Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【110】The Sea Fishing Business Is Booming, The Clown Turns Out To Be Himself (Please Customize)


the next day.

Ye Chen thought that if calculated according to the normal schedule of half a month, it would take another week for him to get his passport and visa.

Ye Chen didn't want to wait any longer.

I have to find someone.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen called Wang Xing.

This Wang Xing's mother is an official leader of Shanghai, and it seems that her position is not low.

At around noon that day, with the completion of the video editing, Chen Dong posted a video of Haililao's store visit on his Douyin account.

And pinned it to the top.

At the same time, Chen Pengbo sent the video to the anchor signing group of the Chenwei Guild.

And @Everyone, "Hai Li Lao Hot Pot is our Mr. Ye's industry, please help spread the word on your Douyin account."

As soon as these words came out, the whole group immediately activated the screen swiping mode, and everyone responded in unison, "Got it!"

So one hundred and fifty-nine contracted anchors under the Chenwei Guild opened their Douyin accounts one after another, reposted Haililao's store exploration video, and all of them spontaneously pinned it to the top.

Not only that, all the anchors promoted a wave of sea fishing in their live broadcast room during the live broadcast today.

For a while, there was fire in the haystack.

Many netizens are curious about what kind of hot pot restaurant this is, so many big Internet celebrities on Douyin strongly recommend it together.

Chen Dong updated his Haililao Tandian video on his Baibing account, and within an hour, the number of likes exceeded one million, which broke his own record.

His previous video had more than one million likes, and the fastest record was an hour and a half.

At this time, Wang Minghui, Wang Teng, father and son, and Zhang Li, the three of them are still completely ignorant of everything on the Internet.

The three of them were leisurely soaking in a hot spring in a certain hot spring in the magic city.

"This...it seems that Hailidao is really going to be popular..."

For the past few days, Liu Zijie has been in contact with a big guild on Douyin on behalf of Wanshun Ventures, and wants to take a stake in that big guild.

So Liu Zijie has been paying close attention to the wind direction on Douyin.

Inevitably, Liu Zijie noticed that all the contracted anchors of the Chenwei Guild were promoting Haililao together.

Regarding Ye Chen's operation of canceling Lafu and changing its name to Haililao after acquiring Lafu Catering, he always thought that Ye Chen was abolishing his own martial arts, and he was so stupid.

It now appears that the clown turned out to be himself.

Ye Chen controls the Chenwei Guild.

There are dozens of big anchors with more than one million fans.

With such resources, how could Ye Chen care about the brand awareness of Lafu Hot Pot?

Ye Chen only needs to let the anchors of the Chenwei Guild collectively promote it, and Haililao's 843 degrees of fame will go up immediately.

And there is one thing to say, the name Haililao is indeed more "young" than Lafu

The name Lafu sounds old-fashioned.

Obviously, a younger name is more likely to win the favor of young people today.

It can be said that the name Haililao is born with an affinity.

In addition, the name Haililao is easier to remember.

The marketing of a brand often begins with the name.

Looking back now, Ye Chen's operation of changing the name of Lafu to Haililao was a very successful marketing.

It can be called a stroke of genius.

"This Ye Chen......."

At this moment, Liu Zijie felt a sense of crisis.

He found that he needed to re-examine this Ye Chen.

Chenwei Guild is now in full swing on Douyin, and even the old big guilds on Douyin have to temporarily avoid the edge of Chenwei Guild.

Now that with the hard work of the anchors of the Chenwei Guild, Haililao is sure to become popular.

As long as the taste and service of Haililao hot pot are both online, the Haililao brand will be successful.

It is not difficult for Haililao to achieve these two points.

You must know that the predecessor of Haililao was Lafu.

Lafu is their local hot pot brand in Shanghai, and the taste has always been praised.

Therefore, Haililao, which has inherited the heritage of Lafu, will definitely not be overwhelmed in terms of hot pot taste.

As for the service, it is even simpler, as long as the training for the waiters is strengthened, it will be ok.

With Chenwei Guild and Haililao, Ye Chen's two ventures were successful.

This can no longer simply be said to be good luck.

If he wants to catch up with Han Youchu, he must be better than Ye Chen and suppress Ye Chen.

Because women adore the strong.

Especially a woman like Han Youchu.

The best resource Ye Chen holds in his hands right now is his Chenwei Guild.

This can be called a trump card.

Because of the Chenwei Guild, no matter what Ye Chen does in the future, he will have a unique advantage in public opinion and publicity.

Take Ye Chen’s creation of Haililao as an example.

If it weren't for the hard work of the anchors of the Chenwei Guild, how could Haililao become popular on the Internet as soon as it opened.

"I must also master such a trump card..."

Thinking of this, Liu Zijie immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "President Lin, I agree to your conditions..."

