Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[120] Found The Little Secret In My Wife's Phone! (Please Customize)

After leaving Haililao, Ye Chen immediately drove to the Chenwei Guild, ready to pick up his wife from get off work.

Then tomorrow they will leave for their hometown to celebrate the New Year.

But this year, except for the boss Ye Chen and the proprietress Han Youwei, all other employees voluntarily stayed in the company to work overtime.

Because the Spring Festival holiday is the golden period for live streaming.

It’s Chinese New Year, and basically everyone has some money on hand, and they don’t have to go to work. At this time, live streaming is obviously the most traffic of the year, and it must be very profitable.

In the live broadcast business, the most restless time of the year is during the Spring Festival holiday.

Unless you have trouble with money and don't want to make money.

Of course, the employees of Chenwei Guild work overtime during the Spring Festival, Ye Chen will definitely have to pay extra overtime wages, and it is not three times the wages stipulated by the law, but six times the wages.

After hearing the news, all the staff of Chenwei Guild felt as if they had been beaten to death.

If you work with such a boss, you will make money and have a strong team.

"Mr. Ye, during this period of time, the Onion Guild has been sparing no effort to poach our big anchors. As far as I know, most of our anchors have clearly rejected them, but there are also a small number of anchors whose attitudes are more ambiguous. Among them, Xiao Huijun yesterday Contact me, saying that if our guild does not increase her profit share, she will quit."

Chen Mingbo came to Ye Chen's office, sat opposite to Ye Chen, and reported on his work.

Ye Chen is not surprised by this.

This will happen after any guild develops to a certain scale.

This is inevitable.

Even if most of the anchors of Chenwei Guild are trained by Chenwei Guild itself, the loyalty of its anchors is much higher than that of other guilds.

But people change as they grow up.

Maybe you gave her a hundred yuan before, and she was very satisfied and grateful to you.

But after a while, she may want more.

In addition, if there is no other guild to poach the corner of your guild, it just means that your guild is really going to be cold.

In other words, the more other guilds poach your guild corner, the more prosperous your guild is.

This little Huijun, Ye Chen also has some impressions.

It is a newcomer anchor who signed a contract later.

Under Chen Pengbo's insightful eyes, a cosplay cross-dressing video made Xiao Huijun successful in the circle on Douyin, attracting countless fans. It seems that the number of fans has exceeded 5 million now.

"Old Chen, how do you think we should deal with the fact that an anchor wants to change jobs?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile.

After pondering for a while, Chen Pengbo said: "Mr. Ye, I think first of all, our guild must not give in to those 740 anchors who want to change jobs. Let's take this little Hui Jun as an example. She threatened the guild to increase her profit share by changing jobs. The guild must not open this opening, once it is opened, it will be a mess.

After a pause, Chen Mingbo went on to say: "Secondly, I think we can use Xiao Huijun to shake the mountain once. Didn't Xiao Huijun threaten the guild and want to quit, then we will satisfy her, but when we terminate the contract with Xiaohuijun, we can do Click on the article."

"Let's find a dispute at random, delay her for a year or so, and then completely terminate the contract with her. During the duration of this contract, the guild will not allow her to broadcast live, not allow her to update, and just hide her."

"Even if an Internet celebrity has millions of fans, as long as she disappears online for a year or so, even if she comes back afterwards, her popularity will be very small.

Good guy, this Chen Pengbo is quite ruthless.

How many anchors can withstand this soft knife.

In fact, you can't say that Chen Pengbo is ruthless.

Because in the current circle, such a soft knife is a tactic used by many guilds.

There are quite a few Internet celebrities who were once extremely popular, but now they are not as good as before.

Some even can't get along and quit the circle directly to engage in other industries...

Therefore, after becoming popular, many anchors don't dare to terminate the contract with their guild easily.

The thing to be afraid of is this kind of soft knife.

The guild didn't say they wouldn't terminate the contract with you or let you go.

But the guild can find any reason to prolong the termination time and drag it slowly.

Guilds can afford it, but few streamers can afford it...

However, Ye Chen has a different opinion on how to deal with this matter.

"Old Chen, I completely agree with your first point. That little Huijun threatened the guild to increase her profit share by quitting. The guild must not make any compromises with her.

Ye Chen said and changed the subject: "But the second point you said, we think a little differently. Xiao Huijun wants to change jobs. As long as she pays the full amount of liquidated damages according to the contract, the guild will happily follow her. Terminate the contract, don't deliberately hold her back."

"Although knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger can make those other anchors who have different intentions dare not act rashly, it can play a certain deterrent effect, but at the same time it will also reduce our other anchors' sense of belonging to the guild.

