Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【126】Wife, Am I Unfathomable, Or Are You Unfathomable? (Please Customize)

When he heard that Ye Chen would visit his company today, he rushed to the company early in the morning to arrange for people to prepare various materials and wait for Ye Chen to visit.

However, he waited and waited until it was past three o'clock in the afternoon, so why didn't he wait for Ye Chen to come over.

"Xiaoye, Mr. Ye won't come today, will he?"

Huang Hai looked at Ye Jing who was on the side and asked.

Originally, Ye Jing, a senior researcher, did not need to show up on such an occasion.

But Ye Jing and Ye Chen are fellow villagers and still belong to the same family.

Ye Chen's intention to invest in Fosun Kite this time is the result of Ye Jing's visit to Ye Chen's home years ago.

That's why he asked Ye Jing to accompany him to welcome Ye Chen's arrival.

"I don't know either. What Ye Chen said yesterday was that if he had time today, he would bring someone to our company for inspection. How about this, chairman, I'll call and ask Ye Chen."

Ye Jing said.

"Okay, please trouble Xiaoye."

Huang Hai said with a smile.

"Boss, you are too polite."

Just like that, Ye Jing took out her mobile phone and dialed Ye Chen's number.

In less than a minute, Ye Jing put down the phone and said to Huang Hai: "Chairman, Ye Chen said he was too busy to come, and tomorrow, Ye Ku said that he would come here tomorrow with all his time.

After listening to Ye Jing's words, Huang Hai looked disappointed and said: "Oh, okay."

It seems that Ye Chen's willingness to invest in Fosun Kite is not strong.

If the willingness to invest is really strong, then Ye Chen will rush over no matter how busy he is today.

On the other side, Ye Chen was playing games in his office.

The reason why he didn't go to Fosun Kate to investigate today is naturally not because he is really busy.

Instead, he is going to hang out with the pharmaceutical company for a few more days.

In this way, when he went to Fosun Kite to inspect and negotiate, he could keep the price down to the lowest.

Well, let the bullets fly for a while.

After playing two more games of Doudizhu, Ye Chen went offline to take Currynan's car keys and left Haililao to Chenwei Guild to pick up his wife from get off work.

"Honey, the crispy-skinned roast suckling pig that Dong Ge recently ate at the restaurant looks pretty good, shall we try it now?"

On the way home, Ye Chen suddenly thought of the crispy roast suckling pig in Chen Dong's latest high-end gourmet store exploration video that he had seen on Douyin in the afternoon, so he turned his head to Han Youwei who was sitting in the passenger seat Said.

"Okay, speaking of which, I've never eaten crispy roast suckling pig in my life.

Han Youwei smiled.

Hearing this, Ye Chen also smiled: "Same, I haven't eaten either."

At the next intersection, Ye Chen turned around and headed towards Xintiandi.

The shop Chen Dongtan is called Yubaxian is located in Xintiandi.

"By the way, my wife, at today's Haililao management meeting, I have already made a personnel transfer, and now Wu Xiaojun is our dad's chief secretary."

Hearing this, Han Youwei immediately showed a happy smile on her face, "Then thank you husband, the two of them usually work together, I don't believe that there will be no spark of love between them."

While Han Youwei was talking, Ye Chen drove past the gate of a real estate in a community, and suddenly Ye Chen was taken aback, "Isn't that Wu Xiaojun?"

As he spoke, Ye Chen stepped on the brakes and pulled the car over to a stop.

"Where is where?"

"It's just at the gate of the community, and it's already out."

Following the direction of Ye Chen's finger, Han Youwei also saw Wu Xiaojun's figure, "It's really Sister Wu.

Then Han Youwei rolled down the car window, waved to Wu Xiaojun outside and shouted: "Sister Wu, Sister Wu."

In fact, Wu Xiaojun has already discovered Ye Chen and the others.

In fact, Ye Chen's Curry Nana's customized forged yellow car paint is very recognizable, and you can't find a second one in the entire magic city.

So when he saw the Curry South, Wu Xiaojun immediately recognized that it was the car of their boss, Mr. Ye.

Seeing the proprietress waving to him, Wu Xiaojun walked over.

When Wu Xiaojun walked in front of Curry Nan, Han Youwei had already got out of the car.

Wu Xiaojun first called Han Youwei Mrs. Ye, and then called Ye Chen who was in the car.

Ye Chen responded with a smile.

"Sister Wu, don't call me Mrs. Ye, this makes me old, you can just call me Weiwei.

Han Youwei said with a smile.

"okay then."

"Sister Wu, do you live in this community?"

Han Youwei asked.

Wu Xiaojun shook his head and said: "No, the house I rented before expired, and the owner will keep it for himself after returning to China this year. I just came here to rent a house in the Green Willow Garden

"Then Miss Wu, have you rented a house yet?"

Han Youwei's heart moved, and she asked.

"No, the rent is a bit high, and we didn't agree on it.

Hearing this, Han Youwei smiled and said: "Then sister Wu, you can get in the car with me, I know where there is a house for rent, and the rent is not high."


Wu Xiaojun showed joy on his face.