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Li left (cgeh) Tangshan Hot Spring in her red modern car and headed towards Huifeng Hot Pot City on Xiuli Road.

She was humming a little song while driving.

The mood is unusually beautiful.

Just now her husband Wang Minghui said that as long as Haililao goes bankrupt, he will immediately replace her with a BMW X5.

In her view, the closure of Haililao is only a matter of time.

And she will then uniformly dispatch dozens of other store managers in HSBC Hot Pot City to speed up Haililao's road to demise.

But when she drove the car to the door of Hailiao shop on Xiuli Road, she was stunned.

"what's the situation...………"

Zhang Li slammed on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and stared at Haililao beside the road with wide eyes.

At this time, Haililao's business is booming.

Not only are all the tables inside filled with diners eating hot pot.

There are also a lot of diners queuing up outside to get their numbers......

Zhang Li had a look on her face.

what the hell is this

Obviously, Haililao's business was bleak yesterday.

How did Haililao's business become so hot in just one day?

Their HSBC Hot Pot City has been open for more than half a month, and there has never been a day when the business is as hot as Haililao is now.

What the... what the hell happened?

Zhang Li turned her head and looked towards the entrance of the subway station in front.

The few female models she found were not lazy, and they were all working hard at distributing leaflets to attract customers.

But this effect can be said to be ineffective compared with yesterday.

I saw many people who came out of the subway station and went straight to the sea to fish.

Not even a female model in black silk can stop them...

Zhang Li turned her head again and looked at HSBC Hot Pot City across the road.

Looking at it, she actually saw several waiters sitting outside the store eating melon seeds

Obviously, her HSBC Hot Pot City's business is very bleak now, otherwise those waiters could just sit outside and crack sunflower seeds......

In the end what happened?

With this doubt, Zhang Li rushed to her shop in HSBC Hot Pot City.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Li looked into the store.

There are only four tables of diners in such a huge hotpot restaurant...

"Shop Manager, you are finally back."

Seeing Zhang Li appear, the waiters who were nibbling melon seeds stood up one after another as if they had found their backbone, "Manager, the business of our hot pot restaurant is about to be snatched up by Haililao on the opposite side."

"What should I do, store manager, we can't pull those people over. They would rather go to Haililao to queue up than come to our house to eat hot pot."

"What exactly is going on?"

Zhang Li is now in a daze.

"Shop Manager, don't you know that Haililao is already popular on Douyin? Today, many people come here just because of the reputation, and they make a special trip to Haililao to eat hot pot."

Hearing this, Zhang Li was taken aback, "Did Haililao get angry at Douyin?"

"That's right, store manager, didn't you watch Douyin today? Today, the anchors have been promoting haystacks for many days."

Hearing this, Zhang Li quickly took out her mobile phone and turned on Douyin, but she didn't scan a few videos, but she saw the video of Baibing Tandian Hailidiao...

A few minutes later, Zhang Li finally figured out everything.

It turns out that Haililao's business is so hot today because many big anchors on Douyin are promoting Haililao.

"This Ye Chen is really willing to spend money to promote Haililao."

Zhang Li's face was ugly.

Finally Zhang Li called Wang Minghui, "Minghui, something happened..."

Not long after, Wang Minghui, Wang Teng and his son also rushed over.

At this time, both father and son already knew what happened.

For this reason, the faces of both of them were very ugly.

"With so many major anchors invited at once, Ye Chen probably spent nearly ten million dollars in this wave.

Wang Teng said, looking at his father, and said: "Dad, no, you can also apply for a promotional fund with Mr. Wang. That Ye Chen spends money, so let's spend money to see who is the best."

"I'm afraid Mr. Wang won't approve such a large amount of publicity funds."

Wang Minghui frowned.

"Where did Ye Chen get so much money? It's unscientific. He missed the painting. Although it was auctioned for 87 million, after deducting commissions and various taxes, it is estimated that the final price that fell into his hands was only 7,000. about ten thousand.

Wang Teng began to settle accounts and said: "Ye Chen bought a set of more than 40 million flats in COFCO Haijing No. 1, and later bought a Curry South, and the price of his Curry South must have exceeded 10 million. Then he spent more than 20 million yuan to acquire Lafu Restaurant. He also spent a lot of money on the renovation of the more than 20 hot pot restaurants. It stands to reason that the windfall he made should have been spent. He Now he still pays so much money to hire so many big anchors to help him promote Haililao."

Wang Minghui thought for a while and said: "It is estimated that his flat floor and Curry South are not paid in full, but bought with a loan, or he got money from the bank in the name of Haililao."

As a result, Wang Minghui's phone rang just as soon as he finished speaking.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing his father's face turned pale after answering the phone, Wang Teng couldn't help asking, his heart skipped a beat.

