Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【121】Going Home During The Chinese New Year, The Troubles Of Being Famous (Please Customize)

"Dad, how's the recruiting going?"

Ye Chen asked casually.

"The benefits we give our employees are much higher than the average level of the current domestic catering service industry, so when we publish the recruitment brochures online, there are many applicants, so we don't have to worry about not being able to recruit people."

Han Ping said while driving: "As soon as the Spring Festival holiday is over, I will arrange personnel to go to the three first-tier cities to provide service training for employees.'

"Dad, it seems that with you in the company, I can really feel at ease and continue to be my shopkeeper. 17

Ye Chen laughed.

In the ensuing chat, Ye Chen learned that Haililao's network layout plan for the 15 new first-tier cities has also started in an orderly manner.

Everything is going in a good direction.


"Dad, I went to Haililao's office that day and met that Wu Xiaojun."

At this time, Han Youwei, who was also sitting in the back row, suddenly smiled and said: "I found that Director Wu is really good, he speaks softly, looks like a scholar, and looks pretty good-looking. I even added her on WeChat, I chatted a lot with her on WeChat in the past two days."

After listening to his daughter's words, Han Ping, who has always been mature and prudent, began to feel a little uneasy, "Weiwei, can you calm down a bit and stop talking nonsense in front of Director Wu."

"Dad, don't worry, I've just chatted with Sister Wu about daily life in the past two days."

"By the way, Dad, let me tell you secretly, Sister Wu used to be a staunch non-marriage advocate, but now her attitude is loose."

"Why do you tell me these things, I don't care about them."

Han Ping replied while driving.

"I asked Sister Wu, what kind of person do you think my dad is, Dad, what do you think Sister Wu said about you?"

Han Youwei smiled.

"Weiwei, I told you not to talk nonsense, why are you still asking such things in front of her?"

Han Ping couldn't hold back anymore.

"Dad, Sister Wu thinks highly of you."

Han Youwei smiled to herself: "Sister Wu said that you are vigorous and resolute at work, with a strong aura, and a special man. When you are not working, you are gentle and elegant, and you have a gentleman's demeanor."

"Weiwei, after hearing what you said, I just realized that my father has always been short of a secretary. Do you want me to transfer Director Wu to be the chief secretary?"

Ye Chen laughed.

After hearing this, Han Youwei nodded again and again: "You can have this, find a general secretary for my dad, and my dad won't have to be so tired when working in the future.

"Okay, then such a happy decision."

Faced with his daughter and son-in-law singing together, Han Ping, who was driving, was completely restless, "Xiaochen, don't fool around with Weiwei."

"Dad, how can this be called nonsense?"

Ye Chen said: "As our Haililao grows stronger, your work will become more and more busy in the future, so it is very necessary to find you a general secretary to help you share some work, or else in case Tired you down, don't say that Weiwei won't let me go, even I can't forgive myself."

What Ye Chen said was from the bottom of his heart.

When Haililao was first established, there were not many things to do in the company, and his father-in-law was able to manage the company in an orderly manner by himself.

But now the development of Haililao has entered the super fast lane.

The affairs that his father-in-law needs to deal with every day are also increasing day by day.

At this time, it is necessary to have a general secretary by his side to help his father-in-law share part of the work.

After a pause, Ye Chen continued: "Wu Xiaojun is the director of the office, and the work he usually does is very similar to the work that the general secretary needs to do, so I think the best candidate for the position of the general secretary is really that Wu Xiaojun."

Han Ping was speechless.

For a while, I couldn't find any words to refute my son-in-law...

At that time.

Wanshun Ventures.

After answering a phone call, Liu Dafu's eyes went dark, and then he covered his chest with his hands, showing pain on his face.

Sitting opposite Liu Dafu, Liu Zijie, who was crossing his legs, stood up in shock, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"Quick.......quick, medicine......medicine..."

Hearing this, Liu Zijie who reacted quickly took out a small white medicine bottle from the lining pocket of his father's suit.

After feeding his father three quick-acting Jiuxin pills, Liu Dafu's pale face slowly recovered a trace of blood.

After experiencing the blow from the stock market last time, Liu Dafu had a heart problem.

Usually not too excited.

Once excited too much, the heart may be in sudden arrest.

Therefore, Liu Dafu always kept a bottle of quick-acting heart-relief pills on his body, just in case of emergency...

"Dad, the doctor told you not to have too much mood swings. What happened to you just now?"

Liu Zijie said with some complaints.

It just scared him to death.

In case his dad burps.

Then he really can't hold back Wanshun Venture Capital now...

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

Liu Dafu's face was full of grief, and the fat on his face trembled wildly, almost beating his chest and stamping his feet.

"Dad, don't be excited, don't be excited, don't be excited, be calm, calm."

Liu Zijie quickly comforted him from the side.

He thought in his heart that his father is usually a person who does not change his face when Mount Tai collapses on the top, why did he become like this just after answering a phone call...

"Dad, take a deep breath, yes, take a deep breath, yes, that's it, it's good, breathe out again, it's good..."

"Dad, let's do it a few more times...

After a few minutes, Liu Dafu finally regained his composure, "Oh...

He sighed heavily several times.

"Dad, what happened just now?"

Seeing that his father was completely fine, Liu Zijie asked curiously.

"Hey, do you remember the lithium mine project in Libovia?"

