Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[119] Earn 1.5 Billion! (Please Customize)


"Zhang Li, serve me a bowl of rice."

Wang Minghui, who finished drinking with his son, told Zhang Li who was sitting opposite him.

"Zhang Li, why are you in a daze?"

Seeing that his wife hadn't moved, Wang Minghui frowned and said dissatisfiedly.

Because of Wang Minghui's accentuated tone, Zhang Li's thoughts were brought back to reality, "Ah? What?"

"I asked you to serve me a bowl of rice."

"Oh... oh oh, ok."

After a while, Zhang Li came back from the kitchen with a bowl of rice.

After putting the rice on the table in front of Wang Minghui, Zhang Li returned to her seat.

"Absent-minded, like a lost soul, what were you thinking just now?"

Wang Minghui asked with a sullen face.

"No.....No, I'm just wondering if there is any way to improve our business in HSBC Hot Pot City."

Zhang Li said so.

Hearing this, Wang Minghui's face softened a little.

"Dad, there are already rumors in the company that Mr. Zhang is going to stop your hot pot hundred cities chain plan...

After drinking the little wine left in the wine glass, Wang Teng said with his tongue out.

"Boss Zhang is still hesitating."

Seeing his father's face, Wang Teng knew that Mr. Zhang had a high probability of stopping his father's hotpot Baicheng chain, which made Wang Teng's face darken.

"Chuchu, serve me a bowl of rice."

Han Youchu hesitated for a while and finally got up to serve the meal.

"Teng'er, has Young Master Liu made arrangements for you to work in Onion Media?"

Wang Minghui asked suddenly.

"Don't talk about Dad, it's already yellow."

Wang Teng took the meal handed over by Han Youchu, and said depressedly: "Liu Zijie replied to my message during the day, saying that he can arrange for me to work in Onion Media, but I can only be an ordinary employee.

The management is no good, Liu Zijie said that he has arranged for Chu Chu to be the vice president, and if I am parachuted to the top management, other shareholders will not agree. "

Hearing this, Wang Minghui frowned, but didn't say anything.

After a few seconds, Wang Minghui turned his gaze to Han Youchu, "Chuchu, settle down your relationship with Liu Zijie as soon as possible, people with Liu Zijie's status are very sought-after, don't turn around and be snatched away by others, when the time comes you will Really regret it.

"Dad, I know what's in my heart."

Han Youchu replied.

After dinner, Wang Minghui answered the phone and went out again.

After taking a shower, Han Youchu came to her mother's bedroom next door in her pajamas.


Seeing her daughter coming, Zhang Li, who was sitting on the bed with her back against the back of the bed, smiled, but the smile seemed somewhat forced.

Honey, what's the matter with you?"

Han Youchu sat on a chair next to the bed while speaking.

"No...it's nothing."

Zhang Li smiled.

"Did you ask him to talk about remarriage, but was rejected?"

Han Youchu still knows his mother very well.

I immediately guessed the reason why my mother was in a bad state tonight.

Zhang Li was silent.

This silence is actually a disguised acknowledgment.

"Mom, I actually expected this result a long time ago."

Han Youchu said.

"Chuchu, is it because my mother is getting old and ugly?"

"Mom, don't you really know the reason why he refused to remarry you? Let it go.

Han Youchu advised.

"No, I won't give up. Han Ping is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. I don't believe that he really has no feelings for me at all`

"Mom, when do you plan to divorce Wang Minghui?"

Han Youchu asked suddenly.

Zhang Li thought for a while and said, "Let's wait a while."

"I understand. You must have waited for the moment when Wang Minghui's hot pot hundred cities chain plan was completely stopped by the company, and then Wang Minghui lost power and entered the limbo."

Although there was a hint of irony in her daughter's words, Zhang Li still smiled emotionally, "Chuchu, it seems that you have really grown up, you are right, that's what I planned, we women At any time, you must leave a way out for yourself and make a double plan."

The next day, representatives of three companies, Ganfeng Lithium, Fenghua Lithium and Shengxin Lithium, gathered in Shanghai and were brought to a negotiating table by Ye Chen.

"Everyone, we've talked about it now, and I believe you're all tired. I don't think it's an option if we keep talking like this. After all, there are still three days before the Spring Festival. I think you want to talk about it sooner. Finish, let’s go home early to celebrate the new year. I think it’s better. Let me make a price. If you are willing, you will be willing. If you are not willing, then we will forget it. I will keep this lithium mine project and operate it well in the future. , After all, I am not short of funds now, and if I spend some time, I can earn more in the future."

Ye Chen said when the negotiations reached an impasse.

Liu Cheng from Ganfeng Lithium Industry was the first to nod and smiled in agreement: "That's good, it's simple and neat, and saves everyone's time. Even if the negotiation fails in the end, our business will not be righteous.

He felt in his heart that although this Ye Chen was too young, his methods were very sophisticated, and he even pulled the other two companies together to raise the price.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and contacted the other two, so he was not led by the nose by Ye Chen all the time.

The total price is 1.5 billion, if it's okay, if it's not, then forget it. "

Ye Chen stated his reserve price.

Hearing this, the three companies fell silent for a while.

The price is really high.

"Forget it, we Fenghua Lithium Industry will withdraw."

The representative of Fenghua Lithium sighed.

The price of 1.5 billion was already beyond his company's affordability.

It's not that the lithium-rich mine is not worth the 1.5 billion.

But it is still a bit too reluctant to eat this lithium mine with the strength of his Fenghua Lithium Industry.

The representative of Shengxin Lithium Energy thought for a while and said: "I'm sorry Mr. Ye, although I really want to take the lithium mine in your hand, but I really can't get 1.5 billion.

