Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【112】Ye Chen Who Is Dying! (Please Customize)

Only when he arrived in Libovia did Ye Chen truly feel the comprehensiveness of domestic infrastructure over the years.

You must know that Labas is the capital of Libovia, that is, the capital.

But Labas doesn't even look like his native county.

Low houses.

The narrow and messy streets are worse than most rural areas in China.

Many roads are simply paved with a layer of stones and done.


Driving all the way, Ye Chen felt nauseous and nauseated even if he was jolted without motion sickness.

Since they had to pass through several chaotic and dangerous areas, the members of the mercenary team headed by Xia Jun were all armed with live ammunition, and maintained a high degree of vigilance against every move outside.

Although their Sirius mercenaries have been operating in Labas for many years, ordinary terrorists will not easily offend them when they see their Sirius mercenaries.

But there is no guarantee that some extreme terrorists will attack them.

There is a small flag on the front of the three Wuling Hongguang vehicles.

Ye Chen heard from Xia Jun that this is the regiment flag of their Sirius mercenaries.

bang bang bang.

Suddenly there were several gunshots outside.

The car Ye Chen was sitting in stopped immediately.

Ye Chen raised his heart.

Through the window of the car, he saw two people were shot and fell to the ground not far outside.

One of them who was not dead was even shot in the forehead by an assailant with an AK. The scene was disgusting...

Ye Chen and the two people from Qitian Lithium Industry turned pale at this time.

Xia Jun reacted quickly, loading the rifle in his hand almost at the same time as the gunshot.

"Mr. Ye, don't be afraid, the terrorists outside probably didn't come after us."

Xia Jun said.


Ye Chen nodded.

He also discovered that their convoy should not be the target of those attackers.

Because outside there was a young man in a suit named "047" who was running towards him while scrambling, and at the same time he was babbling in bird language that he didn't understand.

Although Ye Chen didn't understand.

But through the bird language spoken by the other party, he also knew that the other party's nationality was Sakura Country.

The one that was running for his life was a small notebook.

"Mr. Ye, I'll go down and deal with it. You stay in the car and don't move."


Just like that, Xia Jun got out of the car.

Ye Chen saw that Xia Jun's fourteen teammates got out of the car at this time, and spontaneously used Wuling Hongguang's body as a cover, ready for battle.

Xia Jun raised his gun and signaled the little book who was jumping towards them to stop.

Under the threat of gunpoint, the little book had to stop.

After the little book stopped, it chattered a lot.

"What is this little book talking about?"

Although Ye Chen watched a few action movies made in a small book with a critical attitude when he was in college.

But he didn't understand a single word that the little book just said.

"Boss Ye, that little book is talking about..."

At this time, a person from Tianqi Lithium who was sitting opposite Ye Chen spoke.

It turns out that this person can understand Xiaobenzi's words.

Under the translation of Qitian Lithium's management, Ye Chen also knew that the small book was hoping to get their protection.

Claiming that as long as they protect him and keep him safe, he will reward them with a million dollars afterwards.

At this moment, the attackers also came over with guns.

Wow, I don't know what to say.

It should be in the local language.

Xia Jun was negotiating with the attackers in the local language.

After a while, Xia Jun came back and said to Ye Chen in the car through the car window: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, those violent terrorists belong to the Chi Yan Army.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's hanging heart couldn't help but drop.

On the plane that arrived, Xia Jun also told him about the local situation in Libovia.

The Chiyan army that Xia Jun said was very friendly to the Xia people.

This is due to Xia Guo's foreign policy.

It also benefited from the fact that more and more companies from the Xia Kingdom came to Libovia for mining in recent years.

Those heavy via mining need to hire workers.

Some of the workers are recruited from home.

These are technicians.

Most of the unskilled general workers are recruited from local Libovians.

After all, local labor is relatively cheap.

This is much cheaper than recruiting people from China.

Therefore, the arrival of these Xiaguo enterprises has provided a lot of jobs for the local area.

For this reason, some Libovians have a friendly attitude towards the Xia people.

For example, the Chiyan Army Xia Jun was talking about.

Although it is a violent terrorist gang.

But it never hurt the citizens of Xia.

Several hostages of the Xia Kingdom were even rescued from other violent and terrorist groups on several occasions.

"Mr. Ye, they were very happy when they knew that you came to take over the lithium mine project, because some of their family members worked in that project, and the project has been suspended these days, and their family lost a piece of income. , Now they are very happy to hear that you are here to resume the lithium mine project.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen looked towards those people, and found that those people were also looking at him, seeing that he was looking at them, all of them showed friendly smiles to Ye Chen.

