Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【111】Father And Son Wang Minghui And Wang Teng In A Complete Hurry (Please Customize)

"Husband, actually, I feel that we have the Chenwei Guild now, we have fishing in the sea, we are already very rich, there is no need for you to take the risk to go to Libovia."

Han Youwei looked at Ye Chen seriously and said.

"Honey, if this wave goes well, the rate of return will be astonishing. This small risk is worth taking, and I said before that I will give you a wedding of the century."

"I want to give you a wedding of the century, so I can't be satisfied with my current achievements and stop there, but I promise your wife, after returning to China this time, I will not go to such chaotic and unsafe countries in the future." gone."

Ye Chen comforted.

"That's what you said, you are not allowed to go to unsafe places in the future, unless you bring me with you."


"By the way, husband, how long will you stay in Libovia this time?"

Han Youwei asked.

"I don't know now, it should not exceed half an order."

Ye Chen said.

"It takes so long."

Han Youwei pouted as she spoke, "Husband, then you are over there, what if you think about it?"

"Have you thought about it, is it serious?"

Ye Chen pinched Han Youwei's face and smiled.

"Husband, don't ask if you know it well."

"What else can I do, bear with it, and I will give you everything when I return home."

Ye Chen laughed.

Hearing this answer, Han Youwei nodded in satisfaction: "Go there, be obedient.

the next day.

That is, January 20.

After paying the rations early in the morning, Ye Chen went out with a black travel bag on his back.

At Hongqiao Airport, Ye Chen met two people from Qitian Lithium.

These two people accompanied Ye Chen to Lipovia for the final handover of the lithium mine project.

In addition, Ye Chen also met Xia Jun, the captain of the mercenary squad.

This Xia Jun's figure is not very tall, and his appearance is very ordinary, giving people a feeling of mediocrity.

Throw it on the street, that is a passerby.

It is difficult for you to associate this person with a mercenary.

But Ye Chen also knows the truth that people should not be judged by their appearance.

There are fifteen people in Xia Jun's team.

The remaining fourteen are now in Libovia.

Although the country of Libovia is rich in gold and silver, it has rich natural resources.

But this country does not.

On the contrary, it has become the poorest country in the entire Southern Coal Continent.

There are no direct flights to Libovia on this trip.

To take the Air France route.

Let's fly first, Li.

Then fly from Paris to Lima.

Finally, fly from Lima to La Paz, the capital of Libovia.

Just when the four of Ye Chen flew to Bali by plane, several topics about Haililao in Wai Nei rushed to the popularity rankings of Wei Sheng, Lian Yin, Toutiao and other social media.

Without exception, these topics are all related to the Haililao service.

Haililao's "abnormal" service has attracted many diners to post and discuss on major social media.

"Haililao's service is really meticulous. I was short-sighted and wore glasses to eat hot pot. After seeing it, Miss Haililao gave me a glasses cloth and asked me to wipe the lenses."

"I just got a new hairstyle yesterday and went to Haililao to eat hot pot with my girlfriends, but a lady from Haililao saw that I had long hair, so she kindly gave me a rubber band

Seeing that it was inconvenient for me to eat hot pot, she even offered to tie my hair up. It was really caring.

"Eat hot pot in the sea and get a manicure for free. It's really amazing."

"I was eating hot pot and watching dramas, but a little big brother from Haililo saw that it was inconvenient for me to hold my mobile phone, so he brought me a mobile phone holder.

I'm going to blow him up.

"Yesterday, my husband and I took my two-year-old son to Haililao to eat hot pot, and then a little sister was there to help me hold my son, so that my husband and I could have a meal of hotpot with peace of mind. I really love it.

"Take the children to Haililao to eat hot pot. Later, Haililao will send some small toys to the children for free. In addition, the steamed eggs eaten by the children can be refilled for free, and there are free snacks."

"Let me tell you secretly, the little big brother in Haililao also provides the service of playing games for free. Yesterday, a little big brother helped me get gold, hehe."

"I can say that Haililao has directly refreshed my understanding of hot pot restaurants."

"Sisters who have never been to Haililao, you must go to Haililao if you have the opportunity."

With the discussion of many netizens, Haililao's popularity continues to rise, and its ranking on the popularity list is also getting higher and higher.

So today Haililao's business is booming again.

The scene of queuing made the nearby businesses envious.

Now, Wang Minghui, Wang Teng and his son are really anxious.

“How can a hot pot restaurant be like this...”

Wang Minghui's face was ugly, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Yesterday, Haililao's business was also booming.

But at that time, he wasn't too worried.

Because in his opinion, Haililao does not have its own "characteristic" that distinguishes it from other hot pot brands.

A brand without its own "characteristics" naturally cannot become bigger and stronger.

But it's different now.

It turned out that he underestimated fishing in the sea.

Haililao has its own characteristics.

The characteristic of Haililao is its extreme service.

Haililao's services are now widely praised by consumers on the Internet, which proves that this characteristic of Haililao has been remembered and formed Haililao's core competitiveness.

Once a brand has its own core competitiveness, it will be completely different.

"Minghui, what should we do now? After today, the business of our HSBC Hot Pot City is very bleak. If it continues like this, I think it will be our HSBC who cannot sustain it first."

