Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【125】Husband, You Can't Enjoy Yourself In Your Hometown, Right (Please Customize)

If he had known that Ye Chen would rise so quickly in the future, he would not have objected when his daughter Han Youchu was with Ye Chen.

Although there is still a gap between Ye Chen and Liu Zijie, of course this gap is mainly reflected in the background and family background of the two.

Looking back now, if I didn't object to Han Youchu and Ye Chen being together.

Now Ye Chen's father-in-law is not Han Ping but Wang Minghui.

Isn't the position of Haililao's general manager also his?

Moreover, Han Youchu and Ye Chen have been dating since freshman year.

If Han Youchu married Ye Chen, then Ye Chen would definitely respect him as the father-in-law.

Unlike now, even if Han Youchu married Liu Zijie later, I am afraid that in the eyes of Liu Dafu, Liu Zijie and his son, his purpose is not pure...

In front of the Liu family, he must be inferior.

But if Han Youchu married Ye Chen, it would be completely different.

My daughter is the "dirty wife" who has been with Ye Chen for more than four years.

Then his old man's status is naturally very high.

Alas, it's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world...

At this moment, Han Youchu began to feel a little confused.

In the judgment of the film Fighting the Dragon, it was Ye Chen who won against Liu Zijie again

Is this still the Ye Chen she knew?

Leaving aside the family background, Ye Chen's current ability has completely surpassed Liu Zijie...

"Ye Chen, why did you change so much? You were so ordinary when we were together. Why did you become more and more dazzling after we broke up? Why..."

Two days passed quickly, and the time came to the sixth day of the first lunar month.

On this day, Ye Chen bid farewell to his parents, and drove Han Youwei and his father-in-law in the Curry South to embark on the journey of returning to the devil.

However, under Ye Chen's persuasion, Ye's father and Ye's mother also agreed to sell the building materials store at home and not open it. In the rest of their lives, they just enjoy life.

Originally 250 Ye Chen wanted his parents to follow him to Shanghai this time.

After all, his parents have never lived in the large flat he bought.

But Ye Yuanqing said that when he sells the building materials store at home, they will go to Shanghai to live for a few days, and then he will take his wife to travel around the country for a casual trip.

There was one person in Currynan's car today.

This person is Ye Jing.

When he was not far from Momo, Ye Chen told Ye Jing that he wanted to invest in Fosun Kate.

The reason why Ye Chen did not contact Ye Jing on the first day of the new year, but waited until today to tell Ye Jing, is because Ye Chen did not want the chairman of Fosun Kate to have a good year

Because according to what was mentioned in the future email, the chairman of Fosun Kite decided to sell several real estate properties under his name only when he was really at the end of his rope during the Chinese New Year this year.

According to the calculation of time, the chairman of Fosun Kate should have received several real estate properties under his name to the real estate agency.

Don't let the chairman of Fosun Kite have a good year, and he will appear again when the other party is completely desperate for external funds, which will obviously be more beneficial to his subsequent negotiations when he buys shares in Fosun Kate.

Shopping malls are like battlefields.

Some means are necessary.

Ye Chen is also growing up slowly.

Ye Jing was both surprised and delighted when she heard that Ye Chen had the idea of ​​investing in Fosun Kite.

Since Fosun Kite Company is located in the Huangpu District of Shanghai, Ye Chen said that if he had time tomorrow, he would take people there to investigate.

Today is the peak period for the return journey during the Chinese New Year, so the highway is still quite congested. Although the time of congestion is not long each time, the more times there are, the more time it takes to add up.

In addition to arriving in Shanghai, the few of them had another meal at a restaurant.

So it was past nine o'clock in the evening when the two returned home.

"Honey, I'm so tired, let's ask a manga."

As soon as she got home, Han Youwei started to cry tired.


Not to mention Han Youwei, even Ye Chen is a little tired now.

Driving on the highway for nearly ten hours, although the three of them took turns driving, it was still quite tiring.

So the two of them entered the two-person intelligent constant temperature bathtub together, and took a good bath.

"Husband, we are finally home, I am so happy.

After taking a bath, Han Youwei wrapped her arms around Ye Chen's neck, hanging on Ye Chen's body like a koala.

"Why, don't you like staying in my hometown?"

Ye Chen asked.

"No, everything in my hometown is good, but there is one thing that is not good."

Han Youwei said seriously.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Chen asked subconsciously.

"Even if I live with my parents in my hometown, it is inconvenient at night, and I dare not make a sound."

Han Youwei leaned close to Ye Chen's ear as she spoke, bit Ye Chen's earlobe lightly, and then breathed into Ye Chen's ear and said, "Husband, you can't have fun in your hometown, right?

At this time, Ye Chen had already walked to the bedside.

After listening to Han Youwei's words, Ye Chen directly threw Han Youwei onto the bed with a violent action...

The next day, February 16, is the seventh day of the first month.

This afternoon, Ye Chen came to Haililao and held a company management meeting.

However, the host of today's meeting is still Ye Chen's father-in-law, Han Ping.

Regarding Haililao's work tasks for the next month, Han Ping made overall planning and deployment.