In fact, for the sake of the house, she rushed from her hometown to Shanghai on the 5th.

But after looking at houses for a few days, I still haven't found a suitable one.

It's not that the location is too far away, it's inconvenient to commute to get off work.

It's just that the rent is too high.

"Weiwei, then you can give me the contact information of the owner, and I will contact him later.

Wu Xiaojun said so.

Seeing the proprietress means that I want to take her to see the house now.

But this is the proprietress, and the driver is even the boss.

How could she let the boss personally drive her to see the house.

"Sister Wu, just get in the car, we'll have dinner together later, and I'll take you to see the house after dinner, just as Ye Chen and I are going there too."

After speaking, Han Youwei winked at Ye Chen in the car.

Ye Chen immediately said knowingly: "Secretary Wu, get in the car."

Seeing that the boss had spoken, Wu Xiaojun had no choice but to follow Han Youwei and sit in the back seat of Curry South.

In about twenty minutes, Ye Chen drove to Xintiandi.

After parking the car in a parking lot, the three of them walked through an alley to Yubaxian.

Ye Chen ordered two roasted suckling pigs with crispy skin and a few signature stir-fries.

I have to say that this Chen Dong is really good at finding food.

This crispy suckling pig is really good.

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, when you bite down, the oil and water drip out.

But the oil and water of this crispy roast suckling pig is not greasy at all.

All three were very satisfied.

Taking advantage of Wu Xiaojun's convenience, Ye Chen couldn't help but ask his wife curiously: "Weiwei [what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? Do you really know where there is such an economical and affordable house for rent? "

"Of course I know."

Han Youwei said with a smile: "Husband, have you forgotten that the tenant opposite my dad didn't renew the lease this year, isn't that house being rented out now? It's posted on the door, haven't you seen it?" ?”

"I really didn't pay attention to this."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "If Secretary Wu moved to live across from our dad, then we would really get along with our dad day and night. It turns out that this is what your wife planned.

It is really high. "

"No, your wife is very smart."

It was past eight o'clock in the evening when the three of them walked out of Yubaxian after eating.

Although the crispy roast suckling pig of this family is delicious, the other signature dishes are also very special, but the price is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

Two roasted suckling pigs with crispy skin and four signature stir-fries cost Ye Chen more than 3,000 yuan.

"Weiwei, it's so late now, will the owner accompany us to look at the house?"

Wu Xiaojun asked as he walked.

"Yes, the owner of that house lives in that community. He has six houses in that community, all of which were demolished and relocated. He now lives in one house, and the remaining five houses are sold to the outside world. rent."

Han Youwei said.


After more than half an hour, Wu Xiaojun wanted to speak several times but finally held back.

She wanted to say that this place is a bit far from the company, and it is inconvenient for her to commute to and from get off work.

But the proprietress was so enthusiastic about helping her find a house, which made it difficult for her to speak for a while.

After a while, we finally arrived at Lanxiangyuan Community.

At this moment, Wu Xiaojun was stunned, "Weiwei, isn't this the community where Mr. Han lives?"

Han Youwei smiled slightly: "Yes, Sister Wu, the rent here is not expensive, you can directly take my dad's car to and from get off work in the future and even save the fare, you see how thoughtful I am for you

Hearing the sound, Wu Xiaojun only felt that her face was burning, and she said why the proprietress was so enthusiastic about helping her find a house, so...

Could it be at the behest of Mr. Han?

No, no, Mr. Han is not that kind of person.

Besides, Mr. Han didn't know about her looking for a house, and she met the boss's wife by chance today.

"Weiwei, it's inappropriate for Mr. Han to drive me to and from get off work..."

"What's wrong with this? My dad drives you to and from get off work so much that you can't consume a few drops of fuel alone. Besides, Sister Wu, I think it's most suitable for you to live here. You are the chief secretary now. What work will you do in the future? If you don’t have time to communicate with each other at work, you can still communicate with each other when you get home from get off work.”

Han Youwei smiled.


Wu Xiaojun was afraid to look Han Youwei in the eyes now.

She is not a fool, of course she knows the real purpose of Han Youwei doing this...

Also, on the first day of the new year, Mr. Ye transferred her to the position of the chief secretary. During the day, she thought that Mr. Ye took a fancy to her ability at work. Now it seems that it has been planned for a long time. …

Soon the three came to the opposite door of Han's house.

At this time, the owner of this household was already waiting in the house because he had received the news from Han Youwei in advance.

Two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, a compact apartment of 80 square meters, very suitable for living alone.

The rent is fifty-eight thousand a year.

After looking at the house, Wu Xiaojun was very satisfied, and signed a lease agreement with the owner on the spot to rent the house.

After receiving the rent and a deposit of 2,000 yuan, the owner left directly.

After a while, the three of Ye Chen also came out of the house.

"Sister Wu, where do you live, let's take you back."

Han Youwei said.

"Not Weiwei, I'll just take a taxi and go back."

"Sister Wu, don't be so polite to us."

As Han Youwei said, she came to her house and knocked on the door.