"Manager Liu just said that the boss behind the Chenwei Guild on Douyin is Ye Chen..."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Teng's eyes widened in an instant, "What, the Chenwei Guild belongs to Ye Chen..."

Although he usually pays little attention to the live broadcast industry.

But he has also heard that many popular anchors on Douyin are under the umbrella of this Chenwei guild.

Just a while ago, the news that the total sales of Chenwei Guild's first live broadcast exceeded 100 million yuan was also a trending search.

Such a powerful anchor guild is Ye Chen's

This news shocked Wang Minghui, Wang Teng and his son.

Zhang Li on the side was also extremely shocked.

Ye Chen turned out to be the Chenwei Guild


It's no wonder that many big anchors on Douyin are trying their best to promote it...

After a while, the three of them slowly recovered from the shock.

"Dad, what should we do now? Ye Chen has the Chenwei Guild. In terms of publicity and promotion, we at HSBC will not be able to catch up with others."

Wang Teng was in a hurry.

After all, Wang Minghui has experienced wind and rain. Although he was a little anxious at this time, his mind was not very clear.

"We don't need to worry too much about this. Don't look at Haili Lao's business is booming now. It's just that people are curious and looking for novelty. This kind of consumption is irrational.

The most important thing is whether you can keep these people in the sea, and how many repeat customers you can earn.

Wang Minghui said: "It's not cheap to eat hot pot in the sea. Its per capita consumption is more than 40% more expensive than our HSBC. I think this group of people will be happy after they regain their senses."

The probability is that the enthusiasm for Haililao will fade away. After all, most people are ordinary office workers. When everyone chooses to eat hot pot, the most important thing to consider is economic benefits.

"The taste of our HSBC hot pot is not bad, and it is so cheap. Haililao is not competitive in front of our HSBC, so I think everyone will appreciate Haililao.

After the enthusiasm dissipates, everyone will choose to come to HSBC to eat hot pot again. In my opinion, Haililao's popularity is only temporary, and this level of popularity cannot last for a few days. "

After listening to his father's words, Wang Teng's face became much better, "Dad, your analysis is very reasonable. The core competitiveness of our HSBC is economic benefits, so there is no such thing as Hailiilao."

Core competitiveness. "

"We can fight Hailidao for a long time, slowly grinding them to death, dragging them to death.

Ten thirty in the evening.

In the Haililao WeChat work group, twenty-seven store managers are reporting the revenue on the second day of opening in the group.

Zhou Ying from the Xiuli Road store: "Today's total turnover is 143,656 yuan."

Wang Qin from the Central Building store: "Today's total turnover is 156,733 yuan."

Jin Jing of Baoshan Yida Plaza Store: "Today's total turnover is 138,547 yuan."

Zhang Xue from the IFC store: "Today's total turnover is 148,931 yuan."

Finally, Haililao Finance made a statistics, "The total daily turnover of the 27 stores today is 3,685,426 yuan."

Seeing this total turnover, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

His father-in-law had done calculations before, and the company's current profit margin was around 10.3%.

In other words, after one day today, Haililao's profit reached about 380,000 yuan.

That's more than 11 million in a month.

In this way, there will be a profit of over 100 million in one year.

At this time, all the management of Haililao started to celebrate in the group.

Some even initiated red envelopes.

According to this situation, their one-month profit from sea fishing can reach the previous year's profit of Lafu.

The future of the company is bright.

If the company develops well, the management team will definitely earn more money in the future than they do now.

So naturally they were all happy.

Ye Chen sent out ten red envelopes in one go in the group.

"Everyone worked hard today."

"Boss atmosphere"

"thank you boss."

"(kneeling emoticon pack for the boss)"

"We will definitely continue to work hard (come on).

"Everyone in HSBC is out of shit today, I'm so relieved."

"Husband, you must be careful when you arrive in Liboville tomorrow."

Han Youwei huddled in Ye Chen's arms, looked at Ye Chen very reluctantly and said.

Yes, Ye Chen is leaving for Libovia tomorrow.

He just called Wang Xing in the morning.

As a result, he got his passport and visa in the afternoon.

And all the formalities for going abroad have been completed.

This can't help but make Ye Chen lament the importance of relationships and the importance of connections.

"Don't worry, my wife. When I arrive in Libovia, there will be a team of mercenaries protecting me. I will be safe."

Ye Chen patted Han Youwei's back lightly, soothing Han Youwei's emotions.

He knew that he was going to Libovia this time, and Han Youwei was very worried about him.

Originally, Han Youwei was clamoring to go with him.

But he disagreed.

Although going to Libovia this time, there should be no danger.

But don't be afraid of what happens, just be afraid of 10,000.

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