Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【109】Fire In The Sea! (Please Customize)

It is precisely because of the economic benefits that their business in HSBC Hot Pot City is very good these days.

There is no brand advantage in a haystack.

Second, there is no price advantage.

What to use to fight them with HSBC.

The next day, Saturday, January 18th.

Finally ushered in the opening day of Haililao.

On this day, Ye Chen and Han Youwei came to Haililao.

Now everyone from the upper management to the ordinary employees in Haililao already knows that the general manager Han Ping is the old man of their boss.

Ye Chen assigned tasks to all senior management.

That is, each high-level person is responsible for inspecting two hot pot restaurants to ensure that there will be no problems in each hot pot restaurant on today's opening day.

Ye Chen drove his wife and father-in-law in Curry South to visit Haililao, and finally arrived at Haililao on Xiuli Road at 11:00 am.

That is his old man's shop.

When the three arrived, there were already three tables of customers eating hot pot.

"Honey, look.

When she came out of the hot pot restaurant, Han Youwei suddenly pointed to the entrance of the subway station not far away.

At this time, you can see that several women with good figures are constantly distributing leaflets at the entrance of the subway station.

Next to it is a large promotional poster for HSBC Hot Pot City.

Obviously, the leaflets that those women were distributing were HSBC hotpot leaflets.

It's January now.

It is the coldest time of the year.

But those few women didn't seem to be afraid of the cold, all of them were dressed in black silk, and they were posing. They were distributing leaflets and attracting customers to eat hot pot.

Not to mention that this trick is quite useful.

There are indeed many people who walked across the pedestrian bridge and walked into the opposite HSBC Hot Pot City.

"Hand out leaflets, let's hand out leaflets, still wearing black silk...

Han Youwei pursed her lips and said, "In order to attract customers, she really can think of any trick."

"Husband, do you think we should also let our waiters come out to attract customers?"

The traffic at the entrance of the subway station is the most concentrated. If the HSBC Hot Pot on the opposite side keeps sending people there to attract customers, then their sea fishing business will definitely be greatly affected.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "No, this method of attracting customers is a trick after all. In terms of the means of attracting customers, how can HSBC compare with us."

Hearing this, Han Ping on the side suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Xiao Chen, "Could it be that you want to invite the anchor in your guild to help us promote Haililao?"


Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

There are more than 100 anchors under the Chenwei Guild.

Among them, there are more than 50 anchors with more than one million fans.

The sum of the traffic these anchors have is very scary.

Letting these anchors promote Haililao is no more than a hundred or a thousand times better than inviting a few beauties to hand out leaflets on the street to attract people.

So compared to publicity, HSBC is not even considered as the younger brother in front of Haililao.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it, I'm so stupid."

Han Youwei also smiled at this time.

That's right, with the Chenwei guild here, let the anchors in the guild help to promote it together, then Haililao won't be popular all over the Internet immediately.

"Boss, I'm here."

Just then, a team of people appeared.

The leader is 1.8 meters tall, handsome, and has the style of Kimchi Country Oppa.

This person is none other than Chen Dong.

Chen Dong's personal account Baibing on Douyin now has more than 15 million followers.

It can be said that it is the ceiling of the food exploration shop.

During this period of time, there are many anchors who imitate Bai Bing.

But without exception, none of those imitators can become popular, let alone surpass Baibing.

The main reason is Bai Bing's temperament, as well as his innate cold humor, which cannot be imitated by others.

When you look at Baibing's high-end gourmet restaurant, you will have a particularly silky feeling.

Although those imitators also go to high-end gourmet restaurants, and even go with supercars, but you can see that they don’t have that silky feeling, and it’s very embarrassing to look at.

"Uncle Han, Weiwei."

Soon Chen Dong brought his team to the three of them.

Seeing Chen Dong coming, Han Youwei understood the purpose of Chen Dong coming here.

Chen Dong, as a food shop blogger, among the contracted anchors of the Chenwei Guild [it can be said that there is no one more suitable than Chen Dong to promote Haililao's coming.

"Brother Dong, didn't we agree before that you can call me the boss or Mr. Ye in the company, but you can call me by my name in private."

Ye Chen said angrily.

"Isn't the boss calling this a habit?"

While talking, Chen Dong raised his head and looked at the door of Haililao in front of him, "The name of this hot pot restaurant is very interesting. It's hard to forget after seeing it."

"Brother Dong, I'll take you in for a walk first.

Ye Chen said.


Just like that, a group of people walked in.

The manager of this hotpot restaurant is a little girl with a baby face, her name is Zhou Ying.

A few days ago, in the training room, Ye Chen gave all the Haililao servers who participated in the training the question, and it was Zhou Ying's answer that made Ye Chen most satisfied.

Because this Zhou Ying performed very well in the waiter training process, Han Ping was directly promoted to the manager of the store.

"Boss, President Han, Miss Han."

Seeing the three of Ye Chen coming in again, Zhou Ying walked over immediately, and suddenly her eyes fell on Chen Dong, Zhou Ying was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise and joy: "Are you Bai Bing?"

Seeing this, Han Youwei immediately smiled and said, "Brother Dong, it seems that our store manager Zhou is still your fan."

As a snack, Zhou Ying is indeed Chen Dong's fan.

And it's iron powder......

After learning the purpose of Bai Bing's visit from Ye Chen, Zhou Ying immediately became excited.