Ye Chen smiled indifferently: "It's okay, although we failed to cooperate successfully this time, there is no guarantee that we will have a chance to cooperate next time."

After speaking, Ye Chen looked at Ganfeng Lithium.

Among the three companies, Ganfeng Lithium is the most powerful.

If Ganfeng Lithium also gives up.

Then of course he can't really operate that lithium mine by himself.

He will contact foreign companies.

These days, several foreign companies have contacted him and are very interested in the lithium mine in his hands.

But Ye Chen is still very patriotic. Lithium is an important raw material for the new energy industry, so lithium mine can be said to be a strategic resource.

Which country has more lithium, it must be one step ahead of other countries in the development of new energy.

It is precisely because of the importance of lithium mines that Ye Chen wants to sell the lithium mines in his hands to companies in his own country.

However, if the domestic company is too expensive and unwilling to take over, then he can only turn around and find a foreign company.

Although he is patriotic, he is also a businessman.

Businessmen put their own interests first most of the time, and he is no exception.

"Mr. Ye, I accept the price you offered."

Hearing this, Ye Chen also heaved a sigh of relief.

If it hadn't been the last step, he really didn't want to sell the lithium mine in his hand to a foreign company.

"However, Mr. Ye, you should also know that asset-heavy companies like our Ganfeng Lithium Industry generally have a high debt ratio, and the liquidity on the books is not too much. I, Ganfeng Lithium Industry, are no exception. So if you ask us to take out 1.5 billion cash in one go, then we really can't take it out."

Hearing Liu Cheng's words, Ye Chen frowned.

But Ye Cheng also understood that what he said was the truth.

Asset-heavy companies, however, have high debt ratios and low liquidity, as people say.

After pondering for a while, Ye Chen said: "Mr. Liu, then you have to take out at least one billion yuan, and you can exchange your shares for the remaining five hundred million yuan."

"Mr. Ye, I need the approval of our board of directors for your request."

Liu Cheng said.

Ye Chen smiled, "Understood."

Just like that, Liu Cheng came to the next room and made a phone call.

The representatives of Fenghua Lithium Industry and Shengxin Lithium Energy saw that they had nothing to do, so they greeted Ye Chen and got up and left.

About ten minutes later, Liu Cheng came back.

Ganfeng Lithium ultimately agreed to Ye Chen's request.

Take out one billion, and exchange the remaining 500 million with the shares of their company.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to be so proficient in the use of business negotiation methods at such a young age. Our three companies have become playthings in your hands."

Looking at Ye Chen, Liu Cheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

No wonder this Ye Chen is so young and has two companies under his name.

Chenwei Media Culture Co., Ltd., the guild on Douyin, although it has only been established for more than three months, has already been rated as an S-level guild, which is a profitable tool.

Haililao, which is not popular recently, is favored by many capitals and has an infinitely broad future.

Sure enough, Ye Chen's success was not accidental.

"Mr. Liu, what you said... In fact, my psychological value is more than 1.5 billion, but I am used to making quick money. Besides, I am also a shareholder of Ganfeng Lithium now. We will be a family in the future, it is not suitable for you to be so yin and yang."

Ye Chen was not angry either, and said with a smile.

Liu Cheng rolled his eyes.

But who let Ye Chen master the lithium-rich mine in Libovia? It just so happens that Ganfeng Lithium is short of lithium mines now.

Speaking of which, he still admires Ye Chen's vision.

You must know that the lithium mine project of Qitian Lithium Industry is very risky, and it is precisely because of this that he did not follow up at the beginning.

But Ye Chen took over and now has the last laugh and is the biggest winner.

With such courage, he is ashamed of himself.

It is said that Meng Dong of Qitian Lithium Industry is still in the hospital, and I don’t know if he can survive.

But even if he survived, the position of Chairman Meng would probably not be able to keep.

"Mr. Ye, I'm not Yin Yang, I'm just praising you."

Liu Cheng smiled and stretched out a hand.

Ye Chen shook hands with the other party, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Since it was time for lunch, Ye Chen took Liu Cheng to find a (Zhao Zhao) high-end restaurant for lunch.

It just so happens that it takes time for the lawyer to prepare the contract.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Chen personally drove the Curry South to send Liucheng to Hongqiao Airport.

He exchanged the lithium-rich mine for one billion yuan in cash and five hundred million shares in Ganfeng Lithium Industry. It feels great to exceed the goal.

After returning to Haililao, Ye Chen directly transferred 500 million to Haililao's account.

With these 500 million, plus the 350 million raised from Qin Feng and Wang Xing two days ago.

Haililao now has a liquidity of 850 million on its books.

With this 850 million, coupled with the continuous blood transfusion from the Chenwei Guild, the development of Haililao will directly enter the super fast lane.

"Five hundred and one thousand zero

Four hundred and thirty-seven thousand four hundred and eighty-six yuan and eighty-four cents..."

Looking at his bank card balance, Ye Chen thought it would be a waste to put so much money in the bank card.

Finally, Ye Chen opened the futures software and the stock trading software.

He had received a skill book "Stock Market Proficiency" in the mutated Koukou mailbox before, and after comprehending it, he is now a master stock trader.

Wouldn't it be pure waste if you don't use this skill?

So Ye Chen spent more than an hour buying several stocks and commodity futures that he was optimistic about.

Ye Chen invested a total of 500 million principal.

Save 10 million for yourself as an emergency.

In addition, Ye Chen is doing medium and short-term trading.

This has the advantage that if Ye Chen needs money urgently in the future, he can withdraw the money from the stock market at any time.


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