"Boss Ye, they want to take a photo with you, but if you don't want to, Boss Ye, I'll go back to them for you.

Xia Jun said.

"Then let's take a photo."

Ye Chen thought for a while and agreed to the group photo request.

Living in a foreign country, he also represents the image of the Xia people.

Out of friendship, I want to take a photo with you.

If I refuse, it won't damage the friendly international image of Xia people.

Just like that, Ye Chen got out of the car.

"Old Xia, do you know what happened to that little book?"

Ye Chen glanced at the small book that had fallen into the hands of those members of the Chiyan Army and asked curiously to Xia Jun beside him as he walked.

"The little book drugged a woman in a bar in a nearby town, was discovered afterwards, and was hunted down to this point."

Hearing Xia Jun's words, Ye Chen smiled, "You deserve it.

Walking closer, the leading member of the Scarlet Flame Army immediately croaked to Ye Chen, but fortunately Xia Jun was on the side as an interpreter, "Boss Ye, he said welcome to Libovia


At this moment, the little book drama master possessed himself and said to Ye Chen in English: "Ye Sang, why did you come here?"

The leading member of the Chiyan Army could understand English, "Mr. Ye, he asked if this little book is your friend? If so, he wanted to express his apologies to you, because they just shot and killed two bodyguards of each other. "


Xiaobenzi cast a pleading look at Ye Chen.

At this moment, his life and death depended on that Xia Guoren.

Thinking that the other party should save him.

After all, to save him, all he needed was a word from the Xia Guoren in front of him.

"Old Xia, tell him, I don't know this little book."

Ye Chen said.

Although Xia Guo has an old saying that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

But it also depends on who is being saved.

The little book in front of him was not worth saving.

After hearing Xia Jun's words, the leading member of the Chiyan Army immediately glanced coldly at the small book.

But at this moment, Xiaobenzi didn't notice the murderous look in his eyes.

Xiaobenzi kept saying in English to the members of the Red Flame Army, "I am Ye Sang's friend, please let me go.

It wasn't until Ye Chen and Xia Jun turned and left that the little book realized what had happened.

All of a sudden, the whole body of this small book is cold...

When Ye Chen got into the car and didn't go far, Ye Chen heard a gunshot coming from the back of the car.

Through the rear windshield, Ye Chen saw the little notebook just fell to the ground...

"Old Xia, how long will it take for us to arrive?"

As the road conditions were getting worse and worse, Ye Chen felt uncomfortable from being bumped, so he asked Xia Jun beside him.

"There's still about an hour and a half."

Xia Jun saw Ye Chen's discomfort, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, after you stay here for a long time, you will gradually get used to it.

"This damn place, I don't want to stay here for a long time."


It belongs to the province of Chuquicasa in the south of Libovia.

A low and huge building complex is located here.

It can be seen that a fence has been built around the complex, and there are even sentry towers higher than the buildings.

There are a lot of mining-related machinery and equipment parked inside.

This is the lithium mine base of Qitian Lithium Industry.

In a four-story office, people from the project department were sitting and chatting.

There's no way, who made the whole project stop for almost a month, and they're almost slacking off at the base now.

"Li Gong, I heard that the company has packaged and sold our entire project to others. Is this true?"

Someone asked Li Chengyi like this.

As soon as this remark came out, other people also cast curious glances at Li Chengyi.

This Li Chengyi is the chief engineer of their project.

As the chief engineer, Li Chengyi is always the first to know about any news about the project.

Facing everyone's curious gazes, Li Chengyi nodded: "Yes, I also learned about what happened a few days ago."

Hearing this, other people discussed the matter one after another.

"Well, actually, I guessed the result a long time ago. After all, our project has been suspended by the company for almost a month. The company must have been looking for a takeover during this time."

"The company is quite good at fooling around, but it actually found a taker."

"When the new boss comes here and knows the specific situation here, it is estimated that the face will be green at that time."

"Why do you all think that the content of our lithium mine is very low? I have a different opinion from yours. I have always believed that this lithium mine is rich in lithium, but we have not yet found a location rich in lithium.

Chief engineer Li Chengyi said so.

"Li Gong, I think you're overthinking it. If this mine is really rich in lithium, then we wouldn't have been digging for more than a year and still haven't found it."

"That is, our Jigong's attachment to this lithium mine is too deep.