"I always feel that if a company wants to truly become bigger and stronger, it must use strategy, but we must use Yangmou. 17

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Chen Pengbo thought about it seriously, and finally said ashamedly: "Mr. Ye is right, it's because I'm too small."

"By the way, Mr. Ye, Wan Shunfeng from Liu Zijie's family invested in the Onion Guild and became the largest shareholder of the Onion Guild (cgbd). As far as I know, the Onion Guild offered generous terms this time to poach our corner , was instructed by Liu Zijie behind his back."

Ye Chen shook his head: "I don't know."

And he doesn't care about that either.

After Chen Pengbo left, Ye Chen took out his mobile phone, opened the Chenwei Guild's contract anchor group, and sent a notice to all members in it.

"@All Members, I just heard from Chairman Chen that some big associations have found you recently and offered you an olive branch. For this reason, some people have ideas and want to jump

Let me say a few points on this matter. "

"First, the guild respects the legitimate rights and interests of all anchors. Although the guild feels sorry for you wanting to change jobs, it will never stop you."

"Second, job hopping needs to be applied one month in advance, and everything is handled strictly according to the contract, so everyone can get together and leave.

"Third, if you really switch jobs to other guilds, I, Ye Chen, still wish you a bright future.

As soon as this all-member announcement came out, it immediately aroused huge repercussions in the entire anchor signing group.

Everyone was surprised at first.

In the past two days, there has been a lot of noise about Xiao Huijun wanting to change jobs.

They thought it was impossible for the guild to let Xiao Huijun change jobs easily.

After all, Xiao Huijun now has more than five million fans in Douyin, which is a cornucopia.

How could the guild be willing to let go of this cornucopia?

It must be blocked by various means.

Facing the guild, these anchors are in an absolutely weak position.

If you want to change jobs, you can't just jump if you want to.

Even if you can pay the liquidated damages in full at one time.

As long as the guild doesn't want to let go, this contract, you don't want to just let it go.

There have been several live examples out there before.

However, what they didn't expect was that their boss actually issued such a notice to all staff at this time.

Respect the legitimate rights and interests of the anchor, and the guild will never stop the anchor if he wants to change jobs. This alone makes all the anchors feel shocked.

Why is the boss of their guild different from those outside...

Such a public account that respects their anchor's legal rights and does not use such shady means to restrain them is worthy of their stay.

Only by staying in such a guild can they feel the air of freedom.

If you really change jobs and go to other guilds, you may really lose your freedom from now on...

Since then, the anchors signed by Chenwei Guild have a stronger sense of belonging to the guild.

After Xiao Huijun saw this notice for all staff, his complexion became unsightly.

Since the boss issued such a notice, it is obvious that he will not agree to her request.

"You guys forced me to leave the guild..."

In fact, she didn't want to leave Chenwei Guild.

After all, Chenwei Guild trained her, and Chenwei Guild is developing better and better now. As long as the guild is willing to increase her profit share from 37 to 46, she will not leave the guild.

"The Onion Guild promised to give me 40 to 60 points, I just want the same share as the Onion Guild, I don't want much...

Thinking of this, Xiao Huijun directly dialed a phone number, "Mr. Lin, I am willing to join your Onion Guild, but you have to bear all the 8 million liquidated damages."

What the onion guild promised before was that they would bear half of the liquidated damages.

In other words, she has to pay four million for herself.

She didn't want to pay for this money, after all, the sum of the money she earned in Chenwei Guild in the past two months was less than four million.

"Miss Cheng, it's not impossible for your 8 million liquidated damages to be covered by our guild, but you have to cooperate with us to do one thing."

A man's voice came from the phone.

"What do you want me to do with you?"

Xiao Huijun asked curiously.

"Miss Cheng, let's chat slowly on WeChat.

The next day, February 6, Saturday.

Today is the twenty-eighth day of the lunar calendar, and there are only two days until the thirty-eighth of the new year.

Ye Chen habitually picked up his mobile phone after waking up from the bed in the morning, opened the mutated Koukou mailbox and took a look.

"Another skill book waiting to be collected?"

Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

Before this, Ye Chen had received two skill books.

They are "Proficient in Stock Trading" and "Proficient in Identification of Antiques and Strange Objects".

After mastering these two skill books, he became a master of stock trading and identification of antiques and strange objects.

The skill book to be collected today is "Top Hacking Techniques".

Without hesitation, Ye Chen directly clicked to receive.

In an instant, a large amount of computer-related professional knowledge appeared in Ye Chen's mind, and he automatically mastered it.

Since then Ye Chen has become a top hacker.

With a hint of curiosity, Ye Chen got out of bed and came to the study, turned on his desktop computer, and tested how good this top hacking technology is.

If you don't try it, you won't know the result, and you will be shocked if you try it.