Zhang Li said with a worried face.

What she thinks about now is not how to deal with Haili Lao, but how to keep HSBC Hot Pot alive...

This attack and defense was easy and fast, which really caught her off guard.

"Dad, if I don't think so, let's just learn how to fish in a sea, isn't it just to provide good service to diners, what's so difficult about it.

Wang Teng said with some disdain.

"It's a feasible way."

Wang Minghui's eyes lit up.

For Haililao's popular services on the entire network, HSBC can completely copy their homework.

On the contrary, their core competitiveness of HSBC is affordable, but Haililao cannot learn it.

Because their HSBC catering itself is engaged in catering wholesale.

They are upstream in the supplier channel.

In terms of cost control of hot pot ingredients, they HSBC can control the cost to the minimum, thus forming their own price advantage.

This is something that Haililao cannot learn.

I will do things that you will not.

What you know, I can learn.

You don't even need to study, just support your homework.

"Hai Li Lao, what do you use to fight us at HSBC..."

"Han Ping, I will not lose to you."

Wang Minghui rekindled his fighting spirit.

Just then, Han Youchu came home.

"Chuchu, it's almost eleven o'clock, why did you come back?"

Zhang Li frowned.

"Mom, I went to dinner with my colleagues at night, so I came back so late."

Hearing this, Zhang Li was taken aback, "Have you found a new job?"

Seeing her daughter nodding, Zhang Li asked, "Where do you work now?"

"Onion Media."

Han Youchu replied.

"Onion Media?"

Wang Teng on the side asked in surprise, "Is that the onion guild on Douyin?"

Han Youchu nodded: "Yes."

"Sister, how did you get to the class at Onion Media? Did Liu introduce you?"

"Yes. 11

………… Ask for flowers

Seeing Han Youchu's admission, Wang Teng regained his energy immediately, and asked, "Since it was introduced by Liu Shao, then you must not be an ordinary employee when you go to Onion Media?"

"Brother, I am now the vice president of Onion."

Han Youchu said.

"Vice president?"

Wang Teng's eyes lit up, and he grinned and said, "Sister, Dad and I have encountered a lot of trouble this time. You also know that there is a special fire in the sea, which makes us have no business at HSBC. For this reason, Dad and I decided to Learn from Haililao's service to save the unfavorable situation, and here, we also need your help, sister."

"Brother, do you want the big anchor of Onion to help you promote HSBC Hot Pot?"

Han Youchu guessed Wang Teng's thoughts at once.

Seeing his big brother nodding, Han Youchu said, "That's fine, but you have to pay a lot of advertising fees, after all, I just joined the Onion Guild, if you make it difficult for me, it's like making Liu Zijie difficult for you. "

In the end, Han Youchu moved Liu Zijie out.

Hearing this, Wang Minghui frowned slightly.

After pondering for a while, Wang Minghui nodded and said: "Okay, Chuchu, after you go to work tomorrow, remember to send me the advertising quotations of the most popular anchors of your Onion as soon as possible.

"Okay Dad."

It was past eight in the morning the next day.

Sitting in the company office, Wang Minghui received a list of advertising quotations from Han Youchu.

"Brother Li—one and a half million.

"Degola k—a million.

"Zhong Jinqi—one million."

Seeing this price, Wang Minghui couldn't help frowning.

The price is too expensive.

Finally, Wang Minghui called Han Youchu, "Chuchu, there is something wrong with your price, it's too expensive.

"Dad, the five anchors on the list are all super anchors with tens of millions of fans on Douyin. They are very picky about accepting advertisements. They were originally unwilling to accept your HSBC hot pot advertisements." Yes, in the end I told the relationship between us, and they compromised."

Han Youchu said so on the phone.

What she just said is true.

However, the advertising quotations of these anchors are indeed not so high, and she deliberately quoted them so high.

Her adoptive father treated her well since she was a child.

It's time to collect some interest from him first.

"It's... alright."

Finally Wang Minghui compromised.

No way, what his daughter said was true.

It is true that those big anchors accept commercials now, not all commercials.

This is like when those big actors accept scripts, they are more inclined to accept scripts with big productions.

The corresponding big anchors are more inclined to accept the advertisements of those big brands.

Both are the same truth.

It was past ten in the morning.

The plane on which the four of Ye Chen took finally landed at La Paz International Airport, the capital of Libovia.

After getting off the plane, Ye Chen felt weird.

This crappy and small airport is also known as an international airport.....

Either he is exaggerating, or the bus station in his hometown county is bigger than the airport in front of him...

But Ye Chen also knew that it was because of the poverty of this country.

As soon as he got out of the airport, Ye Chen followed Zhen Jun into a Wuling Hong Guang Jun C.

When Ye Chen sees his own country's sacred car in a foreign country, he still has a feeling of intimacy.

However, this Wuling Hongguang has undergone various modifications at first glance.

"Boss Ye, this is a body armor, you can put it on."

Xia Jun took a body armor from his mercenary teammate and handed it to Ye Chen.


After a while, three Wuling Hongguang drove away from the airport.

Ye Chen, Xia Jun, and Qitian Lithium were all sitting in the Wuling Hongguang in the middle.

(Brothers, those who have votes and flowers in hand, vote for a little, thank you very much.)

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