Seeing this, Wu Xiaojun only thought that the proprietress was familiar with the family opposite, after all, the proprietress had lived in this community for more than 20 years.

However, when the opposite door opened, Wu Xiaojun was stunned.


The person living in the opposite household turned out to be Mr. Han......

"Weiwei, Xiaochen, why did you come here this late at night..."

……… Ask for flowers…

While talking, Han Ping suddenly noticed another person outside the door.

And that person was Wu Xiaojun.

"Secretary Wu?"

Han Ping couldn't hold back anymore.

Could it be that Wu Xiaojun was found by his daughter and son-in-law...

After all, his daughter and son-in-law have always wanted to match him with this Wu Xiaojun.

"Boss Han."

Wu Xiaojun was nervous and at a loss.

"Dad, Ye Chen and I ran into Sister Wu who was renting a house on the road in the afternoon. After learning that Sister Wu hadn't rented a house yet, I wondered if the house opposite our house was for rent, so Ye Chen and I took Sister Wu just rented the house across the door, Dad, you and Sister Wu will be neighbors across the door from now on, and Dad, when you commute to get off work, you can give Sister Wu a ride."

Han Youwei said with a smile.


Han Ping nodded.

His daughter has spoken, and Wu Xiaojun is in front of him, so he can't say no...

"Sister Wu, let's go, we will take you back."

Han Youwei smiled.


Wu Xiaojun nodded quickly.

Now she is really afraid that Han Youwei will say, "Dad, you can send Sister Hao back..

"By the way, Dad, Secretary Wu will move in tomorrow. If you have nothing to do after get off work tomorrow, you can help Secretary Wu move out on behalf of the company. It is not easy for Secretary Wu to leave his hometown alone in Shanghai. Our company should do more. Take care of her, so that it shows that our company has humanistic care."

Before leaving, Ye Chen said to his father-in-law.

"Okay... ok..."

Han Ping nodded mechanically.

The son-in-law spoke up, and even moved the company out, and Wu Xiaojun was in front of him. If he refused, wouldn't it make Wu Xiaojun a little bit embarrassed to step down.


At this moment, Wu Xiaojun's face turned red.

She found that the proprietress's routine was really too deep......

After sending Wu Xiaojun back to her residence, Han Youwei smiled at Ye Chen who was driving: "Husband, your assist just now was really beautiful, I give you a thumbs up."

"Basic exercises don't 6."

Ye Chen said calmly.

"By the way, husband, how much did you invest in Fosun Kate?"

Han Youwei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly asked curiously.

"I didn't go to Fosun Kate during the day."

Hearing this, Han Youwei was taken aback, "Ah? Didn't you tell that Ye Jing yesterday that you would go to Xia Keite to take the exam today?"

Ye Chen smiled, "I didn't say that I would definitely go today, I just said that if I have time today, I would go to investigate.

"Husband, are you busy during the day?"

"not busy."

Now Han Youwei was completely confused, "Then why didn't you go?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said: "Fosun Kate is like a beggar who has been starving for many days now, and I have to wait until he is starving to death before going to deliver food to the other party, so when I make a request, the other party You won't bargain with me."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Han Youwei immediately understood the truth contained in it, and saw Han Youwei blinking her eyes, "Husband, I found that you are getting more and more unfathomable

Ye Chen said with a smile: "What do you mean, I am unfathomable? Or are you unfathomable?"

"I'll take a closer look when I go back."

"Stop the car, I want to get off, this is not the car to go to kindergarten."


The next afternoon, after seeing Ye Jing finish calling, Huang Hai hurriedly asked Ye Jing, "How about Xiao Ye, does Mr. Ye have time to come over today?"

Ye Jing shook her head: "There is an impromptu meeting in Haililao this afternoon that needs to be chaired by Mr. Ye..."


third day.

"Chairman, all the anchors of the Chenwei Guild have come to Shanghai to build a team today, and Mr. Ye has no time..."

"Oh, all right."

Huang Hai had a bitter face.

It seems that the possibility of him trying to get investment from Ye Chen is very small.

If people really intend to invest in his Fosun Kate, how could they be so careless.

I didn't have time to come over for three days in a row.

There is no time for this, it is clear that there is no willingness to invest.

If you have a strong willingness to invest, you should have come here long ago.

Forget it, let's continue to sell the real estate under my name.

Soon the time came to the morning of the fourth day.

Ye Jing came to Huang Hai's office in a hurry, and excitedly said to Huang Hai: "Chairman, good news, Ye Chen just called me and said that he has brought someone on his way to our company."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Hai stood up excitedly, "Xiaoye, hurry up, come with me to the gate of the company to welcome Mr. Ye and the others."

He had already given up any hope of getting money from Ye Chen.

Now Ye Chen actually came over.

This is really the way of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Huang Hai's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Huang, a client has found your house in Fortune Seaview Garden. The client wants to see the house now. Do you have time to go there now?"

This is a call from a real estate agent.

Huang Hai replied while walking: "Sorry, Manager Wang, my house is not for sale anymore."

After speaking, Huang Hai hung up the phone directly, then quickened his pace and walked towards the elevator.


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