Liu Zijie nodded when he heard the words and said, "Remember, could it be that you have dug up a mine rich in lithium?"


Liu Dafu sighed and said: "The lithium mine project was taken over by someone at a price of 40 million yuan. As a result, within half a month after taking over, the lithium-rich ore was dug up. The reserves are amazing. Just yesterday, Ganfeng Lithium spent 1.5 billion took the lithium-rich mine from that person's hands."

His college classmate Li Chengyi was the chief engineer of that lithium mine project.

Li Chengyi contacted him before, saying that the lithium mine must contain very high lithium content, and persuaded him to take over the project from Qitian hammer industry.

At that time, he was planning to take over the project, but at that time his son proposed to enter the live broadcast industry...

Then he hesitated.

Finally, I made a decision to abandon the lithium mine project and invest in the live broadcast industry.....

He is so regretful that his intestines are green now.

If he didn't look forward and backward at that time, but took over the project, then after this wave, he would have made a net profit of more than 1.4 billion.

After listening to his father's words, Liu Zijie's expression became extremely exciting.

Invest 40 million, gain 1.5 billion...  

If it wasn't for his persuasion at the beginning, then the person who took such a big deal would be his father


He's about to vomit blood.

After a long time, Liu Zijie finally said in an extremely depressed voice: "Dad, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for my persuasion, you must have taken down the lithium mine project."

"Well, this kind of meaningless words, what's the use now, and it can't be all your fault, it's my own lack of firmness at the time."

Liu Dafu sighed suddenly while talking: "It seems that I am really old, and I don't have the courage of my youth.

"Dad, who is that person who picked up the big deal this day?"

When Liu Zijie spoke, his face was full of envy.

I just wish I couldn't replace it.

"It's the boss of Haidilao who is very popular recently."

Hearing this, Liu Zijie's eyes almost popped out, "Is that Ye Chen?!"

"Well, it's him."

Liu Dafu nodded.

…… Ask for flowers………

"Damn, how could it be him, how is his luck so good..."

Liu Zijie's eyes were red.

The great advantage of the Vision Guild was picked up by that Ye Chen.

In Jinling City, the big deal on window materials was also picked up by that Ye Chen.

Now the great bargain that is rich in lithium ore is still picked up by Ye Chen...

However, these three big bargains flowed out from his fingers, and they were picked up by that Ye Chen...

More than 1.4 billion, this is more than 1.4 billion...

All the assets of his family add up to only four or five billion.

Now Ye Chen has picked up one-third of his family's total assets in one wave.

Plus Ye Chen, Chenwei Guild, and Haililao...

If Ye Chen is given a little more time to develop, I am afraid that when he faces each other in the future, the other party will really be able to sit on an equal footing with him...

"This news cannot be let Han Youchu know..."

the other side.

Han Ping drove on the highway.

Today is the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and many people who work outside will rush back to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year on this day.

Therefore, there are extraordinarily many cars on the expressway today.

It was because the lithium mine was delayed, and Ye Chen would definitely not return to his hometown today.

Although there are a lot of cars on the expressway today, fortunately there is no such big traffic jam.


However, with so many cars crowded on the highway, the traffic flow will naturally not be able to speed up.

By the time Ye Chen drove the Curry southward on the expressway, it had already been more than four years in the afternoon.

I set off at 5 o'clock in the morning and drove for nearly eleven hours before getting off the expressway...

Fortunately, Ye Chen, Han Youwei, and Han Ping can drive.

It's not too tiring for three people to switch.

At five o'clock, Ye Chen finally drove to the Jinshan Sunshine Community where his home is located.

Just like the last time when I came back from the Mid-Autumn Festival, Ye's father and Ye's mother were waiting downstairs at their house in advance.

But what is different from last time is that there are many people standing beside Ye's father and Ye's mother today.

These people are from a community.

Ye Chen is now well-known throughout Shidai County.

Because this small county has not produced a successful person like Ye Chen for many years.

Relying on his own ability, he drove tens of millions of Rolls-Royces at the age of twenty-four.

There are two other companies under his name.

Anyone who knows something about the live broadcast industry knows how popular the Chenwei Guild is now.

Not to mention Haili Lao, the popularity on the Internet has not subsided until now.

There is no way, because the "perverted" services of Haililao are often searched for.

Moreover, Haililao's service will often be updated, which is the scariest place.

Now there are many hot pot brands that copy the homework, but none of them can copy successfully.

The so-called no harm without comparison, this is an important reason why the popularity of Haili Lao remains high.

"Lao Ye, how long will it take for your son to come back?"

asked someone who had been waiting here for a while.

"It's already off the high speed, it should be fast."

Papa Ye Ye Yuanqing replied.

He was also a little helpless.

Because of the glory of their son, the couple are now celebrities in the community.

Now when they go out, they will be surrounded by many sets of close people.

Some seek jobs and future prospects for their children.

There are also those who want to seek investment from his son, and hope that they will spread the word...

It made them a little afraid to go out now.

No, the couple had just come down for a while, and many passing people surrounded them.

Knowing that their son is coming back today, none of these people left...


Suddenly Lin Lan's eyes lit up.

She saw her son's car.

My son's car is a Rolls-Royce with a custom-made forged yellow paint, so it is very recognizable.

Soon Ye Chen drove to the downstairs of his house, found a parking space and parked the car.


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