But everyone also knows that Li Chengyi has such a deep,

Because when they dug the lithium mine here for half a year and did not find any lithium-rich mines, the company already had the idea of ​​​​stopping this project...

It's just that Li Chengyi stood up and insisted that the lithium mine must be rich in lithium.

Since Li Chengyi is the top technology expert in their field, many projects of Qitian Lithium were in charge of Li Chengyi.

It can be said that Li Chengyi has made a lot of money for the company.

Therefore, the company still has a lot of trust in Li Chengyi's ability.

So under Li Chengyi's persuasion,

The company ultimately did not stop the project.

However, it took another half a year to dig, and the results were still those lithium mines with particularly low lithium content.

In the end, the company finally couldn't support it, and disregarded Li Chengyi's persuasion, it stopped the project.

After this project, the company did not pay so much attention to Li Chengyi.

And Li Chengyi is a very arrogant person.

He must have wanted to prove his judgment to the company.

And once this project is completely stopped, he will lose the opportunity to prove himself to the company forever.

Just then, Li Chengyi's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, Li Chengyi stood up and said to everyone in the office: "The new boss will arrive at our base in half an hour, everyone hurry up and get ready

Come down with me later to meet the new boss. Anyway, we have put a lot of effort into this project, and you don’t want to see this project fail,

Let us pay for more than a year in vain. "

Half an hour later, the gate of the project base slowly opened.

After the gate was fully opened, three Wuling Hongguang drove in.

Li Chengyi was already waiting with all the members of the project department.

After getting off the car, Ye Chen took a look at the situation of the project base for the first time.

Much better than he imagined.

All kinds of facilities are complete.

It can be seen that the investment here today is indeed not small.

Seeing Ye Chen for the first time, Li Chengyi couldn't help being surprised.

Ye Chen is really too young.

This is completely inconsistent with the image of his new boss in his imagination.

"So young, no wonder he was fooled by the company..."

This is the voice of everyone in the project department except Li Chengyi at this moment.

"Mr. Li, this is the new boss Ye Chen."

One of the two people from Qitian Lithium who came with Ye Chen first introduced Ye Chen to Li Chengyi.

Then he briefly introduced Li Chengyi to Ye Chen, "Mr. Ye, this is Li Chengyi, the chief engineer of our lithium mine project."

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

"Hello, Mr. Li."

Ye Chen and Li Chengyi shook hands.

After a while, a group of people came to the meeting room.

The two people who came with Qitian Lithium first made a detailed handover with Ye Chen on the whole project.

The entire handover process lasted more than an hour.

After handing over, Ye Chen transferred the remaining balance of 20 million yuan to Qitian's company account according to the contract.

All of a sudden, the balance of Ye Chen's bank card became 17,526,376 yuan and 84 cents.

The two people from Qitian Lithium finished confirming with the company's finances, and after confirming that the company had received the money, they greeted Ye Chen and left the conference room.

"This piece of hot potato has been exchanged."

The two walked out of the conference room, looked at each other for 1.5 minutes and smiled.

In the meeting room, there are a total of forty-six people.

Most of them are technicians.

Li Chengyi briefly introduced everyone's situation to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't care about these things, "Li Gong, tell me about the specifics of this project now.w


Li Chengyi nodded and started talking.

At the end, Li Chengyi said: "Mr. Ye, although we haven't dug up lithium mines with high content yet, I have always believed that there must be lithium mines with high content. It's just me.

We haven't found it yet, and Qitian Lithium will definitely regret it in the future. "

He is a top technical expert in this field, and he believes that his judgment will never be wrong.

In the future, not only Qitian Lithium will regret it, but his college classmate Liu Dafu will also regret it.

If Mr. Ye in front of him does not allow the project to resume work, but feels that he has been cheated by Qitian Lithium and wants to find a new taker, then Mr. Ye will regret it in the future.

"Li Gong, I believe your judgment is correct, now tell me which direction you plan to start digging after the resumption of work.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Chengyi was very excited.

"Mr. Ye, please follow me to the project department now. The landform map of the mine is in the project department."


In this way, a group of people walked out of the meeting room and came to the project department on the same floor.

You can see a huge map of mine landforms spread out on a generous table.

A lot of markup is done on it.

Li Chengyi pointed to the landform map of the mine on the table and explained to Ye Chen beside him: "Mr. Ye, there are still five locations that have not been dug in this mine, which are here, here, and here."

here, here and here. "

The five positions Li Chengyi pointed to were marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with a marker pen.

"After resuming work, I plan to dig out from the No. 1 position first."

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