If there is a big Internet celebrity Bai Bing coming to shoot a video of exploring the store, then they will definitely become popular soon.

After all, every video Bai Bing shoots now has more than one million likes.

"Hey, isn't that the big internet celebrity Baishui on Douyin?"

"It's really Bai Bing, I still pay attention to him."

Several tables of young diners who were eating hot pot also recognized Bai Bing at this time.

"It seems that Bai Bing is here to shoot a video about exploring the store."

"This sea fishing is on fire."


"Ye Chen, the decoration of your Haililao is really good, the dining environment alone is very good, by the way, that's..."

Suddenly Chen Dong's gaze was attracted by an area, "Nail art area?"

At this time, the manicurist in the manicure area was giving a manicure to a female diner.

The female diner can be seen having fun.

This female diner is now taking pictures and posting on Moments, "I found a magical hot pot restaurant called Haililao. You can eat hot pot here, and you can also get a free manicure. The manicurist here is not only good-looking, but also beautiful Also beautiful, love love love."

"What's the matter, Ye Chen, isn't this a hotpot restaurant, why are you doing manicures for diners?"

Chen Dong was a little confused.

"Brother Dong, what Haililao focuses on is service. As long as our Haililao queue starts, you can come here at your own convenient time for a manicure, and it's free."

After listening to Ye Chen's introduction, Chen Dong couldn't calm down, "I'm going, can you still have fun like this when you open a hot pot restaurant now? Ye Chen, you are really a business genius."

Which group likes to eat hot pot the most?

That must be the group of young women.

And women are beautiful.

Eat a hot pot and get a manicure for free. Doesn't this firmly capture the group of young women?

After wandering around for a while, a group of people walked out of the hot pot restaurant.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Bai Bing, and today I recommend you a very magical hot pot restaurant..."

Video shooting starts here.

In a blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Haililao is closed.

half past ten.

In the Haililao work group, the managers of 27 stores started to collect their revenue on the first day of opening.

"Central Building Store, 16,874 yuan."

"Baoshan Yida Plaza store, 13,547 yuan."

"Wujiaochang Yida Plaza store, 15,966 yuan.

In general, the revenue of the first day of the sea fishing punishment is very average.

It can even be described as bleak.

Many store managers complained in the group that the people in HSBC Hot Pot City have no bottom line in doing things, and even sent people around them to distribute leaflets to attract customers. In addition, the average consumption of HSBC Hot Pot City is lower than that of many hot pot brands in Shanghai. It is currently the lowest in China, so many customers have been pulled away by the HSBC Hot Pot staff.

If you chase people away, do so.

Because the people from HSBC Hot Pot didn’t stop in front of your Haililao shop, but wandered around nearby, distributing leaflets to attract diners.

""The people at HSBC Hot Pot are really shameless, they have no bottom line at all."

"I was so pissed off today. I went up to them to argue with them, and they replied to me directly, asking which law we have violated here."

"I reported it to the property management company, and the property management company said that this matter is out of their control."

"No, we will also send people to distribute leaflets around their HSBC Hot Pot City tomorrow to attract customers.

The store managers in the group chatted a lot, discussing countermeasures.

At this time, Ye Chen spoke in the group, "Everyone calm down, don't be impatient, those flies will not be proud for a few days."

Zhou Ying: "@ Ye Chen, boss, can I tell you what happened today in the group?"

Ye Chen: "Yes."

Wang Qin of the Central Building: "Manager Zhou, what happened today?"

Jin Jing, Baoshan Yida Plaza: "Same question."

Zhou Ying: "I want to tell everyone a good news, the boss invited Bai Bing to my Xiuli Road store to shoot a store exploration video today, and our haililao will be wiped out soon.

As soon as these words came out, the group suddenly became extremely lively.

"That big internet celebrity Bai Bing on Douyin?"

"Bai Bing is very popular now, with his publicity, then our sea fishing will indeed become popular.

"This (nuohaohao) is much better than distributing leaflets on the street to attract people."

"It's still the boss's foresight."

At that time.

Wang Minghui's home.

"Minghui, Han Ping's sea fishing today can almost be described as a crowd."

Zhang Li said in an inviting tone.

"Good job."

Wang Minghui nodded in satisfaction.

Wang Teng, who was holding his mobile phone at the side, laughed even more triumphantly, "Haha, our store manager said that Haililao's business was bleak on the first day of opening, that's great. I'd like to see if Haililao can persist. A few days."

"I also found a few Internet celebrities to help us promote HSBC Hot Pot."

Wang Minghui suddenly showed a trace of regret while talking, "Now the most famous food blogger on Douyin is that Bai Bing, I asked the company to contact the guild behind Bai Bing, and I am going to ask that Bai Bing to help us shoot an episode of HSBC Hot Pot Show us the store-visiting video, give us a good publicity, it’s a pity that they don’t accept our order.”

"Dad, I have also paid attention to that Baibing. They are doing high-end gourmet restaurant exploration, while our HSBC Hot Pot focuses on economical benefits. It is not the same way as him. He will definitely not accept our order.

Wang Teng smiled indifferently.

"I sent someone to inquire during the day, and it is not cheap to have a hot pot meal in Haililao. The per capita consumption of Haililao is at least 40% more expensive than our HSBC hotpot. Haililao, a newly established hotpot brand, is It’s so expensive, it’s no wonder there’s any business.”

"Dad, I think our HSBC Hot Pot just doesn't target them, and they won't be able to last long if they fish in a sea."

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