Ye Chen first hacked into Han Youwei's mobile phone system easily...

My wife's mobile phone is equipped with anti-virus software.

But those protective walls are useless under Ye Chen's hacking skills.

Checking his wife's mobile phone, Ye Chen unexpectedly found something unexpected, "My good guy, I said that she has become more and more proficient recently, so she has been studying hard in secret..."

Next, Ye Chen directly upgraded the difficulty.

It only took half an hour for Ye Chen to successfully breach the main official website of the Sakura Kingdom. When leaving, Ye Chen conveniently put the national flag on it.

This top-level hacking technology is simply too criminal.....

After turning off the computer, Ye Chen returned to the master bedroom.

After a while, Han Youwei woke up.

"Husband, what time is it, are we leaving?"

Han Youwei yawned while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Today they are going back to their hometown for the New Year. In order to reduce the possibility of traffic jams, they have to leave early.

"No hurry, it's only four o'clock, by the way, wife, show me your phone."

Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, Han Youwei didn't think much of it and directly picked up her mobile phone from the bedside table and handed it to Ye Chen.

Both of them knew the unlocking password of each other's mobile phone, so Ye Chen opened Han Youwei's mobile phone smoothly.

But even if he doesn't know the unlock password of Han Youwei's phone, as a top hacker, Ye Chen still has many ways to open his wife's phone.

"Husband, what are you doing with my phone?"

Han Youwei, who was curled up in Ye Chen's arms, asked casually.

"Look what this is."

Ye Chen smiled and turned the phone screen to Han Youwei's face.

Han Youwei opened her eyes and looked, but her face turned red immediately.

A little secret in her mobile phone was discovered by Ye Chen.........


"Honey, I don't think you like to read this kind of teaching articles.

Ye Chen joked with a smile.

"Not bad, this kind of serious study spirit is worthy of praise."

"Hmph, I didn't read this kind of article because of you, you still laugh at me.

Han Youwei pursed her lips and said with an aggrieved expression.

"I didn't laugh at you, didn't I praise you just now?"

Ye Chen laughed.

"Come on, let me check how well your latest article is learning."

"Okay, then I will ask Teacher Ye to give me some advice later."

Han Youwei spoke from the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

After more than half an hour, Ye Chen suddenly clenched his fist.

As tens of seconds passed, Ye Chen's clenched fist slowly loosened again.

At this time, Han Youwei got out of bed and walked into the bathroom barefoot.

When Han Youwei returned to the bed, Ye Chen opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out a bottle of foot cream from it, and started caring for his wife's feet.

"Husband, don't you want to comment?"

Han Youwei smiled triumphantly.

"I have made great progress and my ability to learn is very strong, but we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and don't be proud."

Ye Chen said seriously.

"Husband, I just like to see your serious look.

Han Youwei's eyes were crescent-shaped when she smiled.

At half past five, Ye Chen drove Curry South and drove Han Youwei out of COFCO Haijing No. 1.

At six o'clock, Ye Chen received his father-in-law in Lanxiangyuan Community.

"Xiaochen, let me drive the car. This is the quotation from Qingtian Decoration Company. Take a look."

Han Ping said and handed Ye Chen a document in his hand.


Ye Chen took the documents and sat in the back row.

In the past few days, Haililao has completed the network layout in the three first-tier cities of Didu, Pengcheng and Yangcheng.

Haililao will open 56 branches in Didu, 45 in Pengcheng and 42 in Yangcheng.

All 143 stores have been rented out.

The rent for one year alone is 74.37 million Ruanmei coins.

"Total renovation cost: 58 million..."

Ye Chen directly looked at the column of the total renovation cost, and then ignored it, "Dad, I don't understand this either, you just have to check it out."

There is nothing he can't believe in his own father-in-law.

This time, the decoration of these 143 stores was carried out through external bidding.

The decoration company that finally won the bid is Sunny Decoration.

After speaking, Ye Chen directly picked up a pen and signed his name where he needed to be famous.

With Ye Chen's signature, Sunshine Decoration Company will officially start construction tomorrow.

There are 143 Haililao stores in three first-tier cities, and the rent and decoration of the stores alone cost more than 130 million.

In addition, the investment budget for materials, equipment, tables and chairs is about 43 million.

There are also labor costs.

These 143 Haililao companies plan to recruit 3,145 string workers.

According to current standards, the average annual labor cost of a Haililao employee is about 66,000 yuan.

Calculated in this way, the annual labor cost of these 143 stores is about 207 million.

That is to say, there are 143 Haililao stores in three first-tier cities, with a total investment of about 380 million yuan in the first year.

However, in the second year, this number will be reduced.

Because the two big pieces of decoration, materials and equipment, and tables and chairs will be saved.

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