At the end of the meeting, Ye Chen said, "Mr. Han's arrangement is still very comprehensive and meticulous, but I would like to add one thing, that is, the post of secretary to the general manager of our Haililao has been vacant so far. It is time for someone to take up this position. Yes, so as to help Mr. Han share some work and relieve Mr. Han's work pressure."

As soon as Ye Chen's words came out, all the management of Hailidao present were all refreshed.

Especially those middle-level management and below the middle-level management, all of them sat up straight.

The chief secretary is a high-level position.

I don't know whose head it will fall on.

Hearing what his son-in-law said, the corner of Han Ping's mouth twitched, a little uneasy.

"Director Wu."

Finally, Ye Chen's eyes fell on Wu Xiaojun, and he said with a smile: "I want you to be the chief secretary, I wonder if you want to?"

Hearing this, Wu Xiaojun was taken aback for a moment, then quickly nodded and said, "Boss Ye [I am willing."

All of a sudden, everyone cast envious glances at Wu Xiaojun.

Wu Xiaojun was originally a middle-level manager, but now he suddenly became the general secretary, and he jumped from the middle level to the top level.

"Okay, then Secretary Wu's original position will be taken over by your former deputy. (cgba)"

With Ye Chen making the decision, the transfer of personnel this time is finalized.

After the meeting, Ye Chen went directly to his calendar office.

Opening Maoyan, Ye Chen checked the real-time box office of Zhanlong.

Although the Chinese New Year holiday has passed, people have returned to their jobs.

However, Zhanlong's box office gains did not show any signs of fatigue.

Especially word of mouth has completely exploded.

In the seven days since its release, the box office of Zhanlong has reached a staggering 160 million.

Some people in the industry predict that the final total box office of Zhanlong should not be less than 800 million.

Ye Chen dialed Wu Jing's phone and expressed his congratulations.

"Same joy, same joy, Mr. Ye, you are Zhanlong's biggest investor."

On the phone, Wu Jing's good mood could be heard from his voice.

Zhanlong's fire made him fight a very beautiful turnaround.

Now he is the hottest big name director in the circle.

In the past few days, several capitals in the circle have brought military-themed scripts and sufficient filming funds, and want to invite him to be the director.

But he's not in the mood to be someone else's director right now.

He can now start to put the preparation of the battle dragon 2 on the agenda.

Huang Hai is the chairman of Fosun Kite. At this time, he is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the office, so that he can see the entrance of the company building from here.

He looked down at the time from time to time.

Seeing that it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Why hasn't that Ye Chen come over yet?

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, his company had reached the end of its rope. If he didn't inject some funds and some blood, his company would go bankrupt and liquidate in the middle of this month.

He is not reconciled.

More than 20 years ago, he led a group of start-up teams to establish Fosun Kite. Relying on the profits brought by the production of generic drugs, the company has become larger and larger, and it has reached the point where it can be listed.

Later, he was not satisfied with the production of generic drugs, and he wanted to fulfill his youthful dream of developing innovative drugs.

The successful development of the first innovative drug for the treatment of high blood pressure made Fosun Kite famous, and he also took advantage of this shareholder style to directly make Fosun Kite go public.

Once listed, the company's market value exceeded two billion.

Later, with the development and launch of several innovative drugs one after another, Xia Xingkai's market value once exceeded five billion.

However, as the research and development of the special innovative drug for the treatment of cancer did not go smoothly, too much money was consumed. For this reason, the company's senior management has been persuading him to stop the innovative drug project for the treatment of cancer in the past few years, so as to stop the loss in time .

But he is a stubborn person, and he is not willing to stop this project.

Because his biggest dream when he was a young student was to develop a special innovative drug that can treat cancer, and he has already invested more than one billion in this project. Wouldn't it be a waste of money?

He is not reconciled to failure.

So he gritted his teeth and continued to invest money in that project. It coincided with the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic pharmaceutical market and the disruption of foreign pharmaceutical giants, so the living space of Fosun Kite was continuously squeezed until the capital chain broke. , to the brink of bankruptcy and liquidation.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, he gritted his teeth and made a decision, which was to sell all the real estate under his name to renew the company's life.

For this matter, his wife has been arguing with him for the past few days.

His son ignored him.

Just when he felt extremely painful and was about to be overwhelmed by the pressure from all sides, a senior research and development staff of the company suddenly found him and said that someone wanted to invest in his Fosun Kate.

This directly made him overjoyed.

If there is an injection of external funds, then he doesn't have to sell the real estate under his name, to the point where his wife and children are separated.

From the company's senior research and development personnel, he learned that the person who intends to invest in his company is called Ye Chen.

So he investigated this Ye Chen immediately.

I found out that although Ye Chen is too young, he is indeed a capable person.

This Ye Chen has an anchor guild in his hands, which can bring him a huge cash flow every day.

This Ye Chen also owns a catering company called Haililao. Speaking of which, under the leadership of his son years ago, his family went to Haililao to eat hot pot.

After eating the hot pot, he felt that Haililao was great and would definitely become popular in the future, but his son told him that Haililao was already popular.

And this Ye Chen made a very successful investment years ago.

That is to buy the Libovia lithium mine project from Qitian Lithium with 40 million soft sister coins, and then this project brought Ye Chen an amazing return of more than 1.4 billion.

So this Ye Chen really has the strength to invest in his Fosun Kite and help his company come back to life.

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