Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【127】Han Youchu Has Already Regretted Leaving You (Please Customize)

Half an hour later, Ye Chen and his group arrived at Fosun Kate.

This time Ye Chen came with a team.

Because it will be a big move to invest in Fosun Kate this time.

This team includes lawyers, actuaries, and accounting and other related professionals.

The accountant was naturally looking for Han Youwei's cousin Han Wenwen.

"Boss Ye, I have been waiting for you for a long time, welcome."

Huang Hai led a group of high-level executives from the company to greet him at the door of the company.

The specifications are very high, showing enough attention to Ye Chen.

However, this also reflects from the side that Fosun Kate has reached a moment of life and death, and urgently needs external capital injection to revitalize Fosun Kate's capital chain, otherwise Fosun Kate would not have put up such a big battle to welcome Ye Chen's.

"Huang Dong, I'm really sorry, I've been so busy with trifles these days that I can't spare time, otherwise I should have come here long ago.

Ye Chen smiled and shook hands with Huang Hai.

"Mr. Ye, you are serious. You have two companies with a very good development momentum in your hands. You must be very busy right now. I can completely understand."

Huang Hai laughed.

Ye Chen smiled at Ye Jing who was standing beside Huang Hai, as a greeting.

Led by Huang Hai, the group walked into the company building, and finally came to a very spacious meeting room on the top floor.

After the two parties sat down, there was some simple politeness first, and then they got to the point.

Huang Hai took out the materials he had prepared long ago and handed them to the people brought by Ye Chen to review and verify the "160" calculation.

After more than an hour, Ye Chen, who got the result, had a comprehensive understanding of Fosun Kite's situation.

"Mr. Ye, I think you already know that Fosun Kite is on the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation, and now our company urgently needs the injection of external funds.

Huang Hai sighed.

He definitely has no initiative in today's negotiation.

All he wants to do now is to keep Ye Chen.

Otherwise, what awaits him is either watching the company liquidate and going bankrupt, or selling the real estate under his name to continue the life of the company,

Once he sells the property, what awaits him will be the separation of his wife and children, and the breakdown of his family

If it weren't for the fact that there was no other way, he would not have come to this point.

"Mr. Ye, our company's special innovative drug project for the treatment of cancer has broken through many technical difficulties. I am confident that as long as we give us some more time, we will be able to achieve the most critical breakthrough and make our project a success. Once this project is successful, our Fosun Kate will surely go out to sea like a dragon.”

Seeing Ye Chen frowning and not speaking, Huang Hai, who was afraid that Ye Chen would get up and leave, said so immediately.

Ye Chen continued to remain silent.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became tense.

Huang Hai, as well as the senior executives of Fosun Kate were all very nervous.

Ye Jing prayed silently in her heart.

In the project of cancer-specific innovative drugs, she is the backbone technician in the research team.

For this project, the woman spent more than two years.

If the company goes bankrupt and liquidated at this time, then this project will naturally become a thing of the past forever.

Then all her hard work over the past two years will be in vain.

Although the company did not lose a penny of her salary.

But a pure scientific researcher like her pursues more than just a salary.

Just when the scene became audible, Ye Chen finally spoke, looked at Huang Hai who was sitting opposite him and said, "How about this, Director Huang, I can get 300 million, but I must get Fosun Kate Thirty percent of the shares, but I will not interfere with the company's management, I just want to pay dividends."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Hai couldn't help but fell silent.

This Ye Chen is too cruel.

You must know that the market value of Fosun Kate's company at its peak was close to 10 billion. Even if it is now on the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation, and the company's market value has shrunk severely, there are still 200 to 300 million.

And according to Ye Chen's request, it means that his current market value of Fosun Kate is only 900 million yuan......


But now the situation is stronger than people.

Facing this last straw, he really didn't dare to bargain any more.

After all, it took Ye Chen four days to come to their company, which shows that Ye Chen's willingness to invest in their company is very ordinary.

"Huang Dong, if you feel that my request is too embarrassing for you, then forget it. To be honest, the reason why I am willing to spend 300 million yuan to invest in your Fosun Kite

It's all because I want to gamble, just like I invested in the lithium mine project in Libovia late last year. "

After speaking, Ye Chen got up and stood up.

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to leave, Huang Hai became impatient, and hurriedly asked to stay: "Wait, Mr. Ye, I personally can accept the request you just made, but Fosun Kate is not mine alone after all. I can't make the decision on my own, I have to discuss it with the major shareholders of the company, so please give me some time, Mr. Ye."

After listening to Huang Hai's words, Ye Chen sat down again.

Seeing this, Huang Hai breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly left the meeting room.

In less than half an hour, Huang Hai came back, "Mr. Ye, several of our major shareholders have agreed to your conditions.

Those major shareholders were more straightforward than he imagined.

That's right, although Fosun Kite still has a market value of two to three billion on its books.

But if there is no injection of foreign funds at this time, then Xia Xing Kate will inevitably go bankrupt and liquidated.

After the debts owed are repaid at that time, I am afraid that these major shareholders will not get any money.

After all, market value is not equal to real assets.

And once with Ye Chen's 300 million yuan, Fosun Kite can last at least two or three years.

Only when Fosun Kate exists, the shares in their hands are valuable.

Ye Chen seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he was already happy in his heart.

Today's business was smoother than he had imagined.

300 million to get 30% of the shares of Fosun Kate, this wave of profits is hemp.

