mingbo said in a tone of listening to the following.


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