It was mentioned in the future email that when Fosun Kite’s innovative drug project with special effects on cancer was successful, the market value of Fosun Kate increased by more than ten times in just one year.

Based on the current market value of Fosun Kite, once it increases tenfold, it will be as high as more than 30 billion.

At that time, the 30% equity he holds will be worth nearly 10 billion.

This rate of return has already caught up with the rate of return of the lithium mine project years ago.

"That's ok."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Mr. Ye, shall I immediately arrange for someone to prepare the contract?"

Huang Hai was afraid that Ye Chen would go back on his word, so he decided to sign the contract as soon as possible, so that the uncooked rice would be cooked, even if Ye Chen wanted to go back on his word.


Huang Hai's words hit Ye Chen's heart.

In less than half an hour, the equity transfer agreement was ready in duplicate.

The lawyer brought by Ye Chen reviewed it carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, Ye Chen directly took a pen and signed his name where his signature was required, and pressed his fingerprint

According to the agreement, this time you will make two payments.

The first time is to pay 150 million directly on the day after the agreement is signed, and the remaining 150 million will be paid one month later.

This provision was requested by Ye Chen.

The main reason is that the 500 million yuan was invested in the stock market and futures market a few years ago. Although all of them are short-term and medium-term transactions, it is still difficult to raise 300 million yuan at once.

And even if he could withdraw 300 million in cash at once, Ye Chen would not do so, and would add that payment regulation to the agreement.

Putting this 150 million yuan in the stock market for a month can make a lot of profit.

So, why should he pay in one lump sum.

After transferring 150 million to Fosun Kate's company account, Ye Chen told Wang Hai sternly: "Dr. Huang, the special innovative drug project for treating cancer should be launched immediately. The reason why I am willing to The three hundred million was used to bet on this project..."

"Mr. Ye, please don't worry about this. To tell you the truth, if you didn't invest in Fosun Kate this time, I would have prepared to sell all the real estate under my name to raise funds to continue our special cancer drug project.

Huang Hai said with a smile.

The company's turn of the crisis made Huang Hai's complexion much better.

"Boss Ye, it's past one o'clock now, I've already booked a restaurant, let's go out for a meal together.


It was past three o'clock in the afternoon after lunch.

Ye Chen drove Han Wenwen back to Jiawen's accounting firm, and Han Youwei was also in Han Wenwen's accounting firm, just in time to pick up his wife and go home with her.

For a long time, Zhong Youwei has been trying to supplement accounting expertise.

After all, she is now the chief financial officer of the Chenwei Guild.

Moreover, Ye Chen also said that after Han Youwei becomes more comfortable in the future, Han Youwei will also be the financial director of Haililao in the future.

When encountering knowledge points that she doesn’t understand, Han Youwei will go to her cousin’s accounting office to ask her cousin Han Wenwen for advice.

"Ye Chen, you voted 300 million as soon as you said you would. Your courage is really too great."

Han Wenwen, who was sitting in the back row, said with emotion.

If it were her, she would definitely not have the courage.

Maybe that's why she couldn't make a fortune.

"How should I put it, in fact, the strength of Fosun Kite's research and development team is still very strong. This team has been committed to the research and development of innovative drugs. This time I put my treasure on them.

Hope they don't disappoint me. "

Ye Chen said with a smile while driving.

"Ye Chen, your development is really too fast now, I think Huanchu should already regret leaving you.

It's only been seven months since Ye Chen stepped out of college, but Ye Chen's current net worth is no less than two billion.

Moreover, with the Chenwei Guild and Haili Lao, Ye Chen's net worth is growing rapidly every day.

Losing such a boyfriend, can her cousin Han Youchu really not regret it?

As a woman, she doesn't believe it.

Ye Chen didn't answer the call.

Now he only has Han Youwei in his heart, as for Han Youchu, he has already withdrawn from his world forever.

It's past five.

Ye Chen drove Curry South and drove Han Youwei away from Jiawen Accounting Firm.

"Husband, you have been in the company these few days, how do you feel about my father and Wu Xiaojun's relationship? Has the relationship between the two of them improved?"

Han Youwei 3.7, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, turned sideways and looked at Ye Chen with gossip.

"Don't worry, my wife. According to my observations these days, I think the probability of our father and Wu Xiaojun getting together in the end is very high. Wu Xiaojun must have a good impression of our father.

Our father also has a good impression of Wu Xiaojun, but our father is thin-skinned. "

Ye Chen laughed.

"Hee hee, that's good, if my dad is with Wu Xiaojun, then my dad will have a companion for the rest of his life and won't be lonely, and that woman will stop thinking about remarrying my dad .

Han Youwei said.

On the other side, as soon as Han Ping drove Wu Xiaojun out of the underground parking lot of Xinmao Building in a Passat, his cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was his ex-wife calling again, Han Ping couldn't help frowning.

When he was at work during the day, his ex-wife had already called him several times, but he didn't answer.

After thinking about it, Han Ping still connected the Bluetooth phone.

"Han Ping, why don't you answer my calls during the day?"

Zhang Li's voice sounded aggrieved.

"I'm busy at work during the day, what's up?"

Han Ping asked while driving.

"Then are you off work now? I want to treat you to dinner, Han Ping, do you still remember the Firewood Restaurant? I found out yesterday that this restaurant is still open, and the owner has not changed. Let's go there for dinner tonight."

The Xinhuo Hotel that Zhang Li mentioned was a restaurant that the two of them often went to during their love period.

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